Mazda B-Series Interiors

clarityjaneclarityjane Member Posts: 1
edited August 2014 in Ford
My son just bought a '98 B3000 (with 87K miles!), and the inside latch on the center console is long-gone...he would like to replace the console with a model that would still allow for the console to be lifted up to be able to use the third seat. We have searched many online parts sites (for Mazda and Ford) and they have everything BUT the console!!! Anyone out there able to point us in a good direction? Thanks!


  • soobguysoobguy Member Posts: 3
    Hello. I have a clean 84 B2000 with only 67000 miles, runs well and has been maintained but needs new window felt and door weatherstrips.

    Does anyone carry these kinds of things?

    Thank you...
  • efreckefreck Member Posts: 2
    i have the same problem with a 99 ford ranger, im to the point of just removing the old console / armrest and just taking it to the dealer. my dad works for a parts distributor and i can get any info on it from him, so i guess the dealer is the only way to go.
  • nbraddnbradd Member Posts: 2
    I have an '84 B2000 pick-up and I need a vacuum diagram for the engine if anyone can help please I need one!
  • soobguysoobguy Member Posts: 3
  • nbraddnbradd Member Posts: 2
    hey man i have an 84 and i need some help with it. you said yours runs great i need help with the engine and if you are near kentucky msg me and ill give you my number .
  • sabrina20sabrina20 Member Posts: 11
    I have a 84 B2000 so gar it was great.
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