
Pick Up Truck "Attitude"

pam2pam2 Member Posts: 185
edited February 2014 in General
I'm just curious about the "attitude" of pick-up
truck drivers. I live in Texas where there are
MANY big trucks. It seems like almost all of them
are obnoxious on the road - tailgating, bullying
around other cars, speeding, etc.

What gives?


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    queenmsqueenms Member Posts: 26

    I live down in Katy near Houston and the behavior that you describe tends to be that of aggressive drivers in general. Unfortunately the driving in Texas and many other cities in the country is becoming more and more aggressive. It used to be that you never noticed pickups because they were primarily a work/ranch/farm vehicle. But now with the booming popularity of trucks you find many more of them on the roads as commuter vehicles. This can be intimidating to those in vehicles built lower to the ground.

    I can't speak for everyone but I was taught never to drive closer than I could stop the vehicle I was in under any circumstance. This for me is 3 car lengths, which means in Houston traffic I get a lot of drivers jumping into that space and forcing me to slow down to maintain that distance. I have found that rude driving is never confined to one group of people but can be found in any group. If you ask my Big Rig driving friends they will gripe loudly about the imported "sporty" cars that regularly cut them off creating incredibly dangerous conditions for everyone around.

    I think if all drivers would relax a little and treat other drivers with courtesy, time spent on our highways would be a lot safer.
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    hcombs0hcombs0 Member Posts: 22
    I think another aspect is the booming popularity of pickups among young people in the midwest and south. They are literally the muscle cars of the 90's: V8 engines, rear drive, relatively unsophisticated, easy to modify, etc. The combination of younger more foolish drivers and high power sport trucks contributes to the pickups' more aggressive reputation.
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    checksixchecksix Member Posts: 28
    An "attitude has its' ogigin in a persons brain.
    enough said
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    checksixchecksix Member Posts: 28
    markus & hcombs put it very well.

    I have noticed over the years (many), that rudeness by some has been replaced by aggressiveness; even to the point of "Road Rage".

    However, it has not been limited to any particular type of vehicle.

    There is probably a little "Walter Mitty" in all of us

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    BrutusBrutus Member Posts: 1,113
    Following standard road courtesy principles can go a long way towards reducing some of the problem. Dallas is the worst place I have ever driven when it comes to road courtesy, and my driving includes 4.5 years in Southern CA. The most oft abused road courtesy rules are:

    - The left lane always yields to faster traffic, regardless of what speed you are going;
    - Never accelerate when someone is trying to pass.

    Alot of driving is common sense. Too many people try to play police officer and slow down faster moving traffic or block them in. That almost certainly results in tailgating and agressive, sometimes dangerous, passing attempts by an agitated driver. The last thing I want is to have a driver tailgating me that obviously wants to go faster than I feel is safe for the conditions. I definitely prefer that he be somewhere ahead of me.

    The commonly accepted safe distance behind a vehicle is two seconds. As a general rule of thumb, that is one car length for every 10mph. That rarely happens on a busy urban highway. Three car lengths may seem safer, but chances are that it won't provide adequate response time to avoid most accidents if they happen right in front of you. The majority of city highway driving is done on faith. It's the faith that the other drivers on the road will behave in a normal driving fashion. In other words, we count on the fact that the driver in front of us will not slam on his brakes for no reason.

    There is no excuse for road rage, but it will never be eliminated. We, as responsible drivers, can follow commonly accepted road courtesy rules to avoid contributing to the problem, and at the very least, get the driver away from us by letting him pass.
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    pam2pam2 Member Posts: 185
    Well, y'all have some good points, but I'm still scared of pickup truck drivers. I, too, live in Dallas and know that the drivers here are terrible. But the trucks seem to be the worst. Maybe it's because they're so much bigger or because the younger people are driving them. But there is a definite "bully" feeling from them for me.

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    GischpelGischpel Member Posts: 133
    On the radio last week I heard about a study of professional truck drivers that was done and they rated male operators of pickup trucks the worst drivers on the road. One reason for it was believed to be what hcombs0 said -- the guys are driving the hot rods of the 90's and think they are invinceable. Now that's a pretty broad generalization, but it may hold some water.

