Land Rover Discovery and Discovery II

roveringrovering Member Posts: 1
I purchased a brand new Disco in 98', does anyone
know how many miles the engine will realistically
last for ?


  • mhanesmhanes Member Posts: 2
    LR have a good history for lasting a long time, as long as you change the oil often, try doing it every 3500 mile, even if the dealer says 7500 and make sure to rotate the tires every 5000 as well. This car will take you 300,000+ if you treat it nice!
  • mhanesmhanes Member Posts: 2
    I have a 1997 Discovery SD7 with only 28,000 miles and can't decide to keep it or sell it or turn it in to the dealer at the end of the lease?
    The Residual seems a little higher than it's really worth? It's never been of rode and it's even had the leather seats covered it whole 3 years and not a thing wrong with it, it even smells like a new car still after 3 years! I baby this car to death! Change the oil every 3,000 mile not the 7500 the dealer advise and rotate the tires every 5000 miles , the dealer says never do this, their wrong! So what should I do?
    Would I be making a mistake selling a good like new car to someone else or would I be unhappy wanting a different new car, as I'm happy with a car for just about 3 years any how? Hate to sell a good car for a problem later? Any advise please help!
  • bcorzinebcorzine Member Posts: 2
    I recently came across a good deal on a 95 Discovery. I can afford to buy it, but I am not really looking to dump a bunch of money in it. I love the looks, but I was wondering if I could get any input on owners coming up with problems (I have heard the electrical system). Any help would be appreciated!
  • oceandwelleroceandweller Member Posts: 58

  • sineefsineef Member Posts: 1
    I have a 97 Disco. I love the car. I wanted to reply to a couple of the above messages.

    "Should I buy or sell It":
    I would definately buy it! If you find a car you like and you have truly had no problems, I would not let it go.

    "Considering a Disco: I think the disco is the best 4 wheel vehicle I have not only ever owned but had the pleasure to ride in. The electrical has not been an issue for myself. Another consideration is that they hold their value well. If you don't care for it then you can turn it with little or no loss.

    "1996 Land Rover Discovery": I use a shop locally in San Jose that services Land Rover, Jaguar and Mercedes. They have two ex-Land rover mechanics that are excellent and their prices are affordable. Additionally their service is much better than the crappy dealer service we have experienced in the past.

    Now, a question for you all. I have experienced a problem with the automatic rear view mirror. Apparently there is a photo sensitive film on the back of the glass that is now bubbling and peeling away. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a factory recall in place for this?

    Any input would be appreciated.

    Thank you,
  • iwishihadabmwiwishihadabmw Member Posts: 1
    My friend recently purchased a Discovery II in place of her Lexus LX470. They were experiencing problems with the brakes a few weeks ago and put it in the shop for repairs. This was about a month after getting it brand new from he dealer. When they got it back a few days ago, they were driving to the airport in New York City when the brakes failed totally. To make matters worse, the emergency brakes failed too. They hit the car in front of them at a light. Nobody was injured but they could have been badly hurt. My other friend also bought a RR 4.6HSE a few years ago. That car also had a similar problem and was in the shop every other week LITERALLY. For 70K, who would waste their money like that? I would have personally bought a Jag or a 740iL. I love range rovers and wanted to buy a used 4.6 HSE but now i'm scared to get in one again. Every person I know with a RR has problems with it and I wonder why because they are very well made cars and I see old ones every day. I just dont think that two lemons in two years is a conspiracy. What do you think?
    PS I really want a 4.6 HSE so a reply would be well appreciated.
  • discobounddiscobound Member Posts: 1
    HELP!!!! I have been searching for a used Discovery and think I might have found the perfect truck. A '97 "LSE" with 30,000 miles. I have no mechanical aptitude whatsoever... I have never owned a British vehicle, bit have heard a lot of horrifying stories. I am most concerned about reliability.
  • jmcinnis64jmcinnis64 Member Posts: 1
    I am a 95 Disco owner and have much praise for the 4x4. I recently went to an auto-show with the intention of looking at other vehicles. It turned out that most of the show vehicle owners wanted to take a look at my Disco. My 10 year old son thought that was "cool".

