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Ford Expedition Maintenance and Repair



  • nvbankernvbanker Member Posts: 7,239
    Lady across the street had a 99 EB Expedition that she totalled the other night. This morning, I noticed a new 04 EB Expedition, the same Red color in her driveway that she obviously picked up last night to replace it. She said the old truck saved her life - and she was very pleased with it on all fronts. Enough to do it again. That says a lot.
  • scootertrashscootertrash Member Posts: 698
    I kept pursuing the brake dust issue and finally found an old note from a manager that indicated they'd be covered when they were available.

    The dealer still wouldn't fix it, I called Ford and eventually requested arbitration.

    The next day, the dealer called me back. They told me they would indeed fix them.

    After they are fixed I'm "Banned for Life from ever trespassing at the dealership again".
    I am never to step foot on his property again or he will call the police.
  • geno001geno001 Member Posts: 6
    Is there any way to post pics on this site....if so I'll take some and post em.
  • nvbankernvbanker Member Posts: 7,239
    Guess I should broach that subject again with my dealer then, since they're available now.
  • tourguidetourguide Member Posts: 190

    I guess dealerships do NOT like customer service problems being reported to Ford. That is one dealership I would not want to give my business to. What dealership is this scooter?

    I can't imagine any dealership wanting this kind of publicity. That seems just mean spirited. The customer has to advocate for themselves.
  • nvbankernvbanker Member Posts: 7,239
    I don't think scooter was serious about that. Were you, Scooter?
  • scootertrashscootertrash Member Posts: 698
    Confirmed: I am actually "banned for life"

    This same dealership, had my Expedition for 22 days this summer, looking for a front end noise.

    They ordered, replaced and charged Ford for a new transfer case, then two wheel hubs, then front axles. (total: about $5000)

    Finally I did a Google search and told them about the "s-clip" TSB. They didn't believe me until I printed it out and gave it to them.

    $5000 of warranty work and three weeks later, they did the 45 minute, $5 repair.

    They then wanted me to pay for the rental car (a Focus with the "check engine" light on) because my repairs took "excessively long" (their words)to perform.

    It's quite funny, in a really sad way, They did all of this to save themselves a few hundred dollars.

    I've bought new Fords in each of the last 4 years. (2000 Explorer, 2001 Ranger, 2002 F-150 and the 2003 Expedition, was considering a 2004 F-150)
    I just don't understand how they can treat a lifelong customer like this.
    If they keep this up, soon Ford will lose money and market share.
  • tourguidetourguide Member Posts: 190

    What was the name of the dealership?

    This sounds like a problem with an incompetent service department. Maybe the owner is buddies with the service manager or something. I find it hard to believe the number of service departments who fail to check the TSBs on their own vehicles.

    This kind of thing gives Ford a real black-eye in the customer service department.
  • scootertrashscootertrash Member Posts: 698
    I also had to inform them of the TSB (01-01-04)and part numbers for the brakes.

    It's pretty funny that "google" is a better source of info than the service department

    I want to make sure the brakes get fixed ( still waiting for parts) before I share their name.

    I'm "banned for life" but they agreed to pay for the repair to get rid of me.
  • stakeoutstakeout Member Posts: 173
    I'd have those new brakes check by an outside source after that dealer installs them...

    I would write a letter to Ford arbitration and make the complaint and the way you were treated on their permanent record.. sounds like a good thing to have documented..
  • jdritzjdritz Member Posts: 7
    I used to be jsdritz and had to change profiles. Still have and still hate my 2003 Expedition XLT. I saw posts related to the Friction Modifier fix for the rear end grinding that occurred during turns. Mine has this problem, I just had the stuff put in on Friday and am under the "drive it for 500 miles" instructions from the dealer. Just curious as to whether the fix worked for those that have had it in for a little while. I think fixing this will finally make my expedition okay (after 12 months of fun). Still have many other problems, but have learned to live with them for another couple of months and then the car is being traded in or sold (it's red and I live in Columbus, OH so those who are shopping for used ones, beware).