    Bit whether this is true or not, it's something I think about each day as I climb into my truck and venture off. In the study, one area where most problems occurred was when pickups were merging into highway/interstate traffic. The "gun it and go" mentality seemed to take over.

    Having been a professional truck driver, I understand the concern with this because stopping the big rigs takes time and a lot of distance. When someone darts out in front of you and then can't get up to highway speed fast enough, they may not realize how close they are to becoming a hood ornament on an 18-wheeler. It is unfortunate that some of them do learn, but by then it is usually too late...
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    BrutusBrutus Member Posts: 1,113
    Everyone should have to take an extended day road trip where they are only permitted to drive at night. A lot of road courtesy can be learned when driving with the professional truck drivers on the highway after dark.
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    E3MP6E3MP6 Member Posts: 70
    I think it's a mix of both the "hot rod of the 90's" and the "SUV syndrom" that affects a lot of younger P/U drivers. Why not feel invincible? You've got a bigger engine than almost any other vehicle, and you're bigger than those "safe because their so big" SUV's. Both of these concepts are stupid and come from inexperience.

    Lots of young drivers don't realize that their F-250 SuperDuty doesn't weave in traffic like an MR-2, nor does it get up and go like a TransAm.

    Guys like to think that because they've got a big engine, they can do anything. Wrong. My truck won't do 0-60 in 3 seconds, but it can pull a boat without breathing hard.

    If a driver MUST have a truck and MUST drive it like a sports car, look for an F-150 Lightning, Dodge Dakota R/T, or Chevy 1500 SS.
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    stanfordstanford Member Posts: 606
    I drive a diesel crew cab in Dallas. What really gets me concerned are the number of people who drive directly behind me in traffic -- in small cars. I /know/ that they can't see around me. In a truck, you can at least get some idea of what the road conditions are like a few cars ahead of you.
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    jholcjholc Member Posts: 25
    I am a young male with a P/U that fits into these aggressive driver categories very well. What scares me about my behavior on the road is that off the road, I am very responsible and usually curtious to almost anyone, but get behind someone who is sitting in the left lane on the hwy who either doesn't care or is clueless about "slower traffic keep right" and I become very angry very fast. I really would like to find out a way to deal with this national trend short of taking something like "prozac" before getting behind the wheel.

    One other rarely mentioned thing is the silent catylist drivers who seem to secretly get enjoyment by frustrating any driver who wants to go faster then them. I think these drivers launch a lot of the road rage incidents.

    I don't think this is going to be an easy question to answer in this country. I've been to other countries where the driving scares me to death. (Spain & France) and I've been to countries that seem to have wonderful systems (Germany & Austria)
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    BrutusBrutus Member Posts: 1,113

    While I agree completely with your second paragraph and sympathize with much of the rest of your post, there is no excuse for road rage. There will always be idiot drivers on the road. If you get worked up to a road rage level when you encounter these people, the problem may lie with you. I get frustrated, and I have to confess to some tailgating when it happens. However, there is a limit at which you can permit yourself to step over the line and become determined to make the other driver pay for your opinion of their stupidity.

    I do have a renewed sympathy for car drivers. I sold my truck this past week and am driving a loaner for a couple of months until my truck arrives. It's obviously been a long time since I have driven a car. It is intimidating in traffic. I'm use to seeing every car in front of me, at least up to the next hill. In my loaner, I can't see beyond the car in front of me. I have no idea if he is going slow or if there are 25 cars in front of him. I look to my left and I see car doors or tires. I'm use to looking down and seeing people. I feel totally enclosed in traffic. The worst, though, is that other drivers treat me totally different. In the past few days, I have seen cars change into my lane when there is, maybe, 2-3 car lengths or less. They never did that when I was driving my truck.