    I had some untimely electrical work done because I wanted to install a GPS anti-theft system. The technician did not know about Disco's and did a awful job. I had to go to the dealer to have the electrical mess corrected.

    Lesson learned: Check with the dealer first for any add-on alarms. The LR Disco has a very sophisticated electrical system and should only be maintained by someone who is familiar with it.

    While at the dealership, I had to rent a 2000 Ford Explorer XLT. It turns out that my 95 Disco is more comfortable, handles rough roads better and gives me a better view of traffic. The Explorer only had 4900 miles while my Disco has 60,000! The aluminum body makes a big difference in maintaining appearances.

    These vehicles are meant to last. I have a 6 year body warranty, a 10-year engine warranty (thanx Quaker State Oil) and I know it will last that long. So far, only the altenator has been changed and one ball-joint.

    Consider this when looking at LR's and Disco's: If you want style and dependability, well engineered for mechanically minded, easily upgraded (1994-1999 most parts are interchangeable), then this is the vehicle for you. There are several 3rd party companies that specialize in outfitting your Disco or Rangie and they are all 1st quality.

    Downside: gas mileage is poor - it is a 3 ton 4x4. It is a prize 4x4 for theives - so insurance is high. Few mechanics know about LR's and Disco's - so you have to really look around for a good mechanic or use the dealer ($$$). If you like working on your 4x4 this is a very good toy to play with. If not, it could be very expensive having it maintained by the dealer.

    The brakes are not the best. The Range Rover has a better anti-lock brake system (no wonder at twice the price). Advice: Keep your distance from those in front of you. My dealer gave this advice to me - and my brakes were recently done!

    Best of luck to those of you who are considering a RR or Disco. And for those of you who have a RR or Disco, you know the pride of the best 4x4xFar.

  • deceiveddeceived Member Posts: 3
    I own a 99 Dicovery Series II with 15,000 miles. Recently the ABS brake system has malfunctioned by activating itself at slower nearly stopping distances. There were no road or braking conditions which justifed the ABS system from trigerring itself. Consequently, if you are coming to a slow stop behind another vehicle and the ABS system activates you undercalculate your stopping distance and stop much further than you should have stopped or slam into the car in front of you like happened to me. Some may believe to be this to be a BRAKE FAILURE and it is in fact a failure of the brake system to function properly due to a misinterpretaion of road and speed conditions. I read several others to whom this has happened. Please respond if you have had this BRAKE FAILURE occur to you or know of anyone to whom this has happened.
  • deceiveddeceived Member Posts: 3
    I own a 99 Dicovery Series II with 15,000 miles. Recently the ABS brake system has malfunctioned by activating itself at slower nearly stopping distances. There were no road or braking conditions which justifed the ABS system from trigerring itself. Consequently, if you are coming to a slow stop behind another vehicle and the ABS system activates you undercalculate your stopping distance and stop much further than you should have stopped or slam into the car in front of you like happened to me. Some may believe to be this to be a BRAKE FAILURE and it is in fact a failure of the brake system to function properly due to a misinterpretaion of road and speed conditions. I read several others to whom this has happened. Please respond if you have had this BRAKE FAILURE occur to you or know of anyone to whom this has happened.
  • deceiveddeceived Member Posts: 3
    I own a 99 Dicovery Series II with 15,000 miles. Recently the ABS brake system has malfunctioned by activating itself at slower nearly stopping distances. There were no road or braking conditions which justifed the ABS system from trigerring itself. Consequently, if you are coming to a slow stop behind another vehicle and the ABS system activates you undercalculate your stopping distance and stop much further than you should have stopped or slam into the car in front of you like happened to me. Some may believe to be this to be a BRAKE FAILURE and it is in fact a failure of the brake system to function properly due to a misinterpretaion of road and speed conditions. I read several others to whom this has happened. Please respond if you have had this BRAKE FAILURE occur to you or know of anyone to whom this has happened.
  • accord100accord100 Member Posts: 2
    I owned a 1995 Discovery. Do not buy the used one, you are asking for problems. My truck was new and I spent more time/money on it than I care to imagine. I now drive a Lexus and it is problem free. The truck has so many problems! ALL OF THEM HAVE PROBLEMS in one form or another. Multiple problems. That is why you don't see too many of them on the road anymore. STAY AWAY FROM DISCOVERY!
  • kgoldblumkgoldblum Member Posts: 1
    I had a 1995 Discovery with 5-speed transmission that I loved and replaced it (reluctantly after 100,000 miles)with a 2000 Discovery II which didn't have a 5-speed available. Perhaps it was an omen, but the transmission failed completely after about 300 miles. It was replaced and that has been OK since, but now I'm having problems with the brakes. I have to depress the pedal almost to the floor before it responds but if I "pump" the brake pedal, it responds more quickly and with more brake. Initially the dealer service told me it was the master cylinder which they replaced. This fixed the problem, but only for a short while. The problem returned, they consulted someone, bled the lines and again, it fixed the problem, but again only for a short while. My Discovery is again at the dealer and I've heard nothing. My major concern is that I've driven 2 other Disovery IIs as loaners during the many times my vehicle (with only 4000 miles on it to date) has been in the shop. Both those seem to have similar brake issues. Anyone else with this problem?
  • rkoeslerrkoesler Member Posts: 62
    Sorry to hear about your problems, I can truly feel for you. I had a 99 DII that was a problem just waiting to happen with about 18 dealer trips in 11 months for minor and major repairs. I finally could live with it no more so I traded for a 00 Toyota - it was perfect, but I still longed for the Rover. I now have a 00 DII and it has been perfect so far (at only 6 weeks and 700 miles).

