GMC Jimmy Engine Codes

bgroulxbgroulx Member Posts: 1
I own a 1996 GMC Jimmy. For the past 3 months, I regularly (once every 2 weeks?) get a engine warning light resulting in code 440.

Initially, I was advised maybe it's just a bad batch of fuel or tightness of fuel cap. Obviously after so many repeats, this is not the problem.

So I don't get hosed going to a mechanic right off the bat, what would be the causes of this issue and the methods of diagnoses and possible repairs or replacements required?

I don't notice any coincidingissues with the vehicle and fuel economy has not dropped since the start of the problem (although in the past month, since weather is colder, fuel economy has dropped noticeably!)

Thank you.


  • repairdogrepairdog Member Posts: 948
    From ODB-code site:
    A code P0440 could mean one or more of the following has happened:
    The gas cap is not installed or working properly
    The purge solenoid has failed
    The canister is plugged and not working properly

    Possible Solutions, diagnosis can be tricky at times. Here are some things to try:
    Remove and reinstall the gas cap, clear the code, and drive for a day and see if the codes come back.
    Inspect the EVAP system for cuts/holes in tubes/hoses
    Inspect for damaged or disconnected hoses around the Evap purge solenoid
    Check and/or replace the sensor
    Check and/or replace the purge valve
    Have a professional use a smoke machine to detect leaks
  • fishing1fishing1 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 1998 4.3 letter Jimmy. I did a code read on it and it say PO147, heater circuit malfunction, bank 1 sensor 3. How do I know which sensor it is? I know they are on the exhaust system and there is at least 3 or 4 of them.
  • repairdogrepairdog Member Posts: 948
    Bank 1, sensor 1 is the first sensor on your driver side closest to the engine.
    Bank 2, sensor 1 is the front pass side.
    Bank 1, sensor 2 is the pre-cat (in front of)sensor.
    Bank 1, sensor 3 is the rear most or post-cat sensor.
  • keltecbobkeltecbob Member Posts: 6
    My son has a 91 s15, with TBI. it has started to hesitate when driving. It seems to idle fine, then on acceleration almost dies out, but if you backoff on normal accel it will slowly accelerate and shift gears. I've changed rotor,dist.cap, plugs, fuel filter, check resistance of wires. Also had a code of 44, replaced with new o2 sensor. Looking into the throat of carb I can see fuel spraying from both injectors. Don't really want to continue just replacing parts needlessly. Thinking maybe the throttle position sensor but don't know how to check the sensor properly. Also fuel pump maybe but it seems to be gettin lots of fuel when I run the accelerator up. Any ideas would be really helpful.
  • SSG402MPSSG402MP Member Posts: 1
    I have been fighting check engine codes for a year now and need some help. I have a 1998 Jimmy. It had a PO446 code for the longest which we replaced just about everything we can think of. We finally replaced the Charcoal canister and now we have a PO442 code. We smoked the system and found a small leak at the canister hose. We fixed that and it is still coming back with the PO442. Any suggestions?
  • runninbearrunninbear Member Posts: 1
    I own a 1999GMC Jimmy with 114,000 moiles and it's lke new--has a new ac compressor but the heater is not getting near hot enough--no heater core leaks and no check engine light on and vents not stopped up. Please help with any suggestions or ideas---thank you
  • tica1tica1 Member Posts: 1
    I cant pass the emission test because of code p0410 how can i fix this problem.
  • ron_a_tronron_a_tron Member Posts: 2
    My wifes 94 jimmy had the transmission and transfer case rebiult a year ago, all was fine. 4x4 was engaged approx 10 times over the winter. a few months ago the rear wiper started to act up, and then lost all power.
    The rear wiper and the 3 way 4x4 switch run of the same power ( this is only my guess). both lost power at the same time.

    Where do i start ? thinking im going to try and feed the 4x4 switch with a power or test for continuity.
  • tar99tar99 Member Posts: 7
    my 97 keeps throwing 440 and 140. to pass the emissions test i borrowed a code reader and erased them just before it went in. It passed with flying colours. I just erase the codes every couple of weeks when they come up as they don't seem to indicate anything that changes my emissions, and they don't affect performance either.
  • margaretdiemargaretdie Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2011
    2 dr 4x4 has engine light on code reads P0053, any ideas
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