    I don't blame any of these drivers for their actions. I may sympathize with car drivers, but I certainly wouldn't want to be one for any length of time again. Give me my big truck in traffic. I'll pay the extra gas, and have a lot less stressful trip home. I've got to believe that the safety features of driving a pickup in traffic are often overlooked because of the lower gas mileage. Visibility, plus the size that makes people think twice about invading your "safe" space with the auto in front of you, makes for a much safer commute.
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    hcombs0hcombs0 Member Posts: 22

    I agree with you; it is intimidating for car drivers, even in regular traffic, to look to their left and right to see monstrous tires, fenders, and sidepanels, while looking behind them to see towering grilles and chrome bumpers.
    So what I think is happening is some sort of "herd" response to this. People are plain tired, as you say, of not being able to see over, or around the vehicle in front of them (Though they might be able to see under a 'Burban ;). So, they're getting into the SUV & truck club. This in turn, puts more people in larger vehicles, negating their advantage. Taken to its extreme, if everyone were driving SUV's and trucks no one could see ahead anymore, just like when most people drove cars.
    Oddly enough, though, I find driving in traffic with a truck nerve-wracking, while commuting in my Nissan is easy, even in killer traffic. With a truck or SUV, you give up the point-and-shoot maneuverability that will get you out of trouble. In certain circumstances on the freeway you're just along for the ride, whereas in a car you could do something to avoid.
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    RoclesRocles Member Posts: 982
    I like to think that my truck driving habits have been tempered by my hobby. That hobby being motorcycling which any rider who wants to be ALIVE rides defensively. I have noticed that my truck habits are the same. Sure, I hate bone-heads but I always tell myself to let it go. Otherwise I'll be no better.
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    mikec13mikec13 Member Posts: 26

    To feel nervous due to lack of maneuverability is almost amusing. I found the handling of my new Ranger to be very good and the acceleration more than adequate for anything one would responsibly need to do in a vehicle. I'm quite sure that this also applies to most new trucks/SUV's these days not just compact pickups. Actually this probably has a downside in that as the number of large vehicles with decent handling goes up so does the temptation to throw them around in traffic. An aggressive truck makes a larger, longer lasting impression than an aggressive car so there's part of the image problem.
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    hcombs0hcombs0 Member Posts: 22
    Mikec 13:

    I should have been more clear. "Truck" does, after all, mean many things. Our truck is a chevy 1-ton extended cab dually diesel, not a ranger. At least in a Ranger, one has something of the responsiveness, acceleration, and performance of a car.
    Our truck outweighs most cars 2-1 or 3-1(!), is half-again as wide as a car, and is twice as tall. It also accelerates 1/2 as well, and corners with all the alacrity of an unwilling camel (~.5-.6g). I mean, this truck is about as far you can get from a car unless you get a Hummer.
    While driving it on the freeway, none of that matters. Traffic literally parts for me. I develop that same "attitude" as the original poster talks about. Still, on surface streets, there's no getting around the fact that it's a 6000lb+, 16ft+ long, 8ft wide truck. Changing lanes in this thing is. . .interesting. It'll never be nimble, nor chuckable, and those are the two qualities I like in traffic.
    Don't get me wrong; I love my truck, 'cause it'll pull whatever I want whenever I want wherever I want. I just don't want to commute with it every morning.
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    E3MP6E3MP6 Member Posts: 70
    I beleive part of the problem is that those former car owners who are "joining the club" that hcombs0 mentioned just aren't used to having 6.5' to 10' of "nothingness" behind them called a truck bed.
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    hcombs0hcombs0 Member Posts: 22
    I'm sure we've got some die-hard truck guys around here, and let's get the other side of the argument:
    Is there a "car attitude"?
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    KCRamKCRam Member Posts: 3,516
    In my opinion, car attitude takes two forms:

    1) The whole "right to own a car" attitude of the entire country - the personal freedom, the temporary "in command" feeling, etc.

    These are the people who, while they may not be the most aseertive or skilled behind the wheel, would die a thousand deaths without a car.

    2) The performance/maneuverability attitude. The one who drives the pocket rocket and darts in and out of every situation on the road just because he physically can.