    I have never had a brake problem though. Sounds like a minor air leak in the system. Hope you get it fixed so it does not ruin your Disco spirit.

    Happy Rovering to all.
  • calguy03calguy03 Member Posts: 2
    We are leasing a 97 Discovery. Pretty basic model. Problems so far? There was some oil leak that was fixed by the dealer and an air-conditioning problem. Thats about it. Some minor interior features breaking, but nothing major. We leased the car because it was unique. I suppose if you want a rugged 4 wheel drive off-roading vehicle this is it, but frankly, we never take it off road. And this car is a pain at high speeds. It is very very bumpy and succumbs to high winds easily and definitely is not a good family car for long trips. Gas consumption? Was that suppost to be miles per gallon or gallons per mile? The thing is a gas guzzler. It is tolerable when gas prices were 1.20 but not when they are reaching 1.90 in California, its getting ridiculously expensive to fill it up. As you can tell we have mixed feelings about this car. The uniqueness factor is definitely major, but for our purposes, it is just not practical. We will be turning it in 3 months before the lease expires, we ran down most of the allowed miles and don't exactly feel like paying for extra miles. This was our first and last SUV. The car just makes no sense as a family car, most family sedans have much more passenger room and have a considerably better ride, not to mention almost twice better gas mileage.
  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601
    That's why I've been wondering when the SUV craze is going to fade. If you don't need to go off road or have to deal with major inclement weather conditions why would you want to put up with an ill handling, ill performing, gas hog SUV beast? Especially when there are so many nice euro sport wagons on the market.

    Don't get me wrong, I owned a Range Rover for over 8 years in Colorado and loved it. I was an off road fanatic and really became a dyed in the wool Rover owner. My old Rangie never stranded me and was a very dependable vehicle until I sold it with 160k miles on it.

    I was transferred to Florida a couple of years ago so have absolutely no need of an SUV here. We've taken up sailing and enjoy it every bit as much if not more than off roading as a passtime. So we have an Audi A6 Quattro Avant as our hauler here. The Audi's been a perfect match for our new locale.

