OBDII Diagnostic Scan Tools
After getting multiple CELs within the last couple of months on my 2001 Forester, the dealer "fixed" the current error and said that it was a gas cap issue (charged me $120 for THAT). Only reason I had the Subaru dealer check it is that our regular mechanic couldn't decipher the meaning of the code (thought it was the car's computer that was the error), that and I was due for a 90k service. Anyway, other than making frequent trips to either Autozone or shelling out 120 bucks at the Subaru dealership each time the CEL comes on, I figure I could purchase a OBDII tool to figure out what the errors are. I was curious to find out if anyone else has one. If so, what kind? How well does it work? Price?
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I have used the code scanner to delete a couple of alarms that turned on the CEL. They didn't look like serious problems and did not reoccur after deletion. When the knock sensor went bad, I knew that it was a real problem because the alarm would return if deleted.
An OBDII scanner is nice to have.
I've also used it for two friends to read and clear codes from them.
I replaced the knock sensor about a month ago, had the codes cleared, came up clean, and the next day the engine light came back on.
I have only had the car about 16 months and it currently has 120,000.
Kind of getting annoying.
Anyone know of this situation ???
Do you know what the codes were each time? Misfires? Or something else?
Spark or fuel, as they say. Could be the plugs or plug wires, or the ignition coil. Hope it is because all are cheap and easy fixes.
although there are more simplier ones available at a lower price too....
I paid around $50 bucks.
Good luck!
I used it to fix a knock sensor. Paid for itself right there.
It has NO memory, NO batteries, no real time, it takes power from the vehicle. Just bring a pencil to write down the numbers.
What the heck? That is NOT my car in the preview picture!!! Gone when I post though.
It states. What is the obd-ll drive cycle for a 99 Saturn SL2.
A: - 1-8 cold start, accelerate, hold steady speed, decelerate, Accelerate, Hold steady Speed, and Decelerate. With more detailed information on each 8 steps.
Thank you again,
I will try this. If you have any other info please let me know. Thank you, Abby
Don't worry about the preview picture - it seems to be some sort of non-executed functionality that has been there since the forum went to the current format. On CarSpace member pages, posts include a thumbnail (and include the correct one!), but that feature was never enabled on the forum.