    Driving a 4X4 dually, I get these types in my blind spots all the time. Even with 6x9 mirrors and plenty of glass, if you're right next to the right rear wheel in a low car, I can't see you at all... then out of nowhere, a Hoda CRX will whip around me and cut in front like a kid sneaking ahead of you in a line while you weren't paying attention.
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    E3MP6E3MP6 Member Posts: 70
    I almost creamed a new 'vette the first week I had my new truck 'cause he insisted on sitting in my blind spot. The top of his car was lower than my bed rails, so even when I turned to check my blind spot, I still couldn't see him. Motorcycles are even harder to see. I've started taking extra time before lane changes now.
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    stanfordstanford Member Posts: 606
    I'd add that many car drivers rely far too much on their manuverability. Driving my Crewcab diesel for 5 years has taught me to plan things like lane changes that I never worried about, even in my old 460 regular cab. I see so many smaller vehicles scrambling about that it makes me shudder sometimes.

    I'd add to that the tendency of smaller faster vehicles (and I'm sure I did this in the past) not to take advantage of things like freeway onramps. I do 0-60 in 18-20 seconds. Few things frustrate me more than being behind a sports car doing 30 up 90% of the entrance ramp and zipping up to 70 right at the end. Some of us need the extra acceleration space!

    Don't even get me started on geo metro sized vehicles not being able to stay in their lane, or park in one spot... I think its just a case of active vs. passive driving styles. With a larger vehicle, you're always thinking and planning.

    Just my US$0.02
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    E3MP6E3MP6 Member Posts: 70
    Why are double parked Geo's a problem? I thought you said you had a Crewcab Diesel. *smile*

    BUMP BUMP "Was that a speedbump or a Geo?"
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    ruzruz Member Posts: 59
    great discussion here! I drive a small truck (a '92 Nissan Shortbed) but even in that, I get a sense that people notice me (and therefore pay attention to me and don't do things like cut me off) more than they would if I were in a car.

    Of course, with all the Suburbans, Navigators, Durangos, etc., on the road, my little truck is starting to feel more and more like a Honda Civic every day...
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    pam2pam2 Member Posts: 185
    It IS very frustrating to drive a regular or small sized car (I have an Integra, my boyfriend has a Civic) with all these huge trucks, etc. on the road!! I'm short anyway and I just can't see around these people!!

    For the big rig drivers - I also used to drive a tractor/trailer. I remember the blind spots and not being to stop "on a dime". I ALWAYS tell people not to drive beside a big truck's passenger door. That would be like having a tricycle beside the passenger door of a car. Can't see it!!!

    So far, the best explanation about the pickup truck "attitude" is that these are the muscle cars of the 90's and lots of crazy kids are driving them. I still think there's a certain "truck mentality" (no offense to any of you pickup truck owners/drivers). A lot of guys who want a big, manly truck also want to bully others on the road. Don't they say that a man who buys a big truck is trying to make up for a lack of size in other areas? Hey, hey, hey!! That's a joke!!

    Point taken about the little sports cars darting in and around traffic, though. I see that, too. I know people who drive like that!!

    Bye, y'all!

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    BrutusBrutus Member Posts: 1,113
    A good rule of thumb for blind spots is a saying that I've seen printed on the backs of many big rigs. "If you can't see me in my mirrors, I can't see you."
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    hcombs0hcombs0 Member Posts: 22
    Worst case Scenario: the darty car driver(as kcram et al. have described) gets a large truck/SUV, etc.
    This is what drives everyone (car and truck drivers alike) crazy about the SUV craze--people driving Explorers, Durangos, and Suburbans(!) like the small(er) cars they used to have. I'm not an SUV or truck "basher" in anyway; personally I think they're useful, safe transportation, especially in bad weather. But I think we can all agree the most dangerous component of any car/truck/space-shuttle is between the driver's ears. If he thinks he can drive that new Durango or F-150 or Explorer like the Camaro they traded in, all the people on the road with him are put at risk.
    It's like it is with anything--motorcycles, cars, trucks--a few bonehead drivers give everyone a bad name.
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    richflynnrichflynn Member Posts: 147
    Out here in California I've been driving a F-250 in various form since '86. They've all been diesels, so no acceleration. I've noticed two things since I got my first truck.

    First, because of the height, you can see a lot more OH DO-DOs!
    Second, I can see a lot more of the antics of the BMW type. Usually the lower the BMW model number (or dark cheap MB or cheap Acura) the worse the antics.