    I can't imagine why someone would want to put up with 1950's era handling performance, gas mileage etc, if you don't off road or have any practical use for what SUV's (especially Land Rovers) are primarily designed to do.

    What made me a Land Rover fanatic is experiencing what one will do off road - basically defy the laws of physics. People that yak about that "feeling" a Land Rover gives them dispite never taking it off road make me laugh, what an increadable waste of an incredable off road vehicle.
  • rkoeslerrkoesler Member Posts: 62
    I agree with "rickrover" except I like the LR "feeling" as much as anything. I've had all types of vehicles, from lg. SUV's to sm. roadsters, and none satisfy my particular "need" like a quirky, "why-the-hell-did-they-do-that" LR Disco. I don't need a 4x4 but will not do without one. I spend maybe 3 weeks a year in NM or CO, and that's what I and my 4x4's live for.

    "calguy03", I understand what you are saying, but did you drive a D-II with ACE before choosing the '97 D-I? If you did, I can't believe you would want anything else, especially since it gives you that "uniqueness" plus a good, stabel, solid, and sway-free ride. Mine gives me 16 - 19 mpg (as good as my wheezy V6 Toy 4x4 truck).

    00 DII, (previously 00 BMW "M" roadster, 98 MBZ CLK 320, 00 Toy 4Runner 4x4 Limited), 90 Toy xtracab 4x4, 82 MBZ 240D (plus 23 others over several years).
  • calguy03calguy03 Member Posts: 2
    We leased the Discovery brand new in '97, and no, we haven't driven the newer ones. I am sure they are much better vehicles. I am glad they made them more roomy as well (from what I've seen.) Oh yeah, and about a $3-4000 price hike. Really, to get a fully loaded Discovery will add up to something like 40 grand these days. And still, the Discover does not offer as much passenger room (leg room in particular in the rear) as many family sedans. The thing is still a gas hog. We have gotten ours to give us about 16-17 on the highway, about 12-13 city driving. On top of that, it lacks decent acceleration and still needs to be pushed hard to go 70 up a hill. Don't get me wrong, this is a great off-road vehicle. This is the best SUV in that aspect. Ride comfort? It probably still lags. Gas economy? They're all gas hogs, with the Pathfinder giving ya 15/19. All I am saying, is that 99% of SUV drivers out there (including our family) do not need an SUV, and in fact would be much better off with a sedan or one of the european wagons if we are in need of room. But of course SUVs are extremeley profitable for the auto makers, and as long as people keep on buying them, they'll keep on making them. But notice one trend, towards smaller SUVs and crossover vehicles, more car-like SUVs. They are all pretty much glorified wagons. I think the auto makers are realizing that there will be eventually a drop in the truck-like gas-hogs that we know as SUVs. Those are my 2 cents worth.
  • homer61388homer61388 Member Posts: 54
    My sister is considering a ford explorer Limited V6, Jeep grand cherokee Limited V8, and a Land Rover Discovery. She likes the all around performance of the ford and jeep, but is wondering about the land rover? She knows it's the heaviest of the three and has the littlest engine of the group, but heard about some changes made to the engine and is wondering if it helped? She can't test drive one because the nearest dealership is 150 miles away! Please give info. She's also wondering about the handling assistment/bigger wheels? Does it inprove the ride or make it worse and is it a bigger inprovement over the base model. Also how affective is the four wheel drive/traction control in the winter time? Thank You!
  • bpagraganbpagragan Member Posts: 2
    Had a 97 Disco - trouble from day 1. Numerous oil and PS fluid leaks, dead battery (1st month), engine management computer died three times, gas tank replaced for leak, differential seal leaks, various rattles and squeaks. Traded in w/18k miles.

    Have a 98 Disco - not 1 problem at all thru 15k miles.

    Have a 00 Disco - no problems thru 3k miles.

    Basically, no rhyme or reason as to mechanical reliability. There is virtually no difference between the 97 and 98, yet the two drove like two different vehicles entirely. The 00 is light years better that the 98 - quiet (relative term), marginal better power and acceleration, moderately more room, etc.