    The most effective fix for my car's multitude of issues was smashing it into a Jeep Wrangler at about 45 miles an hour. That fixed the steering wheel vibration, but I don't recommend it to others.
  • zman3zman3 Member Posts: 857
    Then what would you recommend we DO hit? :)
  • nvbankernvbanker Member Posts: 7,239
    Personally, I like to hit Civics or Saturns, mostly because they are always in my way. JK.

    Scooter: I am appalled. I would think Bill Ford would like to know, really, especially as many of his products as you buy. Unbelievable!!! The dealer here isn't that way at all, I can assure you.
  • scootertrashscootertrash Member Posts: 698
    It really is frustrating to discover that absolutely no one cares at all about the problems with my car or how Ford's customer are being chased off. The only contact for Ford is through e-mail or the "800" number. I noticed everyone on the "hotline" had an accent, I later learned that their two call centers are in India and Ireland. Those people have absolutely no empowerment whatsoever to help in any way at all.

    Only when I requested arbitration, did anyone act like they cared, but of course that got me "banned for life" for making the dealer look bad.

    The silver lining on this gray cloud, is that while driving the Focus rental(with the "check engine" light on) for three weeks before Google helped me tell them how to fix my Expy, I decided it was kind of fun to have a little "zippy" car.

    Needless to say, It wasn't a Focus. I am loving my little Scion xB though. And, after 6 months, it doesn't have a single issue to complain about.
  • cat3126cat3126 Member Posts: 43
    I have 03 EB that has a gas gage that takes about two hours to go from 1/4 to full when I fill the tank. Dealer says it a random problem with 03/04 Expeditions and F-150,s. Dealer has asked for assistance from Ford,but no response. Any suggestions?
  • nvbankernvbanker Member Posts: 7,239
    I only know that if you don't turn the car off while filling it, that symptom will occur. So whatever causes that phenomenon, must be involved in your issue...... Only a clue.
  • wijocowijoco Member Posts: 462
    So the dealer is basically saying it's not a warranty item?
  • cat3126cat3126 Member Posts: 43
    The dealer has not declined to fix the problem under warranty. He does not know how to fix it. He is getting zero assistance from Ford.
  • scootertrashscootertrash Member Posts: 698
    Have they changed the sending unit?
  • cat3126cat3126 Member Posts: 43
    They have replaced the sending unit,also have checked the dampening circuit.
  • nvbankernvbanker Member Posts: 7,239
    Oooh..... Then it must be the guage itself?
  • wijocowijoco Member Posts: 462
    What I mean is, the dealer has confirmed that your problem is an item covered under your warranty? If so, then the next thing to do is make sure that your concern is recorded somewhere by the dealer, even if he can't fix it right now. Reason being, Ford may drag their feet on the fix until your warranty runs out. If you have documentation showing that you brought your concern in while under warranty, they will still be obligated to fix it whenever they figure it out.
  • scootertrashscootertrash Member Posts: 698
    That's true, but in my case they still might decide to just "Oh well, we're not fixing it anyway."
    I have the "brake dust" problem in documented in writing from the dealer and also from Ford.

    All they did is re-name the previously described "excessive" brake dust. It's now called normal- thus- poof!- no problem!
  • cat3126cat3126 Member Posts: 43
    I scan into my PC all service work orders.The local Ford dealer is well aware of my record keeping.I have owned three Expeditions and a couple other Fords.BTW a couple of weeks ago they replaced my front brake pads with no argument under a TSB on brake dust.
  • nvbankernvbanker Member Posts: 7,239
    Well, I'm going to try that brake dust thing again next time I go in. Last time they blew me off, but I didn't mind so much, because I'd like to get new free brake pads with a little more mileage on the truck.
  • jeff88jeff88 Member Posts: 94
    Have recently decided to replace the '95 explorer eb with an '04 expedition eb. Have done a bit of research and also test driving and have the expedition eb just slightly ahead of the sequioa ltd.