    Do I have an attitude? ABSOLUTELY! My problems? The idiot who matches speed with yours so you can't change lanes to the front nor behind. The idiot in your blind spot. The idiot you can't see in any of the three mirrors because they're so close to your rear bumper. The idiot that gets upset because I can't read their mind when they want to change lanes w/o signaling. I'm sorry, but my school didn't offer Mind Reading 101. Yes, unfortunately it is sometimes necessary to be aggressive and intimidating.

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    bogiemanbogieman Member Posts: 12
    I agree on some of the worst drivers being found in Dallas! I have had 16 trips x-country and a few miles under my belt and still fear young girls in small cars most of all! They have no concept of what it takes to stop a car moving at 50-60-70 MPH.... and seem to spend half their time checking their hair in the rear view morrors! We are often blamed in Florida for being careless "older drivers" ..... yet the police I know find that many accidents were precipitated by a young, inexperienced, inattentive driver who created a crash scenario for someone else!
    I must confess tho.... its so much better driving the F-150 as I can see ahead so much better and am able to avert potential problems.
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    RoclesRocles Member Posts: 982
    Whatever, Dallas, Jersey, New York and Philly does it matter? Crappy drivers are everywhere.
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    barbwvbarbwv Member Posts: 4
    Just having been in an accident with an F-150 which totaled my small car I can tell you I will never have another small car. We are currently in the market for a truck, preferably one with the 3rd door. Not really a great time to be looking for a new truck (GM strike, end of model year) but the idiot driving the F-150 gave me no choice. Bad drivers are abundant in this state too but I believe most of them are Ohio immigrants!
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    richflynnrichflynn Member Posts: 147
    You can't complain about bad drivers until you've driven in Boston. There ain't nothing that compares.
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    GischpelGischpel Member Posts: 133
    I would think now is a great time to be looking for a truck. It IS the end of the model year(there are steep discounts), it's still too early for the 4x4 crowd to be on the prowl driving up prices, plus the GM strike is over. Competition should heat up as GM ships more vehicles again. Good luck.

    Have to agree with you there. Having driven a big rig in Boston, I always looked forward to leaving. The roads (low overpasses) and drivers left a lot to be desired.
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    amadeus131amadeus131 Member Posts: 43
    This conference has given me a lot to think about. I guess I was almost one of those SUV types, only last week I wised up and decided to look for a small pickup instead. I currently have a Sunfire, which has driven me crazy because of its lack of power and so-so road-gripping capability, even with the tire and wheel upgrades. But if I do trade up to an S-10 or the like, I may miss the ability to whip my vehicle in and out of any situation that's necessary. Who knows how many F-150 and Suburban drivers I've given near heart-attacks, without even knowing it? I consider myself a very careful driver, even though I'm only 30; all my friends joke that I drive like an old lady. But do I really? Am I ready to sacrifice some handling capability for 4WD and a more powerful engine? Something for me to think about....
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    kip3kip3 Member Posts: 20
    Attitudes from drivers of all ages and vehichle types are getting more and more scary. People that drive the point and go low slung 'racy cars' should spend the day in a p/u sometime to be able to see just how small their cars look to p/u drivers. They should both spend a day in a big rig and see how small everything looks from that seat. The big rig drivers should go and talk to the family of the teenage girl in the civic that got smashed by an 18 wheeler.Then go by prison and talk with the driver of that 18 wheeler. Then they should all go to the Fed.Pen. and talk to the life time member that followed that tail gateing 18 wheeler, or cut off (Jerk) specialist into a rest stop. If everyone would run the posted speed limit and stay back 1 car length for every 10 miles per hr., there would be less wrecks, rage, etc..I've used the cell phone more that once to report bad driving to trucking firms and the state patrols. Getting in a wreck is a lose-lose situation (no winners). kip
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    kip3kip3 Member Posts: 20
    Pam, there is very little that you can do while in your car(legally)about the way other people drive. However, you can be sure that you are not causing or adding to the problem. Don't dart or squeeze in front of people. Don't tailgate. Don't be tailgated. Let them go by.Several years ago I notified the Ga. State Patrol about a wreckless driver. Gave them his tag #, time of day,location and all the good stuff. They said they couldn't do anything because they didn't see him do it. Two mornings later they had him pulled over!!! I sure hope I had something to do with that. Take the time to really start noticing the vehicles around you. Are the P/U really worse than cars, or just more noticable due to size. Have a safe day!kip
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    stanfordstanford Member Posts: 606
    I would much rather be tailgated by a rig (whose driver can see the road ahead and react accordingly) than a small car. I've had some folk in Dallas traffic sit 10-20 feet behind me (I drive an F350 CC) and I know they can't see what's up ahead.