    Any vehicle can be a problem......
  • booboo7booboo7 Member Posts: 1
    Hello Group, I have D2 with 12,000 Miles and have just had my windscreen replaced due to a noise in the left-hand corner of the dash. The first time I heard it I took it in and of course during the noise finding drive the tech it did not happen. After some time it became so bad that during the next noise finding drive it was obvious. What I was told and shown was that in the factory they put in spacers to hold the windscreen in place ( they are 1/4 inch round and orange ) and then they put sealant around the windscreen. The spacers are supposed to be removed after that and the rest of the sealant put in. Well they left my spacers in and the noise was coming from the bottom edge of the windscreen rubbing on the spacer. The Portland OR, LRD took care of everything and the noise went away, unfortunately a large crack appeared in the windscreen to improper installation; but they took care of that as well. So if you have a noise in the dash that is hard to pinpoint then tell them about the spacers.
  • mattd4mattd4 Member Posts: 4
    hey all this is my first post. i'm about to buy a 2000 Discovery II. anything i should know about these cars? how do they rate? are they really worth it?
  • anonymousanonymous Member Posts: 314
    hey all this is my first post. i'm about to buy a 2000 Discovery II. anything i should know about these cars? how do they rate? are they really worth it?
    i'm goin to get the basic car, and add the duel sunroofs and then mabey a 6 cd changer. can you add a changer aftermarket? i understand you cant use the stearing wheel controls for it then. anyone know?
  • donelondonelon Member Posts: 2
    I just bought a 00 Disco II in April. I bought the basic model with the leather pkg and winter pkg added to. It stickered at $37,500 and I got it for $34,000. I am having one sunroof put in on Monday here in Kansas City through the Land Rover Dealer. They can put in two if I want and will be using all LR parts to do so. But, I drove one with two sunroofs. The back one is useless in my opinion. Only putting one is will cost me $900. Both would have cost over $1500. It is not worth it in my opinion.

    Over than that, I have 4000 care free miles on the truck. Several of the posts on the Disco II have scared me re: reliability. It appears that Land Rover has some quality control issues. One vehicle off the line may run flawlessly for years while another one off the line the next day will be trouble from the start. Jaguar has much the same problem. After Ford bought them out, this was decreased significantly and now Jag is on JD's power list. Hopefully the same will happen for LR. I hope I got one of the good ones because I don't have patience for repairs after driving Japanese cars my whole life.

    You will love your Disco II. The basic II with the new dura grain leather (ie fake leather) is a great buy and the interior is just as good as the leather, without the smell (which I love). You should be able to get one for around $30,000 new.

    Regarding the CD player, I looked and could not find any after market ones. I would stick with the Dealer installed unit to be safe. I didn't get one because I am too lazy to change out the CDs. They need to make an in-dash unit. These are more popular.
  • mattd4mattd4 Member Posts: 4
    today i leased my Disco II SD
    i got
    with duragrain
    i got running boards, rear lamp guards, and a 6 cd changer. any other toys i should look into?
  • mattd4mattd4 Member Posts: 4
    we just sighend the papers today to lease, but my dad is having second thoughts. he thinks buying it is the way to go, because that way you can put up alot of money up front, but then you ahve nothing to show for all that money when you give back the car. if you own it, you can pay lot upfront and you have a car forever to show. thats a good way to think. another thing, how many miles can these engines go... and if you dont get foglights installed from the factory, can you buy identical ones aftermarket? as i think of more anxious i'm awaitng delevery on friday. :):) say if i needed to pass someone on a 2 lane highway lets say, would the disco II have probelms doin that? thats all i can think of for now...i will post more probally. any responces would be apreaciated
  • bpagraganbpagragan Member Posts: 2
    Buying is the way to go, if you think you'll keep it a long time. Plan to keep it for three years, then lease.

