Subaru Tribeca Extended "Gold Plus" Warranty
Can anyone give me their experiences with the extended warranty? Even though it's the "Gold Plus" plan it seems like so many things are not covered or there are so many loop holes SOA might weezle their way out of making good on a legitimate claim. I plan on keeping this vehicle for quite some time so the warranty is of interest to me; but only if they hold up to their claims.
I just purchased an 07 Tribeca and the dealer quoted me $1495 for the 6/100K plan (w/$50 deductible) and would also include free scheduled maintenances for 3y/30K.
Is this a fair deal? Has anyone had problems with legitimate claims? If you purchased it, would you purchase it again?
Thanks all!
I just purchased an 07 Tribeca and the dealer quoted me $1495 for the 6/100K plan (w/$50 deductible) and would also include free scheduled maintenances for 3y/30K.
Is this a fair deal? Has anyone had problems with legitimate claims? If you purchased it, would you purchase it again?
Thanks all!
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Also, my wife has used the roadside assistance service - you get that for the full 6 years included in the price.
had a new strut and wheel bearing on a 02 WRX under ext warranty also
nothing to claim yet on my 06 Tribeca, I paid 1560 for a zero deductible 7/100 for the Tribeca.
I have 33k+ on my '06 Tribeca, and with no real problems, I want to be covered for the long haul. I'm still trying to decide waht to do before the warranty runs out in a month or so :-)
-Karen in AZ-
Even simple things add up to $600 or more very quickly.
What made us get the warranty was that the previous car we owned cost us $2500 in repais in years 5-7. Half the price of a warranty.
FWIW I think they are only worth it if you plan on keeping it a long time and get the longest coverage as you already have a 5/60 powertrain factory warranty. having said that I broke even before 5/60 as my a.c went kaput and was covered by the ext warranty and it would have been 2 grand plus for what they ended up doing.
I bought a new 2006 B9 Tribeca witht he extended 100k warranty. At 57k miles my passenger front ball joint collapsed after I had complained to the dealership of noise in the front-end 3 seperate times and they diagnosed and scheduled a sway bar bushing to be replaced. The ball joint should have been covered under the regular power train warrenty never mind the extended warranty.
Well, Subaru denied the claim saying that the ball joint could't have just broken and I must have had an accident. Even though I had pictures of the scene that I sent, there was no external damage from an impact, only damage to the ball joint and fender and bumper from the inside where the tire smashed into it after the ball joint broke and where the front end of the car collapsed on the fender as it slid to a stop in the dirt on the side of the road (fortunately I was only traveling 15 mph when my car stopped steering and went into the dirt). So, I'm left to fight legal battles over a $6k claim because my insurance won't cover it because I didn't have an accident.
Interesting that the service manager at the dealership agreed with me but the owner of the dealership pushed hard to have the claim denied by Subaru Warranty - something I've learned since that he's done numerous times.
Just my personal experience.
Plus, it's your dealer that is the problem.
Check out this guy's experience:
danellh, "Forester Interior & Passenger Comfort Questions" #63, 30 Sep 2007 10:15 am
As Juice said, the dealer pushed for some reason to NOT have it claimed under warranty, and that's who I'd take issue with, not SOA themselves as the dealer has direct input on it.
I think there's something with this owner too but I don't know how to proceed there. I am friends with the salesperson who sold me the car. She has since left the dealership but told me that she has seen this owner do this to several customers with warranty claims. She said he has a habit of petitioning SOA to deny the claim. The Service Mgr I am dealing with told me he agrees with me and in printing out my service history, pointed out several areas where I had complained of front end noise and problems and said "these should help you".
My question is, when SOA sides with the owner and denies the claim, who is now the problem; the owner or SOA? Also, is SOA denying this to try to stave off a big recall? Looking through these posts you see numerous occurances of front end noise being diagnosed as a sway bar but the repairs are NOT fixing the problem. Could it be the problem is bigger and SOA is trying to avoid dealing with it? Also, the ball joints in the Tribeca do not have a grease fitting so they cannot be properly inspected and lubed during maintenance appointments. How do you know there is no problem if you can't properly inspect the parts?
I own and race subarus, including heavy ones like the tribecca, and this is just a freaky flaw that took place. I've rarely if ever, seen this in the last ~9 years I've been working on subies. I've seen it happen, but all the cases were due to an impact with a curb, pothole, etc.
I am coming up on 36K miles on my subaru forrester and need everyone's input. I am wondering whether I should fork out the money to buy this extended warranty - either to 60K or 80K (with a $100 deduct). Is it worth it?? Should I get the Gold Plus one from the dealer (this one covers bumper to bumper).
What are your thoughts!!??
There appears to only be a $100 allowance for towing. That doesn't seem like much compare to AAA.
As for the warranty part, I never had any problems between the end of the factory warranty and 100K miles that the Gold Plus would cover on either of my two previous Subies.
I actually said ok to the Gold Plus 6/60 plan yesterday on a used '06 Impreza still under factory warranty in order to lock in a discounted price, but now I'm second guessing that decision. I have never done an extended warranty before based on cost and what is actually covered and what's not.
The discounted price was $932 with the $100 deduct.. My gut is telling me I won't break even and should cancel it.
My wife used the roadside assistance once, it worked well. I forgot the name, but it's a 3rd party that other manufacturers use as well.
We have 7 dealers in our area, so the 100 miles works for us, if and when needed.
We had AAA before but I think it was about $75 per year. Over the 7 years we had the Legacy that really adds up, paying for more than half the warranty, though there are other benefits.
Another thing - in our case it sure helped sell the car. The buyer kept commenting to his wife that it was under warranty, no worries, etc. It definitely made it an easy sale.
Any one else out there between, 36K to 100K with Sub. Forrester that can reassure me, if i keep up with maintenance, most likely I won't need to do major work on it that will cost that much!
They still keep the program going because it establishes good will with customers, and helps get repeat buyers.
Dealers may make money, but SoA loses a little.