will seats from a 98 or newer jimmy fit my 97

thesweetrosslgthesweetrosslg Member Posts: 28
edited March 2014 in GMC
I was wondering i need to get a new drivers seat for my 97 jimmy seat broke a month ago and i always liked the seats from the 98 and newer and also one person told me some of the 98 and newer had a head rest option to raise or somthing like that
will it fit the track of my 97 or do i have to only get 95 to 97


  • thesweetrosslgthesweetrosslg Member Posts: 28
    not sure why but every time i post somthing under this section i never get a response feels like no one wants to help me with anything but eveyrone ells gets ansers darn
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    I'm sure if anyone could answer your question they would!

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