Nissan Maxima Sun Roof Problems
Last week I foolishly left my sun roof open a bit and forget to close it before I went to sleep. During the night, we had very hard rain and I had a lot of water in the area of the sun roof motor and switch, that is located in the roof just above the rear view mirror.
The sun roof stopped functioning and I had to loosen the motor to get the water out. I let the area dry out for a few days. The sunroof does not function as it did before the rain damage. It now opens and closes in about 2-3 inch in 2-3 inch increments. When in the fully closed position and the switch that bring the sun roof forward (closed) and backward (Open) is held to the closed position, the roof tilts up from the rear. That never happened before. That function was controlled by the other sun roof switch that only raised and lowered it. The switch that only raised and lowered the sun roof now does what the open and close switch does. It seems that the individual functions of the two switches now do the same thing. The up and down function of the sun roof only raises the roof about two inches. Prior to the rain damage, it raised the roof enough to accommodate the whole hand. It no longer does this.
Is the switch damaged from the water? Is their some other damage to the mechanical part of the sun roof? I am hopeful that it is only the switch assembly and not the other parts of the roof. Can anyone please advise me on this?
The sun roof stopped functioning and I had to loosen the motor to get the water out. I let the area dry out for a few days. The sunroof does not function as it did before the rain damage. It now opens and closes in about 2-3 inch in 2-3 inch increments. When in the fully closed position and the switch that bring the sun roof forward (closed) and backward (Open) is held to the closed position, the roof tilts up from the rear. That never happened before. That function was controlled by the other sun roof switch that only raised and lowered it. The switch that only raised and lowered the sun roof now does what the open and close switch does. It seems that the individual functions of the two switches now do the same thing. The up and down function of the sun roof only raises the roof about two inches. Prior to the rain damage, it raised the roof enough to accommodate the whole hand. It no longer does this.
Is the switch damaged from the water? Is their some other damage to the mechanical part of the sun roof? I am hopeful that it is only the switch assembly and not the other parts of the roof. Can anyone please advise me on this?
Dealer said the entire motor and cable needs to be replaced at cost of $900.00. Sounds like a lot of BS to me.
I can get motor assembly for 200 dollars. The motor and operation sounds fine to me. It just stops each 2 to 3 inches and another press keeps it moving, but a pain. Let me know if you find out anymore.
I can not imagine that water would cause the motor to open and close the sunrrof in predictable increments every time I try it. If the motor became damaged I think the open/close function would be sporadic and not the same each time. It leads me to believe the damage and malfuntion is in the switching assembly.
The entire dome light and switch "pop" off by pulling down on the right hand edge of the switch/light plastic housing (pull on down on passenger side edge). Then disconnect the dome light and sun roof electric plugs and you will then have the switch/light assembly in your hand to do with as you wish. I was only uncertain about one position on the switch as I don't have wiring diagram. Given the switches are sealed (enclosed) hard to see how they would get wet. I am not ure they are waterproof however.
Are you Nissan Technician?
2002 Nissan Maxima(totalled in a wreck last year back in July -RIP) where I couldn't get the sunroof to open at all. I wish I could remember exactly what I did, but I believe this
had something to do with when I had just had a new battery installed in the car, and at the time I thought there was something wrong with the sunroof(Actually, I was sort of cursing because my warranty had just run out!) But I'm
thinking I must have checked in the manual under the sunroof operation on how to get it working again. I just don't remember exactly what it was that I had to do. Does your manual for your Maxima have any info about the sunroof?
That is total BS. One if the motor went you wouldn't be able to move the roof at all.
Secondly as it was stated before all you have to do is reset the moon roof. The way you Re- program the roof is by hitting the roof button so it opens it up all the way. Than close the roof in the same manor. By doing it a couple of time it will re program the roof. It takes about 5 minutes. That amount of work is definatley not worth $900. :surprise:
Last week after three weeks of "no problems", the lights for the emergency brake light and for the battery light stay on. There does not seem to be a problem as far as the car starting and operation of all of the electrical demand on the cars charging system.
Last week while I ran the car, and after running the AC, the emergency brake light and the battery light are staying on after the normal self-diagnosis routine when staring a car. Their does not seem to be any problem with the electrical system. Everything that needs electricity operates as it should, and the car turns over like it did when new.
Why is this happening and how is this eliminated?
Does the cars computer need to be reset?
First they told me i had to purchase a nissan battery - then i would need my
Dashboard replaced and a new sunroof motor and switches and they would have to
Keep my car for almost 6 months before they could find a gas gauge/odometer
Suitable for my car. This all because my battery was failing and I was driving when it happened. Drove right into Sears - and replaced the battery with the top of their line. Little did I know that the sunroof, systems indicators, gas gauge to mention a few things - all stopped working. What did they say... "you needed to purchase a Nissan Battery".. my response - Nissan does not make batteries, and I was on the road when this happened and this is general maintenance of my vehicle. Then they said to bring it in - the first thing they told me was it was "out of warranty" - any excuse - then they said the whole dashboard has to come out and be replaced...
If you look on the internet - there are thousands of people that are suffering from the same problem - Nissan needs a recall - mind you - all because the battery was replaced... well Nissan - you need a recall - because everyone replaces their own battery - recall all the years that cause problems with battery removal -
Then the dealership called me one day to offer me a $9.98 oil change. After it was done - they charged me more than $35.00 - they knew I was there for the special oil change - and what the Manager said - when I checked the amount on my bill was "well, you were supposed to tell your service man why you were here, and what we offered. Remember - I walked into service and they knew I was expected and for what - they are liars and cheats. When I called back the manager - he told me he would give me a $30 credit on my account. Now, they will not even return my calls.
not even for parts information.
No I would never go back here again - never buy a Nissan again (I've had 5 Nissans, 3 Maxima's) and I will tell everyone one I know to go down the block to Bill Tyson Automotive in Royal Palm Beach instead. 561-753-6122 - they will help you and they are honest people.
> bill tyson automotive - undid the damage in just a few moments - and i now
Have a great place to go for my 2007 nissan maxima se -
> and
> i can trust them too.
> thanks guys - your the best!!!!
Nissan Maxima 2011 As of Nov 2013 I was told by the dealer that my battery was not good so I had it rechecked at another auto place and the results were the same. So I had the battery replaced. Afterwards my sunroof stopped automatically opening and closing. I was told by the dealer that it would be $100 to do a diagnostic test for my sunroof and of course my warranty had run out. My words, "No way, you could take that off!" Thank God my aunt had me read the manual and my curiosity lead me to this site. I did the 'tilt and hold' method and my sunroof is automatic again. Thanks everybody!!!!