Subaru B9 Tribeca Interior & Passenger Comfort Concerns

PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
edited March 2014 in Subaru
From A/C to seat adjusments to finding a way to clean that stain on the carpet, discuss B9 interior issues here.


  • cluelesspacluelesspa Member Posts: 648
    Yeah first posting in the new group!

    about service bulletin on Drain valve

    I just had the Tech Bulletin fix for the A/C drain orifice installed. this is a small drain that allows the condensation to drain off instead of dripping behind the center vent and making that tapping or some say percolating sound.

    It should only occur when the A/C is on there is humidity being removed from the air... so wont know probably if the fix worked until spring time as its been pretty cold here in Pittsburgh lately.

    Heres a link to the read only message board that details the fix: robotb9, "Subaru B9 Tribeca: Problems & Solutions" #691, 26 Aug 2006 11:14 am
  • PF_FlyerPF_Flyer Member Posts: 9,372
    Heh... I guess you get the GOLD STAR! :P
  • occkingoccking Member Posts: 346
    Let me be the third poster for this catagory. Although I love by Tribeca, the "ride" is about the worst ever I have had in a new car for several years. A very "harsh" ride over any surface unless perfectly smooth.

    I have spoke to the dealer but little they can do. Not like something is broken or anything like that. Seems to me I read that Subaru addressed this & made some improvements in the 07's

    Is it just me or anyone else out there feel the ride is very harsh?
  • css1css1 Member Posts: 247
    I have an 06 Tribeca and my wife is getting an 07. We testdrove the 07 and the ride has been greatly improved. Much softer on uneven roads.

    Yes the ride is harsh on an 06 but that does not seem to bother me.
  • jpgolf55jpgolf55 Member Posts: 34
    I'd be curious to know after you take delivery of the '07 do you think the ride is more slushy, plowing, non crisp etc around turns and general handling? Does it handle fast turns as well as the '06? Any other handling impressions of the '06 verses the '07 that you may have.
  • css1css1 Member Posts: 247
    I look forward to giving you that info. It may be a while though - I ordered it 3 weeks ago.
  • mystromystro Member Posts: 64
    I'm glad to see nobody is reporting any major fixes,since the Tribeca is based on the OB for the most part,this is not a surprise. Thanks
  • mhsb9tmhsb9t Member Posts: 4
    I've never driven an '06 to compare but I feel the ride in our '07 can be harsh. I like most everything about this vehicle but get disappointed with the ride. At times it feels as if the car is rapidly hopping up and down. Possibly what others have referred to as jittery. I'm wondering if it could be an issue with the tires.
  • jpgolf55jpgolf55 Member Posts: 34
    Ok, let us know after you get your new Tribeca.
  • tupintupin Member Posts: 71
    Well, I own an 06 Tribeca and this Saturday I will be going to pick up an 07 Tribeca for my father. I will let you know how I feel about the ride differences. I don't find our Tribeca overy harsh to drive but I haven't encountered terribly bad roads either. I'm wondering if some people have over inflated tires or have an issue that some have with the front suspension bushings.

    I live in Canada and both Tribecas were purchased in the US so I get to drive and live in the 07 for the 8 hour trip I did for our 06. So I should be able to get an idea of any differences.
  • occkingoccking Member Posts: 346
    You're the one in Kensington, or that town next to Charlottetown? Let me know if there is a noticeable diff btwn the 06 and 07. I have been living my car again. Drove to Kingston last night now in Montreal, back home Prov RI tomorrow evening.

    Still getting around 22 mpg for most highway driving. But, the ride, to me is quite "harsh" and I guess I will just have to live with it
  • tupintupin Member Posts: 71
    Yes, I'm in Summerside. Keep in mind that tires can make a huge difference in driving characteristic. I know we got new Goodyear Comforttreads on our Toyota Matrix and it is like a totally different car....bumps are much more cushioned and noise is much reduced. So perhaps you should be investigating what type of tires would give you the best ride.
  • occkingoccking Member Posts: 346
    Goodyear told me the LS 2's, even though they got a terrible rating in Tire Rack supposedly give a much better ride than many of their other products. I would probably get rid of the Ls's when their time is up (maybe 40,000 miles) & get something different. Problem is I had to replace one tire recently, checked around & found I would be ok at 19,000 miles getting one new one of same type. Dealer remarked my remaining three tires looked real good & not so much wear on them that I could keep them & put one new one on. know that with this kind of AWD vehicle the tolerances between all four tires must be minimal. Had to spend $230 for one lousy tire.

    Oh well. Other good news today, I am starting again to do business in Halifax so will have a reason to return there this summer. Heard the tall ships are returning there in 07. We were last there in 00 when the tall ships where there and had a great time.

    If we get there, may try to get back to PEI & look you up. You did say we could get a room there with a "Tribeca" discount???

  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Blame the trend towards enormous rims. 18" is pretty huge. I still remember when the Corvette went to 17"s and that was a big deal. C4, too, not that long ago.

  • paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    If you want a soft cushy ride, use as little tire pressure as you can for the vehicle. This will give you a nice soft ride, you can also get 17" rims for it and that will give you a softer ride as well.