    For those of you who haven't had the fun of pulling a big heavy trailer ... make sure that you're driving predictably. If you slow down and speed up, even by 5 mph, you can really make life hell for trailer-towers (rigs and p/ups). Since it can take a decent amount of time (and fuel) to accelerate, there's a tendancy to close in on your bumper and hope you'll get back to speed-of-traffic. This is probably a common cause of people noticing rigs tailgating.

    Every now and then, I drive small rental cars for work (Malibu-size). I'm amazed at how easy it is to drift up and down 5-10 mph without really thinking about it if you're driving without cruise. Its worth paying extra attention to your speed on the highways.
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    NuberOneNuberOne Member Posts: 29
    Just remember that it takes a lot longer for a big
    rig to stop than it does other vehicles. If you have a trucker on your tail, I suggest you get out of his way. Also, don't cut in front of a trucker for the same reason.
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    kip3kip3 Member Posts: 20
    I recently had a big rig get "real" close. I was in the second lane from the right and actually in his passing lane in theory because in certain areas around here they have to stay in the right two lanes. Traffic was heavy and I was trying to get into the left lane to let him have my space. Posted speed was 60 and it was a 3 lane freeway. I was running 70. Cars were thick as fleas in front and both sides.A car cut across in front of me to make an exit. The big rig driver saw it about the same time.But with his extra weight he closed the gap real fast. He was good! He was alert,but if he had been looking away for any reason or I hadn't been aware of his closeness it could have been a tragedy.When I was able to get out of his way, he started tailgating the next car. Mabe he was tired or running late, but he was dangerous and deadly. kip
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    stanfordstanford Member Posts: 606
    Let me get this straight. Traffic was thick, everybody was tailgating everybody, and you're annoyed because he was tailgating too?

    At least in Dallas rush hour traffic, there is a certain 'magic' distance you have to maintain from the person in front of you. Too close, and you run the risk of a rear end collision. Too far back, and you have people swerving in front of you continually (cutting down on your space, and a dangerous action in its own right).

    If he goes below speed-of-traffic he becomes a much greater danger to other people. Folk will be swerving around him, waiting for others to pass, getting mad, etc. Not a good idea.

    Sounds like a lose-lose situation here; it does look like you're annoyed at him for driving the same way that other folk do though. Truckers have by far the lowest number of collisions per mile of any highway drivers... these guys, for the most part, know what to do and why. If he had pulled back to a 'safe' distance, and people had changed lane to the nice spot in front of him (as they did to you) he would have even less space to spare.
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    stevekstevek Member Posts: 362
    Most of the drivers do not realize that trucks are unable to slow down and speed up at will. They do not shift like cars and if you miss a gear you just can not "plop" it into the next lowest/highest gear and keep on going. Also in a truck you should not be shifting gears while going uphill or downhill, because if you miss a gear there is no engine breaking power downhill and when going uphill you loose ALL the momentum.
    I guarantee if I put a car driver (even if he/she knows how to drive a stick) in a big truck and ask to drive straight (with no one around) for a quarter of a mile they will never make it.
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    pam2pam2 Member Posts: 185
    I drove a big rig for awhile in 1981. I have to say that I agree that truck drivers are probably the best drivers on the road. They are professionals and do it every day, all day long. They can see far ahead of the rest of us, which is a great advantage. Also, the majority of wrecks that involve big rigs are either caused by or involve 4 wheelers.

