2002 Hyundai Santa Fe Speedometer problem

dreber1dreber1 Member Posts: 2
My 2002 Santa Fe has about 40000 miles on it and I just started experiencing intermittent problems with my speedometer/odometer. It sometimes just drops to zero mph, no matter what speed I'm driving, what other electric components are on, or what outside temperature is. Hyundai service had no answers and, as you would expect, when I took it in for them to look at it, it worked. It has messed up several times since.

Any helpful suggestions?


  • somedai1somedai1 Member Posts: 416
    1st thing i think of is speedometer cable is going bad...
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Does a car of that recent vintage even have a speedometer cable though? Seems like most use sensors that feed electrical signals to the ECU.
  • somedai1somedai1 Member Posts: 416
    possibly- not 100% sure how it works but if it is not a cable then it would still be easy enough to find the problem at the dealer - if it is a signal driven system - then you might have to look at where and when the malfunction occurs - possible electromagnetic interference from somewhere might be affecting the speedometer- i have an aftermarket setup that uses electrical signal and it used to malfunction going over a specific draw bridge for some reason... and have no problem anywhere else. is there any other malfunction? svc engine light? abs light? awd light? if your not there at the dealer they can always say they can't reproduce the problem but if your there and it presents itself - they should be able to figure out what is malfunctioning and why...
  • stuart703stuart703 Member Posts: 3
    My speedo went on my 2001 Santa Fe twice. The first time it was the fuse, the second time it was an intermittent fault and was traced to a speed sensor. This was changed for about £130 by a main dealer.
  • chiwlfchiwlf Member Posts: 6
    The most common problem is a loose connection or moisture in the connection at the speed sensor on the transaxle. the next thing that I have seen is a worn speedo driven gear on the sensor itself. Provided the gear isn't when due to worn diff side bearings not a real complicated job or excessively costly. An experienced Hyundai tech would find the problem pretty quickly.
  • tjg00tjg00 Member Posts: 5
    I bought a used 2003 Santa Fe with 59000 miles in December and I am having the same problem. Please let me know what the outcome is.
  • dreber1dreber1 Member Posts: 2
    Thanks to all who submitted replies to my original speedometer problem. I took my Santa Fe back to the dealer and told them to keep it until they found and fixed the problem. It only took one day for them to see the problem. At first, they said it was the speedometer gear (in the speedometer) and they replaced it. When they took the vehicle out to test the "fix", the speedometer failed two more times. This time they replaced the sensor in the transaxle (which I and several of you suggested was the problem). That did the trick - it has worked ever since. Apparently they have an inherent problem with the early Santa Fe speed sensors, but for some reason, don't want to notify their customers to come in and have the sensors replaced. Thanks again.
  • stuart703stuart703 Member Posts: 3
    As I approach junctions etc and slow down, there is a grinding, clunking noise with the brakes. The brakes are also ineffective. If I remove my foot the sound will continue, but if i tap it sharply it will go away. It's quite dangerous. Has anyone any ideas?
  • lobo3lobo3 Member Posts: 2
    Hey.I have a Santa Fe 2004 with 148000 or so..and that happend to mine also, the speedometer drops to zero..I'll ask about that speed sensor...
  • lobo3lobo3 Member Posts: 2
    I decided to change the spark plugs on the vehicle and I can only get to the front three plugs..cant get to the other plugs..do I have to remove the intake???
  • shmevsgirlshmevsgirl Member Posts: 1
    Does anyone have any new information on whether or not Hyundai is doing a recall? My tachometer went a few months ago and now my speedometer is no longer working either. I have a 2002 Santa Fe. After getting it checked out, it appears there's a cluster inside the dash that controls both and the part alone costs $800 to replace. Insane!
  • troy31troy31 Member Posts: 3