    Any engine, well maintained, will last a long time. And don't let the postings regarding engine acceleration scare you. The car is fine off the line. Its not the fastest when passing on the interstate, but it is more than adequate. I'd rather have the 4,500 pounds under me. I have never had a problem merging on on-ramps.

  • nutmegstatenutmegstate Member Posts: 2
    I'm glad I found this message board!! My husband and I are going tonight to what seems to be the only dealer in CT. (Guilford...Are there dealers in RI..or Mass??) to check out the Disco II. Because of everyone's input on this message board, I will have many questions!!

    My husband favors the the Toyota Land Cruiser (which we've looked at), and I favor the Disco II. Does anyone have any comparisons of the two??

    I'm a little disappointed to hear the acceleration of the Disco is not the greatest (especially on the highway). I'm known to have a heavy foot and that would be a concern of mine.

    Mattd4: Good luck to you and your new Disco II...I hope all goes well!!
  • mattd4mattd4 Member Posts: 4
    thank you all! friday is the day! i cant wait!
  • neilg432neilg432 Member Posts: 5
    I have found and fallen for a 95 discovery, It was traded for a DII. My question the vehicle has 98,000 miles, what can I expect to give in the near future. I'm buying the DI from a wholesaler, but went to the LR dealer today with VIN in hand and they gave me complete vehicle history. It seems the DI was in the shop quite a bit for various electrical problems and oil leaks. However, the DI was serviced at all intervals and looks great. Any feedback would be great.
  • mark156mark156 Member Posts: 1,915
    Neil, unless you are getting the truck really cheap, you are going to spend a lot of money on repairs. 98,000 is high mileage for a '95. I think the records speak for themselves; you are going to know your mechanic very well. (just my .02 worth)
    2010 Land Rover LR4, 2013 Honda CR-V, 2009 Bentley GTC, 1990 MB 500SL, 2001 MB S500, 2007 Lincoln TC, 1964 RR Silver Cloud III, 1995 MB E320 Cab., 2015 Prevost Liberty Coach
  • 99suburban99suburban Member Posts: 1
    1. I LOVED my Land Rover.
    2. It saved my life in an accident, no question.
    3. Lets be honest, they are junky cars. They will ALWAYS leak. They will blow head gaskets and unless you are always off road and I mean really off roading, buy something else.
  • c211c211 Member Posts: 1
    My Discovery has 107,000 miles, and yes, it had some problems, but all in the first few years. The dealer told me at the time that the things that messed up were things that were added to make the car sell well in the states. After those things were fixed, we've had 60.000 more trouble free miles. Now my teenager is driving it, and I want it back.
  • oceandwelleroceandweller Member Posts: 58
    i'm still searching for a qualified mechanic for my dealership is great, but $75/hour for service on top of parts is ludicrous. anyone in upstate NY???...I'd prefer to do some of the work my self, such as oil changes and ext. part!?
  • buzzcauldron1buzzcauldron1 Member Posts: 1
    I just purchased a 2000 Discovery Series II. I am looking for an after market CD changer that will use the existing wiring. I opted for the leather upgrade so the vehicle is pre-wired for a CD changer. Any advice?
  • kend5kend5 Member Posts: 1
    Can someone shed some light? I am looking at leasing a '99 Discovery. Everything I have read says that '99 is the first year for the series II. However, the information the dealer gave me has the stats for the series I (i.e. length and width). Are there '99's that are both series I and series II or are all '99's series II and I got a bad brochure?
  • zinheadzinhead Member Posts: 4
    The II was introduced partway through the 1999 MY and was sold concurently with the SI for a period of time. Brochures from that time period lists specs for both vehicles.
  • oceandwelleroceandweller Member Posts: 58
    check they offer cd changers for disco I and II pre-wired or not. Happy the way it is cheaper than the dealer ship, but identical CD changer.
  • rkoeslerrkoesler Member Posts: 62
    Hello, everyone.