    How do you like your eb's at highway speeds?

    on unimproved roads?

    in the mountains?

    should I get the extended warranty?

    how does the stereo sound?

    am getting it at edmund's dealer invoice minus a few hundred bucks. It's a good 3k+ under the best deal I can up with on the sequoia. it also has quite bit more in terms of functionality and features. we typically keep our cars 8 to 10 years and want to know what others may think of the long term feasability of the eb v the toyota ltd. Our '95 explorer has been very reliable and trouble free. it's just too small for what we need now. it could easily go another 50k.
  • nvbankernvbanker Member Posts: 7,239
    My opinion is biased, as I strongly dislike the Sequoia that you're comparing it to. I like the Expedition much better from about all fronts. Much more power, more size, much nicer looking, IMO, more features, and very dependable in my experience. Now, the Sequoia is a good truck, no question. I have no beef with their competency. They just have no soul or style for me.
  • scootertrashscootertrash Member Posts: 698
    Some one told me that if you complain about a high pitched brake squeal, or noise, they will replace the pads with the "improved" ones.

    If you complain about the dust they will blow you off. And tell you it's normal. I was shown a Ford document that suggests the dealer sell you some wheel cleaner and tell you to wash your truck more often.
    Nice fix.
  • mikewmikew Member Posts: 7

    I purchased a 04 EB expedition last month and just noticed a blower noise from the front climate controlled seats when they are being heated. Is this normal?

    I hadn't noticed this before but it may be because the radio is usually turned up when I'm driving.

    Other than the excessive brake dust I really like the vehicle.

  • zman3zman3 Member Posts: 857
    Yes, the climate controlled seats use a fan to distribute the heated/cooled air. You can and will hear it.

  • nvbankernvbanker Member Posts: 7,239
    And they are WONDERFUL, by the way!
  • tanelizahtanelizah Member Posts: 2
    I bought my 04 XLT 3 weeks ago and after 1000 miles (2 1/2 weeks) a very high pitched chirping noise (best way to describe) is coming from the right side of my vehicle. I can not figure out where it is coming from, whether it is inside or outside.

    Sometimes it is very faint and at other times it gets loud enough that the high pitched tone is enough to give anyone a very quick headache.

    Have not called the dealership yet to make an appointment. Wanted to try and figure out where it was coming from first - hoping that when I take it in I would cut down on the amount of time that they would have my vehicle.

    Any ideas?? Has anyone else experienced this noise?
  • rockyjohnrockyjohn Member Posts: 7
    I'm on my 4th EB Expid. & I finally got a lemon! It's a 2004 EB loaded. Bought 12/30/03. Began leaking from the rear differential in the 1st 2 weeks. Seals replaced. Leak continued. New rear end per Ford. Still leaked! Ford says there's an engineering problem and it will take at least 60 days for a solution. New seals again on 3/8. On 3/14 Advtrac failed causing the vehicles brakes to fail. Luckily no accident. Dealer found a code and, again, Ford acknowledged a problem with no solution. Filed a complaint with NHTSA.
    If you have Advtrac option beware of anti lock activation without cause.
    Anyone else having these problems???
    Other than this it's a great car!!!
  • carexpeditioncarexpedition Member Posts: 1
    I'm also getting the very high pitched noise coming from the right side of the vehicle, if anybody had this problem and got it fixed, let us know.

  • tourguidetourguide Member Posts: 190

    My father-in-law has had this very same problem with his 03 Explorer Limited which has Advance Track too.

    His symptom was that he was driving along (on DRY pavement) and he goes to step on the brake and WHAM, the ABS engages and starts HAMMERING the breaks. He lets off the brake and it stops. He trys to hit the break again, and WHAM same thing - ABS starts hammering the breaks.

