Volvo S70 Transmission

sgvolvosgvolvo Member Posts: 1
edited August 2014 in Volvo
My S70 has 131K miles. It is well maintained and in very good condition. Recently as the car comes to a stop there is a hesitation and feeling that it is going to stall, but never has. Othewise the car runs fine. Any thoughts?


  • graylinergrayliner Member Posts: 39
    I've had that before and it was a tiny crack in a spark plug wire. Cheap fix if that's it! Try tape first if you can find a spot. Mine did it on uphill grades as the crack layed against metal then.
  • carloszcarlosz Member Posts: 1
    Hello there, i drive a 2000 Volvo S70, every morning i warm up the car for a couple of minutes before i go, i have noticed this noise every time i start sounds like a loud CLACKK!!, i think this happens when the automatic transmition shifts to 2nd gear, this happens only once in the mornings, during the day i dont hear this noise any more . the car runs perfect, Any ideas?
    the car has 188k
  • cb1962cb1962 Member Posts: 1
    you may have to change your transmission fluid I also have a 2000 S70 running Mobil 3309 for trans fluid. You have to run this type or the dealer fluid at $18.00 a quart. The Mobil 3309 is only $4.50 a quart but you have to buy it directly from Mobil. They will ship it out to you. I think its $55.00 for a case of 12 right now. If you run Dexron Mercon you may experience transmission failure. The Ainsin Warner transmission is touchy and in my opinion of a lesser quailty then swedish made volvo transmissions.
  • sabah12345sabah12345 Member Posts: 1
    My 2000 S70 has a high R/PM. it almost gets number one in the gage. Any idea.

  • happyvolvodrhappyvolvodr Member Posts: 1
    My 2000 S70 started "lagging" on a bumpy road the other day. It felt like it was dropping into 2nd gear. Then the up arrow and check engine lights came on. I tried moving the gear shift into park, reverse, drive a few times with the engine off. This did not remove the warning signals, but the car seems to be driving better. Is it possible that I just need to replace the transmission fluid? Estimate for a new transmission was $4800!!!
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