    I've been posting here for about 2 years, ever since I got my 99 DII in Feb. 99. It was a piece of crap! One of the first DII's off the line. I traded it for a 00 4Runner (perfect vehicle), traded that for a 00 BMW, then traded that for a 00 DII (I could not stand to be without the Disco, it had grown on me and I had come to love it, except for all the problems).

    My current DII is now 3 months and 3000 miles old and has been perfect. I just did a 2500 mile trip to CO, went off-road, and am convinced that this is the best, all-capable SUV one can buy. And I've had just about every SUV you can get.
  • ichangichang Member Posts: 1
    Good Day to Everyone,
    Is it OK to buy a 97 Discovery with over 40k of mileages?
    Does year 97 is a good year? (I am not talking about wine)
    Thanks in advance!!
    -- Ivan
  • nanuqnanuq Member Posts: 765
    Sure, that's a good number of miles. At this point it's about to go "over the hump" so all niggly repairs are dealt with, AS LONG AS there is lots of warranty left. People will take the BS of fixing all these little problems only so long, then they dump it. As of 30k miles ALL my problems are gone. 30k to 50k is about the right range. Watch out for the 52k mile service, it's expensive. Have the dealer bring up the truck history by VIN and see what its life has been. Lots of regular mainenance? Watch out for the sticking valves problem, it started in '96 with the 4.0 liter engine. It's covered by warranty but VERY expensive otherwise.

    Good luck, -Bob
  • oceandwelleroceandweller Member Posts: 58
    I purchased My Disco this past April and now she has 56,000 miles. Nanuq: you mentioned the 52k service, what exactly does that involve? My dealer hasn't said anything about any needed service. I just had an oil change and the hoses and housing replaced for the power steering, but they said everything else is like new. When I purchased her she had a little less than 52k on her and she came with a certified pre-owned warranty. Any input??
  • discojohnnydiscojohnny Member Posts: 1
    Hello all, I am purchasing a Disco 96 next week It has 57,000 miles.The person I am buying from says is has a warranty until 2004 or 87,000. I would like to know about this 52K service too. How would I know if everything was done to keep the warranty in effect? How many more service calls other than an oil changes should I expect.
  • mark156mark156 Member Posts: 1,915
    You are now on your third '00 model ?...... what a loss of money! If you traded in each vehicle, you must have lost 5,000-8,000 per trade.

    I hope you are happy with the new one, if not, your salesman will be very happy.

    Happy motoring. Mark
    2010 Land Rover LR4, 2013 Honda CR-V, 2009 Bentley GTC, 1990 MB 500SL, 2001 MB S500, 2007 Lincoln TC, 1964 RR Silver Cloud III, 1995 MB E320 Cab., 2015 Prevost Liberty Coach
  • patmarcpatmarc Member Posts: 2
    Steamchaser: can you provide some more information on this recall? I have a '00 DII but never got a notice. Purchased in June.

    Regards, Pat
  • zedleyzedley Member Posts: 1
    I'm thinking of a 2001 DISCO II with ACE. Does anybody have any info on the reliability of this system.

    Also has anybody gotten any kind of discount off list?

  • suv_ersuv_er Member Posts: 1
    Hello, I am in the market for a Disco II.
    Does anyone know if the 2001 model will have
    any new features from the 2000 model? If you do
    could you list them? Also, when will the 2001 model come out?

  • bbc28bbc28 Member Posts: 6
    I am in the process of buying a 97 Discovery. Its a lease return so the factory warranty just expired and I am looking for a good replacement. Everything I've scene has been very expensive and some warranty shops don't even offer one for the Landrover.

    Also looking for either aftermarket or factory cd changer!
  • bbc28bbc28 Member Posts: 6
    Anyone here work on their own Discoverys? From what I see the problems relate mostly to hoses and gaskets-things that may be easy from folks to fix themselves. Am I being a little too hopeful?
  • ericnazericnaz Member Posts: 1
    I just started looking at Land Rovers for my next vehicle. The one I am currently looking at has 40K miles. I am assuming it's out of warranty, so how do I go about getting one? Also, are these vehicles chic magnets?
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