Hyundai Santa Fe Start Stall Idle Problems
I bought an '07 Santa Fe SE AWD about 2 months ago. It has 2300 miles on it and everything was fine -- until last night.
I was walking to my car in the dark and in the rain last night in Seattle and was looking forward to getting in my nice warm, dry car and driving home from a long day at work. It was parked in a small obscure parking lot in "not the nicest neighborhood". The last thing I expected was to have problems starting my car. Here's what happened...
I tried to open the door with the button on the remote, but it would not open. Therefore, I manually used the key to unlock the door. When I put the key in the ignition and turned it, it would not start. The lights on both the door panels (from the window buttons) and a few other dashboard lights were dimly flashing (like strobe lights). The power locks inside the car would not work either. I am now in the dark, in a not so nice neighborhood sitting in my car that will not start and will not lock.
I thought I might have triggered the security system (where if you lock the doors with the remote you must open with the remote), but I don't know. I tried a second key (didn't have the second remote, but did have a second key). It still did not start. I tried locking and unlocking the door with the remote (in case it was the security thing), putting my foot on the brake, and still would not start....lights continued to dimly flash on the door panels and dash board.
I called Hyundai roadside assistance. I sat there for 45 minutes until the tow truck came. I was told by the roadside assistance fellow that they would tow my car to the nearest Hyundai dealer (they didn't care if the dealership was closed .. they would just leave me and the car there, unfortunately there was no one at home to get me).
Anyway, the tow guy brought a flat bed, but we could not get the car in Nuetral to get on the the flat bed. The dimly flashing lights got dimmer and the tow truck guy suggested jump starting the car. With the first jump, the horn went off. I locked and unlocked the door with the remote and was then able to start the car. When the jumper cables were removed, the engine died. He jumped it again, it started and I was able to drive home. This all took about 2 hours in the cold, dark rain. Not exactly what I had in mind when I bought a brand new car.
This morning I was able to start the car as if last night never happened and I drove it to the Hyundai service center. Although I fully described what happened to the gal who checked me in, I don't think she explained it to the Tech as the notes on my paperwork are very criptic (vehicle would not start, keyless entry would not work).
The technician said that he checked the charging system and ran codes but found no DTCS (I think this means the computer did not record an error). What he said he found was that the junction box had build up on the connectors and that he cleaned and adjusted all connectors. He said this was a common problem. (The tag in my car says that it was manufactured in Oct '06, so it had sat around for a fairly long time).
Has anyone had a similar experience or have any information about this that would be helpful? I really don't want to have to worry about my new car not starting. I bought a new car in hopes that it would be more reliable than my 10 year old Buick Century that it replaced. However, nothing like this had ever happened in my Buick.
Thank you very much for any help!
I was walking to my car in the dark and in the rain last night in Seattle and was looking forward to getting in my nice warm, dry car and driving home from a long day at work. It was parked in a small obscure parking lot in "not the nicest neighborhood". The last thing I expected was to have problems starting my car. Here's what happened...
I tried to open the door with the button on the remote, but it would not open. Therefore, I manually used the key to unlock the door. When I put the key in the ignition and turned it, it would not start. The lights on both the door panels (from the window buttons) and a few other dashboard lights were dimly flashing (like strobe lights). The power locks inside the car would not work either. I am now in the dark, in a not so nice neighborhood sitting in my car that will not start and will not lock.
I thought I might have triggered the security system (where if you lock the doors with the remote you must open with the remote), but I don't know. I tried a second key (didn't have the second remote, but did have a second key). It still did not start. I tried locking and unlocking the door with the remote (in case it was the security thing), putting my foot on the brake, and still would not start....lights continued to dimly flash on the door panels and dash board.
I called Hyundai roadside assistance. I sat there for 45 minutes until the tow truck came. I was told by the roadside assistance fellow that they would tow my car to the nearest Hyundai dealer (they didn't care if the dealership was closed .. they would just leave me and the car there, unfortunately there was no one at home to get me).
Anyway, the tow guy brought a flat bed, but we could not get the car in Nuetral to get on the the flat bed. The dimly flashing lights got dimmer and the tow truck guy suggested jump starting the car. With the first jump, the horn went off. I locked and unlocked the door with the remote and was then able to start the car. When the jumper cables were removed, the engine died. He jumped it again, it started and I was able to drive home. This all took about 2 hours in the cold, dark rain. Not exactly what I had in mind when I bought a brand new car.
This morning I was able to start the car as if last night never happened and I drove it to the Hyundai service center. Although I fully described what happened to the gal who checked me in, I don't think she explained it to the Tech as the notes on my paperwork are very criptic (vehicle would not start, keyless entry would not work).
The technician said that he checked the charging system and ran codes but found no DTCS (I think this means the computer did not record an error). What he said he found was that the junction box had build up on the connectors and that he cleaned and adjusted all connectors. He said this was a common problem. (The tag in my car says that it was manufactured in Oct '06, so it had sat around for a fairly long time).
Has anyone had a similar experience or have any information about this that would be helpful? I really don't want to have to worry about my new car not starting. I bought a new car in hopes that it would be more reliable than my 10 year old Buick Century that it replaced. However, nothing like this had ever happened in my Buick.
Thank you very much for any help!
There is a little button like affair at the top of the shift console. You are supposed to be able to pry the cap off and press the button to release the tranny...never tried but I read it somewhere here
good luck and please let us know the outcome
*Also, the car is NOT showing check engine light and has NO codes."
For that price, I would say it’s worth it to change out, especially 200-2003 year Hyundais.
Radio and fan and indicator lights all come on; and sometimes it starts to turn over. I've been able to get it to GO but right now status is NO GO
Of course I have appt at dealer shop tomorrow - but I need to get through today -
Anything I can do on my own?
Pardon my ignorance, but isn't there some sort of compartment that holds fuel into the engine with a check valve that keeps it from releasing back into the tank? Could it be that this valve is leaking?
Or does it sound like I need a whole new fuel pump?
Any help would be very much appreciated.
* Replaced most of the filters, hoses and belts (including timing belt)
* Replaced spark plugs, cables, and 2 of the 3 ignition coils
* Degreased the engine
After that, when not moving (such as a red light), the engine would rev up and then slow down and/or stall. That lasted for about 100 miles, and then stopped.
Note1: The spark plugs were AutoLite Double Platinum, not NGK.
Note2: The fuel gauge was wrong the first time we filled the vehicle up. After letting it run out of gas and then filling it up again, the fuel gauge started working - so we never checked the condition of the fuel pump.
Since the rev/stall problem stopped, the vehicle has had a really rough idle and is consistently getting under 15MPG on the freeway, 12 city (EPA rated at 19 FWY, 15 city)
We've heard the following theories raised:
1. Got water on the spark plugs when degreasing
2. Throttle Body is bad
3. Should have used NGK Iridium spark plugs (note: OEM was double platinum)
4. Common problem with that vehicle - no way to repair it
Do any of these theories make sense? Any other ideas as to the problem? Before we spend 1/2 a day taking the car apart again, I'm hoping to get an idea of what to look for... especially if the rough idle problem is really just a "feature" of the vehicle.
Thanks a lot for your help!!!
Please let me know if you solved this so I have some clue how to proceed without paying a mechanic for diagnosis. Thank you!
Might check the coolant temperature sensor? Perhaps you arent getting a rich enough mixture in the morning.