    i have santa fe 2001,my speedometer is malfunctionin means theres a time that suddenly drop down. i decided to open it and brought a gear. at the time i change it my speedometer is doing the same, now i want to change the upper portion of speedometer assemble. now i want to ask if i already change the whole speedometer assembly and if it will do same thing what is the other factor that affecting my speedometer
  • troy31troy31 Member Posts: 3
    any please teach me how to change bushing stabilizer of hyundai santa fe
  • stuart703stuart703 Member Posts: 3
    I had the problem twice. The first time i changed a fuse, then the second time i changed a speed sensor.
  • verno1verno1 Member Posts: 13
    When you changed the speed sensor, did you do it from underneath the car, or did you go down through the engine compartment? Seems very hard to get to from the top. Too many things in the way.
  • 4rhodes4rhodes Member Posts: 2
    I'm having a problem with mine (2002) & I want to know which fused you changed & where can I locate the speed sensor?
  • verno1verno1 Member Posts: 13
    There actually 3 sensors on the transmission. The Output Speed Sensor, the Input speed sensor and the VSS, Vehicle Speed Sensor. The first two are right on top of the transmission, the VSS is toward the firewall and down lower. It is hard to see because of the hoses and wires in the way. It is on the differential section of the transmission. The VSS is actually the one that controls the Speedometer I am almost sure. Look straight down from the throttle valve and you should be able to see it. Looking from the front of the vehicle it is a little left of the Master Cylinder and down lower of course.
  • 4rhodes4rhodes Member Posts: 2
    Do you know of a link where I can find a diagram of all this? Thanks!
  • verno1verno1 Member Posts: 13
    I have searched and have never really found a site for it. I found one that showed the Output Speed Sensor, and the Input speed sensor, but not the VSS sensor.
  • topcat1701dtopcat1701d Member Posts: 4
    I have a 2003 Santa Fe and the speedometer quit, Just lays on 0. I took it to the Hyundai dealership and they told me the speedometer cluster was bad and I replaced it at some cost. Well the speedometer still doesn't work. What else is left,, the Vehicle speed sensor? I can't find a shop that sells the VSS. I can buy the input sensor and the output sensor. But from what everyone tells me the problem is the VSS. Where do I buy a VSS and is hard to change?
  • verno1verno1 Member Posts: 13
    It is neither the output speed or input speed sensor. There is a Speedometer sensor on the lower part of the transmission Yes it is the VSS it is hard to see from the top, but you can get to it from under the car. That is what runs your speedometer. I replaced my about 3 months ago. There is a Korean Auto parts store on the web where you can get it.
  • topcat1701dtopcat1701d Member Posts: 4
    Thanks for the input. I found a parts dealer,FourGreens, that has the VSS. They sell through E BAY. I haven't got it yet but I believe this will fix my problem. From all the other posts this seems to be a common problem with the Santa Fe. Thanks again, Tom
  • verno1verno1 Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2011
    I assure you that will fix your problem. I see you located where it was on the transmission right? Actually it is very easy to install from under the car. One bolt and it comes out. Push the new one back in the hole, put the bolt back on and install the connector and you will be good to go. "Note" Do not over tighten the bolt it is fairly small and you could bust it off. Just snug it up.
  • topcat1701dtopcat1701d Member Posts: 4
    I have searched the transmission over and over and the only senser I can find is located on top of the transmission just under the air filter box. I removed the air filter box and the senser is looking me right in the face. If there is another senser, I can't find it. This is a 4WD drive transmission and I am sure there is a difference between it and the 2 WD. If you have other input I would greatly appreciate it Four Greens auto parts had a picture of the speed senser and it looks exactly like the one I pulled out.
  • verno1verno1 Member Posts: 13
    topcat: If it looks exactly like the one you pulled out, then it is probably the right one. Does it look like the one on this web page, the second one from the top? And costs $32.90?