    He pulls over, shuts the car off, turns it back on, goes to take off and WHAM it happens again. He pulls over, turns the thing off and when he starts it up again it stops. Hasn't happened again since then. He says he is worried about when it'll happen again. I know I would be too.

    This sounds like some kind of hardware/software problem that was never fully ironed out. Whenever you put the computer in charge of braking and stability you'd better not cheese out on hardware and software engineering. I'd bet anything this is some $5 part causing havoc and saving Ford $10 per unit.

    Makes me nervous. If I'm paying $38K for a vehicle it better dang well be quality.
  • rockyjohnrockyjohn Member Posts: 7
    Have your father-in-law take the vehicle in and have the codes read. Mine showed a "1986"code which means that the ABS activated for greater than 15 seconds. It then showed a "1998" code which was a calibration error. The tech ran an "Oasis" and called their hotline. The hotline acknowledged 1 other reported incident of this and told the tech to clear the computer and re initialize the car's system (removing codes). The Ford regional engineer is suppose to be reviewing the matter. I'm beginning not to trust this car!!!
    Good Luck!!!
  • khagerkhager Member Posts: 15
    I am getting ready to buy a new expedition and I really like the red but I am leaning towards white, because I had a red bronco II in 1987 that oxidized after a few years. My question to red expedition owners. How has the paint held up? Are the fading red and silver paint jobs a thing of the past or is it still a problem? I live in Texas by the way a lot of hot summer sunshine!!! Thanks for the replies.

  • tourguidetourguide Member Posts: 190
    Unfortunately paint fading is not a thing of the past. Even with modern clearcoat paints there will still be some color fading over time. The effect will be more pronounced if you let the vehicle sit in the sun every day.

    You can prevent most or all of this however if you go to Ziebart and get their annual clearcoat/UV protection applied. It's like $120 or something the first time they do it, then it's like $90 each year to renew and reapply the finish. I have a friend who has this service on their 90 conversion van and the thing looks like they just drove it off the lot.

    Nothing else I know of can prevent this problem. Perhaps someone else knows of another way to prevent fading.

    I'm looking at the red EB too, but if they offered that dark blue, I'd jump on that in a second. The Wedgewood just doesn't do it for me. It almost looks like a pre-faded color.
  • nvbankernvbanker Member Posts: 7,239
    I also live in the South and Southwest, plenty of sun, and have not found today's Reds to fade much, if they are hand waxed twice a year. The product mentioned above may be best, haven't heard of it before, but the secret is to keep the clearcoat viable. If you do, you have a good 10 years even in the sun before the snake-peel effect happens.
  • scootertrashscootertrash Member Posts: 698
    My bright Red, 2 year old, F-150 has always been in the Arizona sun and has never been waxed still shines like new.
  • tourguidetourguide Member Posts: 190
    A couple of years ago I bought a dark red (cordovan) F150 and it had the clearcoat paint. At the time I bought it, the vehicle was starting to show some signs of fading. It definately showed signs of aging.
  • rockyjohnrockyjohn Member Posts: 7
    As a follow up the seals were replaced by the Ford dealer on 3/8/04. The leak came back for the 4th time on 3/17/04.

    I still think it is all related to the Advance Trac system. Ford is now on the defensive and has no solutions for repairs. In the meantime, I've got a 2004 car with 2101 miles leaking all over my driveway and garage floor.

    On a bright note, its the fire red color and it looks great. The prior 1999 was the laser red and it held up great. (Upstate New York weather).
  • nvbankernvbanker Member Posts: 7,239
    You got a lemon law where you live? I'd start working on it if you do, particularly if Ford isn't stepping up with something for you.
  • cat3126cat3126 Member Posts: 43
    I had the same problem of leaking axle seals when the temperature fell below 25 F on my 03 EB.After five tries of replacing seals the dealer replaced the entire rear assembly,differential,axles ,outboard bearings,etc. did a four wheel alignment. No more leaks.
    I have heard RUMORS that some Advance Trak EXP.. have had limited slip differentials installed by mistake,this causes some weird handling problems. Have not been able to confirm. It is my understanding that Advance Trak uses a convential differential.
  • nvbankernvbanker Member Posts: 7,239
    Makes sense. It's very unfortunate when one captures a mis-matched auto, and I don't understand how that happens, but it does. Persistence pays off though.
  • shairkhanshairkhan Member Posts: 28
    I have a 2000 Exp. XLT sport pkg. 4x4.

