2016 gmc Savana 3500 6.0 Cranks but no start - ABS flickering and Brake light

2016 gmc Savana 3500 6.0 Cranks but no start - ABS flickering and Brake light. First abs light came on out of no where and truck stalled, wouldn’t start. Fuel pump wasn’t kicking out with key turned or while trying to start (fuel pump 2 months old). Fuel pump relay wasn’t working. Relay tested good and fuse was good. Installed new junction box (fuse box) and truck ran good for 2 days. Today abs light and brake light started coming on and off during the work day and truck died. Won’t start again, relay good and fuse good for fuel pump, fuel pump not running now during turn key or trying to start.
No codes showing other than typical o2 sensors. Everything works great until driven for roughly 30 mins- 2 hours then abs and park brake light with flash and starts stalling the truck. Then truck wont start, let truck sit for 6 plus hours and truck will start again and run for 30 mins - 2 hours.