    http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksid=p4684.m570.l1313&_nkw=Hyundai+2003+vehic- le+speed+sensor&_sacat=See-All-Categories

    And say it is a Santa Fe Vehicle Speed Sensor Sonata Sedona Kia Amanti? If so it is the VSS that you need.
    Didn't know yours was a 4WD, so they could be located in different spots. But if it looks like the picture then it is it. The other sensors look different than that one. ">
  • verno1verno1 Member Posts: 13
    Topcat: Does the one you pulled out have a gear and a shaft coming out of it?? If so it is probably the right one.
  • topcat1701dtopcat1701d Member Posts: 4
    Finally found the right sensor. After seeing it I felt like a fool for not seeing it before. However I ran into trouble getting it out. It was so stuck it was almost like it was welded into the shaft hole.. I had to take it out in pieces. Hope I never have to change another. The teeth were broken so it couldn't have been spinning so the Hyundai dealership couldn't have tested it because they told me it was the speedometer cluster that was bad. Spent 300 dollars that was unnessary. Anyway thanks a lot for your help
  • verno1verno1 Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2011
    So I take it you had to replace the gear also? If so, where did you get the gear, at the Hyundai dealership? I bought one, but mine was good so I really didn't need the new one, but replaced it anyway.
  • verno1verno1 Member Posts: 13
    Another question topcat, did you take it out from the bottom of the car or come down from the top?
  • carcapcarcap Member Posts: 5
    Can you tell me if the vss speedometor sensor also controls the radio,gas gauge, fan for the air cond and speedometor? I am having problems with all of these things. The hyundai service center is saying I have to spend $99. to do a diagnostic test to find out.
  • verno1verno1 Member Posts: 13
    No as far as I know it controls the speedometer only. Not all of those other things. You sound like you have some strange electrical problem. But it wouldn't be the Vehicle Speed Sensor.
  • carcapcarcap Member Posts: 5
    Thank you, At first it was the gas gauge going to empty. Then the radio started going on by itself. Then the fan, had to play with it a little before it would turn on. Now the speedometor goes to zero at times.
    I guess I have to bring it to hyundai for a test. Hate doing that.
  • carcapcarcap Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2011
    Do you happen to know what might be the cause for several things happening all of a sudden. Gas gauge going to empty, radio coming on by it self, speedometor going to zero at times and fan acting up?
    I thought it might be the vss sensor but that controls the speedometor right? I may just have to bring it to hyundai for a diagnostic test.
    Sorry if this is a duplicate post not sure about this site.
  • carcapcarcap Member Posts: 5
    to Topcat or any else that might know.
    My issue is with the speedometor, radio,fan and gas gauge. All are acting up. Is there a sensor for all of them? Thanks
  • diy137diy137 Member Posts: 3
    Where exactly is it located. Do you access from top or bottom. The pictures in the other post is showing what I believe to be the output sensor(has a 10mm bolt for removing) not the speedometer gear unit. Is it the unit under the air intake kind of below the battery(left end of battery) that has a "C" clip holding it? If it is and 4 pins connector(not 3 pins as shown in pictures), then after you remove the "C" clip do you pull straight out or wiggle it out?
  • diy137diy137 Member Posts: 3
    Hello posters.
    It is great to hear you got your problems fixed but could really help others if you give a little more detail information. Like where exactly it is and how to access.it. Others have posted they found sites with pictures and it will help if you could include the links or the pictures.
  • diy137diy137 Member Posts: 3
    The one a little left of M/C and down has a 10mm bolt holding it. I took it out and it does not have gears on it. It is just a sensor module. Do I have to remove the engine cover to see it? I have hooked up a computer analyzer to the OBD and test driven the car and all speed sensors are working. ie. every speed parameter; trans, wheels, engine are feeding back to the OBD readout so I am almost positive the problem is like most have described as stripped/broken speedometer gear........But where do I find it, how do I access it and how many pins on the connector? I see another connector a little forward of the one described above with a 4 pin connector and a "C" clip holding it. I tried taking the unit out but it was tight and did not want to break anything unnecessarily. Is this the correct unit and what's the trick in removing it?
  • dthomas12dthomas12 Member Posts: 2
    I had the same problem and changed the VSS, bought it from FourGreen but it didnt come with a gear so i replaced the sensor by itself. Before the speedo or the odometer didnt work and now they work but the speedo bounces alot and the crusie control surges when i use it. I think it may either need another gear which i dont know where to get one or it may have a bad connection. It has a short pig tale from the sensor to anotner plug connection and i am thinking this may be bad but i dont know where to buy on. If anyone can help me find the pig tale connector or the plastic gear that would be a huge help.
  • verno1verno1 Member Posts: 13
    When you pulled the sensor out did it have a gear on it? If not the gear was hung up in the hole. You can get a new gear from Hyundai. I would pull the sensor again and get the gear and replace it. You are sure you bought the right sensor aren't you.
  • dthomas12dthomas12 Member Posts: 2
    There was a gear but it looked ok, but I didn't have one to compare it to. So I can get a gear from Hyundai, but where can I get the pig tale, hyundai? It's acting like a loose connection, could that be the worn gear as well?
  • presstekjimpresstekjim Member Posts: 2
    got a check engine light and codes read p0500 & p0501. One is for the speed sensor (p0500) and the other is for speed sensor circuit performance(p0501). looked to see on Hyundai service site and says to check the wheel senor on passenger side but looking at parts their are sensors on all wheels w/abs. any ideas how i can boil this down to the right sensor and not waste a lot of money changing parts?
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