    I have a couple of strange issues with it that we have been unable to figure yet:

    I am having a rather strange problem with the child door locks in the rear doors. The way I understand this should work is that you engage the child lock in the door... The door will then not open from inside regardless if the normal locks are open or closed. The door will only open from outside. Now in our case the child lock somehow automatically engages itself on both the rear doors... and they stop opening from inside! I have manually disengaged it several times... and it happens again! any clue???

    When accelerating rapidly from start or from slower speeds. I get a strange noise (a kind of vibrating noise that can also be felt on the floor boards) that seems to be comming from the front drivetrain (It is a 4x4)

    Your help will be greatly appreciated.


    S. A. Khan
  • toochtooch Member Posts: 3
    Hi! I lurked this forum prior to the purchase of my EB Exp 03 last OCtober with the thought that lemons are rare. With less than 1000 miles I would hear a loud roaring noise when I started the vehicle and when I would speed up. The window noise was also super loud -lots of wind entering the car. The dealer told me that they were normal noises. At 3000 miles he agreed to drive around with me and he acknowledged that the muffler or transmission must be out as that roaring noise was wierd. He also agreed to replace the window stripping. And he also replaced the driver side panels as they were shaking as well. As the front passenger side would make breathing noises as well as grinding noises he agreed to check out the heat system and found out is was bad and needed replacement.
    So after all of this you would think I would have no more problems? Wrong! I got the EXP03 back after a week in the shop (they rented a shoddy car for me). They returned it to me without even washing it so I went to a car wash and bingo water poured through the rear side window. Boy was I pissed! Plus my heated seats that the installed were crappy and ineffective.

    I called the dealership and they took it back in. They had it for about 3 weeks as they had to await replacement parts for the windos. And supposedly they also fixed the seats which they acknowledged were defective. But the heated seats are not Ford seats and have a separate warranty. But we finally got the EXP03 back and whaddya know..the windows still shake, whistle and rattle. And the EXPO3 is still much louder than our F350 Super Duty Lariat when we start or change speed. And the door panels still shake.
    So we gave it back to the dealer and said it was unacceptable. The dealer loaned us one of their EXP03 to use in the interim.
    It has been close to 4 weeks since they have had our vehicle. And the one they loaned sounds like it has a person stuck under the passenger seat as you can hear this super loud breathing/snoring noise. It scared me to death when I first heard it! The service manager continues to say that nothing is really wrong with the vehicle though when they came to take it back it would not start.
    It has no more than 7600 miles when we gave it back to the dealer to fix again. I really don't want to continue to deal with more problems. The dealer says that Ford issued a service warning on the windows. Any suggestions?
    We did not buy our F350 through this dealer as we wanted to find a dealer closer to our new home on the Cape with the thought that it would be easier to service. Now we really wish we had bought it through our old dealer in Worcester who never queried our complaints/issues with the F350 which had tons of problems until mile 32000 and after that no more problems.
    I'd appreciate your advice.
  • nvbankernvbanker Member Posts: 7,239
    1) That's impossible!

    2) No experience with that.

    TOOCH: I'd trade that damn thing. Although I have experienced none of your issues, and I doubt you would on an 04, I'd get rid of it, and bite the loss.
  • toochtooch Member Posts: 3
    Whats impossible? The problems I reported or the possibility of having no more problems?

    Did I just get a lemon or do all Expeditions have problems?
  • toochtooch Member Posts: 3
    How does the trade in process work? I paid 42k including sales tax and heated seats.
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