    On the other hand, even as an ex-trucker, I don't think they should tailgate. Because they CAN'T stop as quickly as a car. I've never understood why some truckers to that. I never did. I don't tailgate in my car, either. It's just too risky for no benefit. As much as I respect truckers, I wish they wouldn't tailgate.

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    KCRamKCRam Member Posts: 3,516
    I had put this in "Driving Tips" in the News conference 2 months ago, but it's an appropriate addition to this conversation:


    Since I have a dually pickup, on many roads I am subject to truck regulations and restrictions, and know first hand the frustration that truckers feel. Here are a few tips for hanging with the big rigs:

    #1 - if there are three (or more) lanes per side
    of highway, trucks are 99% of the time banned from
    the farthest left lane. If you're one of those
    people who plants your car in the center lane at
    the speed limit and get both frightened and angry
    at the semi behind you, YOU'RE IN *HIS* PASSING
    LANE. By law, he cannot pass you on EITHER side,
    and would like you to move over so he can continue. (I do know female semi-drivers; not trying to be sexist here using he/his.)

    I was amongst about 20 semis in this situation on
    I-78 here in NJ at around 2am one night last year.
    We had to somehow get around a limo who decided
    the center lane was his, and he wasn't budging.
    When 20 trucks flash their lights and then blow
    your doors off passing you illegally on the right
    (and left, by the more daring of us that night),
    you need to know you're in the wrong lane.

    #2 - be aware of hills! All semis will pick up
    amazing amounts of speed downhill on any
    interstate. Even if your cruise control is set at
    something above the limit, get to the right and
    *stay*there* on an interstate downhill if it's a
    truck route, then on the uphill, let the trucks
    back over to the right and pass them on the left.

    #3 - use your lights! Anyone who has paid
    attention to truck traffic has watched one semi
    kill his lights quickly to indicate to a passing
    semi that it's now clear to pull back over after
    passing. The passing trucker will then flash his
    lights "thank you". If you're a car jockey, do the same thing. As soon as the rear end of the
    trailer clears your hood, kill ALL your lights for
    about a half-second. Do make sure that the truck
    has enough room to safely continue in front of you
    first, otherwise the truck will continue passing
    until there is room to return to the right lane. A sudden shot of darkness in a trucker's right-hand view overrides any blind spot, and you too will get the "thank you" flash when the rig moves over. In daylight, use your HIGH beams (because they aim "upwards" into a truck's mirror) in the same fashion.

    #4 - give a rig room to stop. Nothing is more
    infuriating than seeing an entire highway slowing
    for construction, an accident, etc., and having a
    car dart to change lanes cutting a truck's
    projected stopping distance in half. When a large
    vehicle prepares to stop, the driver's assuming the area in front will remain that distance and uses enough brake pressure to stop safely. Sliding into that gap with a car causes the truck to slam on the whoa pedal, and the possibility of trailer brake lockup (and the resulting jackknife)
    increases dramatically.

