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Mazda Tribute Electrical Problems

My 2003 Tribute has a problem where all the gauges short out . All gauges go from zero all the way over regardless of what speed you are going. Includes speedometer, tach, fuel, and tempt gauge. Been to the dealer and was given several costly options at what the problem might be. Anyone with same problem? What is the cure?
Thanks for the reply. No cause fo rthe problems as of yet. They told me it might be the battery. I had the battery tested and it tested fine. I replaced the battery and it still happens. Also was told it could be the coils, instrument panel or maybe replace the plugs. This was the best information they could find from their tech. If I replaced everything they suggested it would cost about $1700.00. What possible causes did your dealers give?
The problem is exactly as you describe - when I turn on the engine, it makes 5 long beeps, pauses for a few moments, repeats the beeps, pauses and then repeats the beeps again. This happens every time I start the engine and will sometimes even come on when I have been driving a while (cc 30 mins). No warning lights, no other issues with the car. Just the beeps. Every time I turn the engine on.
Did you get your's fixed?
But I was getting a misfire in one cylinder and replacing the coil pack resigned the problem.
So you may have a couple of coil packs going bad.
My mileage was about 134000
Is it the alternator?
If it is, how the heck do you replace it? It seems like it is in the hardest position on the car known to mankind,
Thanks for any help you all can get me.