Ford Ranger Suspension Issues
I have a vibration on my 01 4L V6 4x4 Ranger at 40 and again at 60MPH that goes away when turning right at these speeds. I noticed this after changing brakes rotors and calipers. My Mechanic told me it was probably the tires (new tires same problem) he said front end was fine. while up on lift pasenger tire is harder to turn than driver side. I have driven almost 1500 miles in this condition. What could this be?
Oh yeah I got a 2003 Edge but somethings telling me not for long. Bought it used with 38K miles on it about 7 months ago to haul junk.
Today,while coming home on the last turn the truck made a loud bang. The right side front dropped about 3 inches. The wheel is still upright in the wheelwell and is not rubbing anywhere. Since it's raining like crazy - I didn't look under the truck.
Could the frame have broken? Any suspension parts besides balljoints?
Need a clue here, guys! Thanks.
I had previously been hearing a hum, so this morning before all of this happened I put the car up on jacks to check the wheel bearing assembly and I couldn't find any slop when shaking the wheel at all.
One of my thoughts is it could be a CV shaft? Or something in the front differential itself
Anyone else have an idea of what could cause this?