    #5 - respect the trucker's workplace - the road!
    You may be on your way TO work, but the trucker is
    already AT work. If it's not going to cause a
    problem in your day, give the trucker the break on
    the road whenever possible. You will earn their
    respect as a courteous, attentive driver, and will
    often get a break in return.
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    stevekstevek Member Posts: 362
    To KCRAM: you are 110% right!!!!!!!!!! on all points.
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    kip3kip3 Member Posts: 20
    No Stanford, you don't have it straight. I said traffic was thick. I don't know how many car/trucks were tailgating. I was running with traffic (70 in 60 zone) I was passing cars to my right. Cars on my left were passing me. THICK HEAVY traffic. Yes I was upset with this guy! He was too close for conditions. Although he might be able to see far ahead he can't predict everything that can happen. Many of the post here state that the big rigs require lots of extra room to stop. Thats a fact! When I was able to get out of this guy's way he started tailgating the next car. How much time would he really save doing that vs dropping back a couple of car lengths? I have seen situations where there were many trucks on the road all stacked in the right lane and a vehicle is in the middle lane, just going no where in no hurry. Then a trucker eases up behind them and blinks lights, blows horns,and finally eases up real close. That vehicle ought to move over and let the truck go by. But in this other case the trucker was rude and dangerous. That truck is his office. He is supposed to be a professional. In a regular office environment it is unacceptable for someone to "Bully" their way around because they happen to be bigger than others. Most truckers are professionals and know the limitations of their rigs. They also know that the impossible can happen at any time on the highways. But then the "FEW" don't seem to get it. It has to be irritating and frustrating for them at times. BUT, that is their PROFESSION! Then be Professional! Fact is that most everything I have arrive here with a big rig involved. Truckers move the world. It's a wonderful profession that gets a bad rap because of a small percentage. Does anybody know the fatal statistics of car/car vs truck/car? The car looses. The trucker is not like other folks...He is generally a better driver with more responsibility..kip
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    mharde2mharde2 Member Posts: 278
    I don't mean to stereotype, but I have noticed that the worst and rudest car & truck drivers seem to be BMWs and Chevy pickups. Just an observation....
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    AKMarkusAKMarkus Member Posts: 21
    Down here in Houston it's hard to tell, but I think it's the smaller and the foreign "sports sedan" type vehicles that top my rude driver list. Although I am starting to think that Houstonians / Deep Southeast Texans have a serious mental block against using the turn signal's when changing lanes / turning. I have never seen the like before. I will still continue to signal, even if it just means the other drivers will speed up to keep you from getting into "their" lane. I know all I can do about it is to set a good example for the kids. So for sanities sake I will be moving away from the "big town" as soon as I can. To get away from these rude, selfish, aggressive drivers, be they in cars, trucks, or on motorcycles.
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    E3MP6E3MP6 Member Posts: 70
    The turn signal thing permeates most of the southern US. If you see a southerner with his/her turn signal on, it was most likely already on when they bought the car. :)
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    polsenpolsen Member Posts: 25
    This post is mostly for the ooh ahh. Here in Salt lake Utah We are re-doing the Interstate moving all six lanes into a four lane divided and buttressed one side of the freeway. During morning commute a car that sounds suspiciously the same color (Grey) as my commuting car tried to exit, get ahead of several cars and then dive back into traffic in front of a double belly dump which had to slam on its brakes. The double behind him plowed into him and the gas tanker plowed into them. Then a "heavy" truck plowed into the gas tanker which exploded. Several hours after the crash the authorities started counting noses and found the missing driver still in the "heavy" truck cab. They closed down both sides of the freeway to control the fire had to call in heavy equipment to move the center barriers to allow the trapped traffic to do a U-turn, and then had to repair the road from the fire damage. Luckily only one fatality and no other major injuries. But a couple of burned pickups.
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    akjbmwakjbmw Member Posts: 231
    I think there may be a relationship between the concept of thinking ahead and the careless darting of those Miatas and Z3s.

    Thinking ahead, they would consider the physics involved in putting their toy in front of and in the space a larger and harder to stop vehicle needs.
    Thinking ahead, they would consider the possible retaliatory bumper-hugging of the SUV (or immature/inexperienced truck) driver that they just jumped in front of.
    Thinking ahead, maybe they would be driving a truck in the first place . . .

    The Clueless. We always seem to be making concessions for them.
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    dizzy2dizzy2 Member Posts: 8
    I think that everyone who drives any vehicle should be required to spend a friday or Saturday in a hospital ER helping put pieces of people back together. When I took driver's ed in 77 and 78 they had a program where if you did this and took driver ed and 2 defensive driving courses before your 16th birthday you got a chunk taken off your insurance. The group I was in was the test group. Out of 63 people, statistics said we should have had 18 deaths/disabilities and like 45 accidents in 36 months. At the follow up, we found that only 4 had died, only 2 of which were due to driver error. I don't know why they don't do this now, most parents would be thrilled to pay 25% less for a teen's insurance.
    I would also like to see parking lights abolished. There are actually people stupid enough to drive with nothing but their parking lights on. I would like to see "no headlights on after dusk" treated as an automatic verdict of "this accident was your fault". I want a bumper sticker that says LIFE IS AN IQ TEST AND SURVIVAL IS A PASSING GRADE!
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