2007 RL - Vapor Lock???

milehi3milehi3 Member Posts: 1
edited April 2014 in Acura
I test drove the 2007 RL, the same vehicle 3 times over a 7 day period. On my last drive, the temp was 95 degrees and after a 15 minute drive the car stopped in traffic and would not start. The dealer's service manager claimed that this problem happened occassionally on TLs but never on the RL. That was enough for me to balk at buying the RL. I wonder if I am over reacting to my experience. I have not seen this problem mentioned on this or anyother site. I thought vapor lock was a thing of the past. Thanks for your comments.


  • vavavavolvovavavavolvo Member Posts: 110
    I think vapor lock is a phenomenon associated with carburetors, not fuel injectors like the RL has. You are fortunate to have experienced that on a test drive. I wouldn't ever consider buying that particular vehicle...probably has some unique problem. I would be interested if other RL owners experienced this.
  • tamparltamparl Member Posts: 42
    I have an 06 RL with 10K miles. I also follow several Acura RL Web Boards. There has been no mention of this.

    My RL has been running flawlessly with not as much as a sputter.

    My guess is what you experienced was an anomoly. It could have been fuel, improper new car prep or perhaps an electronic defect.

    No car is perfect, but this is not an inherent trait of the RL.
  • quackquackquaquackquackqua Member Posts: 6
    I have an 06 and I've never experienced this or heard of it in an RL.
  • eclipse2eclipse2 Member Posts: 64
    I have a 06 RL with 12,000 miles on it and never heard of that! also never had any problem what so every with this car! :shades:
  • brnpabrnpa Member Posts: 7
    There is a TSB for vapor lock: 07-003 070119 Fuel System - Vapor Lock Condition. Affects 05, 06 and some 07 RLs. Probably tied to specific VIN numbers...
  • cbrosecbrose Member Posts: 6
    For anyone interested, here's the vapor lock TSB:
  • patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    Thank you for making that available!
  • cbrosecbrose Member Posts: 6
    No problem. I live in the Philly suburbs and my local library has a web database for car repair. All the TSBs are listed there for each year, plus repair instructions for a lot of car models. Great resource!
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