Looking to Purchase a Durango

esweatesweat Member Posts: 2
edited April 2014 in Dodge
I am looking at a new mid-size SUV and have been looking at the Durango. Looks like some nice features, but I would like to hear from current owners/drivers.........anyone care to share some honest opinions?


  • vondamndvondamnd Member Posts: 6
    Don't do it, I've owned a 98 Durango for 4 years and have had nothing but troubles. The only reason I haven't gotten rid of it is because I can't afford to take on another payment. First of all the gas mileage is horrible (13 miles to the gallon, 18 highway) and the constant troubles of overheating, no heat, ball joints (replaced both upper-lower on both sides twice), hub assemblies both sides ($500 a pop), and tires are expensive etc...
    I had a Kia Sportage before my Durango and I wished I had replaced the timing belt instead of buying the Durango. Do yourself a favor and go with something other than a Durango, they drive nice but are costly to upkeep. I hope this helps.
  • esweatesweat Member Posts: 2
    Thanks a ton! That is what I've been afraid of, and what I felt I had read from the other forum postings. So what's a guy to do? I really would like to get into something new fairly quickly (I've had enough of playing taxi for a high schooler).........
  • josh30josh30 Member Posts: 20
    I have an '03 4.7 sxt 50k and is a beautiful solid truck. i love it. dont buy the first year which was 98. never buy first year anything.
  • basshunterbasshunter Member Posts: 2
    I have had two second generation Durangos and think they are really great. I had a 2004 which I really liked and now I have a 2007. Neither has given me any trouble. A Durango will do anything a large SUV will do, but since it is a bit narrower, it is easier to park and generally more useable day to day than the Ford or Chevy. On the weekends, I can tow a large boat during fishing season, and I also use the Durango for hunting in the winter and it will carry a ton of stuff and the four wheel drive works well.
  • abyss57103abyss57103 Member Posts: 1
    PLEASE DON'T GET ONE , unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth,the problems do not stop coming TRANNY, AFTER49000 MILES PLEASE
    Good Luck With a Chevy Ford anything but Dodge
  • hawk8hawk8 Member Posts: 31
    Should i ?
  • caidycaidy Member Posts: 2
    I love my 2006 Durango. It has all the features you could want. So I am a lil picky. It does come with alot of problems. Eats gas like its going out of style.. Very sturdy though so I would feel pretty safe in a wreck. Did I mention it EATS gas:)
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