  • mystromystro Member Posts: 64
    It's very dangerious to run deflated tires not to mention it wears out tires. There are better ways to do this. :lemon:
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Subaru's tire pressures tend to be a bit low. For my Forester they recommend just 26 psi on the rear axle when it's unloaded.

    Check on the door jamb, it's usually around 29psi for most models. That's pretty soft.

    I actually use 33psi to get the opposite effect. :D

  • morey000morey000 Member Posts: 384
    I'm not crazy about the ride myself. The handling is very good- I like the way you can throw her into turns with very little body lean.

    If the road is smooth- the ride is silky. If the road is very rough (like off-road), I've found that the long travel suspension really eats it up well. It's those pesky little bumps in between that I feel. I've got an '07, and I was expecting a bit more of a luxurious ride. No car is perfect. Well, except apparently if it's made by Toyota.
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Yodas are overly soft and undersprung, though. They lean a lot. Plus the steering is too light. You don't feel anything.

    They do have a smooth ride, and quiet, too.

  • paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    "It's very dangerious to run deflated tires not to mention it wears out tires. There are better ways to do this. "

    Perhaps you misunderstood me. I didn't say run the pressure below the acceptable level, HOWEVER, sometimes folks fill them up to the max pressure allowed on the tire sidewall, or leave what the dealer put in (often 50psi so if a car sits on the lot the tires don't get flat spots) Check the pressures and make sure they are at what the door jam says to inflate them to.

  • eyepodeyepod Member Posts: 9
    I'm new to the forum and just purchased a 2008 Tribeca 7 pas w/navi. I have the rattle in the cargo area issue and am pretty sure it is from the rear hatch. When going over bumps it sounds like something is loose in the cargo area. It was "horrific" when I picked up the car, took it back, and they re-adjusted latch. This eliminated some of it, but not all. Has anyone actually gotten the dealer to fix this issue successfully? (Does anyone have an '08 without this issue?) Thanks
  • eyepodeyepod Member Posts: 9
    Other than this one issue I love this car. I'm in the upper Midwest and there's been snow on the ground since I bought the car a couple of weeks ago. Even with the so-so OEM tires this car does well in the snow.
  • newsub3newsub3 Member Posts: 7
    see post # 571 and 577 for discussion on rattle/noise issue in rear hatch
    in 2008 Subaru discussion
  • jmpage2jmpage2 Member Posts: 268
    My wife and I drove the 07 Tribeca last year and observed that there was very little legroom for the front passenger seat. I'm 5' 10" with long legs and I found that the oddly up angled floor for the passenger side made it impossible for me to find a comfortable position for the seat so that my legs were ok. I found myself hunched up with my knees bent far too much for a large vehicle.

    Is this an acknowledged problem with the Tribeca? Has anything been done with this as part of the '08 redesign?


  • sudsubsudsub Member Posts: 1
    I have the exact same problem with my 2007 7 pass with NAV. I have been back to the dealer 6 times. No real help. They replaced the rear seat frame which did nothing. I have pinpointed the rattle to the rear seat and the hatch. It just isn't made well and without weight in the back end it rattles. I have given up with the dealer. Not sure what to do. Have you had any resolution?
  • paisanpaisan Member Posts: 21,181
    The hatch rattle has been fixed by several dealers by replacing the struts that hold it up.

  • bt52bt52 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2006 Tribeca. No matter how high I turn the temperature on the passenger side, cold air blows out. That's a problem since it is winter in Ohio. Sometimes it blow hot air to the second row passengers and cool to cold air in the front. Any help here?

    Second question. In the summer, I hear a "popping" sound coming from the center of the dash. Has anyone else experienced this issue and found a fix?
  • DLane24073DLane24073 Member Posts: 1
    I also have a 2006 Tribeca with the cold air in the front passenger seat. Did you ever find the cause and/or fix for it?
  • ponymobponymob Member Posts: 4
    This is unbelievable...I just bought my Tribeca a month's got about 900 miles on it. I've got the 5 pass LTD model and have the same problem...a rattle in the cargo area when you hit a bump or seams in the road. I've had the car back to the dealer 3x so far and they still have not fixed it. What they did was replace plastic trim on the cargo hatch...that did nothing. They took out the spare tire and tools...nothing...they used insulation on some of the plastic in the rear...still same. I refuse to let them off the hook...noises bother the hell out of me..especially from a new car! I'll keep you up-to-date.

    Oh...forgot to mention my other remote start won't work. They had to order an interface board. Also, sometimes my remote access won't open or close the car until I get right up to the door. They think the two problems maybe connected so we're waiting on the replacement board to find out.

    Stay tuned!
  • 3sx3sx Member Posts: 1
    Did anyone ever figure this out? I have the same issue.
  • kabrokeskabrokes Member Posts: 1
    Same issue here. I spoke with a local Subaru Repair shop late last winter, and they said that it would be 3-4 hours just to get to the area that needed work. I'm going to check with them again and speak with the dealership as well.

    Anyone have any ideas? How long SHOULD this take?!
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