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Transmission Fluid Leak?

RubberMechRubberMech Member Posts: 3
edited October 2023 in Saturn
Hi I have this problem that is making me worried.

When I wiped the stuff on it I recognized it as transmission fluid.
I am not sure what to do here.


  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,791
    How much fluid have you had to add, and how often? Some other details would be how many miles are on this and are there any other issues with the transmission and the car in general?

    While it's annoying to have a leak like this you do need to weigh what the cost of repairing it would be compared to what it would cost to occasionally just add some fluid. You do have to be careful with additives that claim to stop leaks. While they have additives that can soften seals, they can sometimes go too far and then that forces your hand when it comes to facing having to repair the transmission. There are also times when the leak rate cannot be affected by an additive such as surface corrosion pushing past a seal or wear of a sealing surface. If the biggest concern is the fluid that does leak leaving drops on the garage floor an old cookie sheet can solve that by putting it below the drip when you park.
  • RubberMechRubberMech Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2023
    I have been starting to think here if the hole in the second picture where it looks like a gear is exposed is supposed to be that way or not. I saw somebody on youtube where he was replacing the transmission showed a brief moment of the exact area I see and it seems like that is an intentional design by the manufacture at 41:58


    I wonder... Why is it exposed?

    Just to let you all know, my car has 90,000 miles on it, it is a manual transmission, and I have just recently used Lucas' Transmission Fix. According to the chilton service manual, I have to put 2 quarts of transmission fluid to my transmission and it has to be DEXRON III Automatic. I have noticed, after applying Lucas's Transmission Fix, that clutching my car is now smoother. I am going to drive my car for a while because I think it is going to get that Lucas' Transmission Fix all over the components of the transmission. Probably will report back.
  • RubberMechRubberMech Member Posts: 3

    Here is some good news: I am certain of what is leaking under my car. It is coolant, not transmission fluid. The color of the leaking fluid is the same color as my coolant is. My transmission fluid has more of a pink color, where as my coolant is orange-red.

    The bad news is I do not think the K-Seal Coolant Repair liquid I just dumped into the coolant did not work.
    I will keep driving and see if it stops.
  • defriodefrio Member Posts: 3
    The previous owner stripped the bolt holes on tyranny. Then he rethreaded the tyranny, then he stripped them again. Now with new gasket it still leaks due to not being able to tighten bolts. What can be done?
  • thecardoc3thecardoc3 Member Posts: 5,791
    Would need to see the damage to be sure. Heli-coils are one way to repair damaged threads. Sometimes the holes can be drilled and threaded oversized. There is always a chance that the damage could be severe enough that only replacement of the transmission case will fix it. https://www.amazon.com/SEDY-Thread-Repair-Helicoil-Metric/dp/B07MZQK1HP/ref=asc_df_B07MZQK1HP/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=647207093418&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13703579886599462504&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005862&hvtargid=pla-882421340122&psc=1&mcid=a39eafbcd0f53b009e96981ccd530a3d
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