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Clicking Noise While Driving Lexus RX300
My Lexus has started to make a strange clicking noise while driving. I thought at first I had a screw or something in my tire. Checked all of the tires and there was nothing. I also removed all the tires checked the brake pads which were fine, and lubed the brakes. The clicking won't stop and I have no idea what else it could be. It clicks while driving and clicks faster as I accelerate. Any ideas?? THANKS!
I hope to help.
On long trips we encountered clicking noise like a rattle or "rapid tapping following irregular patterns,road conditions, We drove down I-5 my sweetheart got up and looked around her car and pushed panels in and such, it was located in the rear area by the cargo area. I remembered the Licence plate frame rattles because lexus and toyotas bolt on only at the Top of the frame.
close the trunk and listen to the "RRAAPP" sound. Case Closed. I am reluctant to drill two holes for the lower licence plate frame, but may opt to
attach a couple of rubber bits to quiet it down.
We also have the clicking, can somebody offer assistance in executing these instructions?
"Turn the temperature setting to MAX COOL, "park" the airflow, air distribution system in full defrost/defog/demist position, and then turn the system off and see if the clicking doesn't go away "
I think the MAX COOL is acheived by pushing the 'up' button on the TEMP control.
I don't understand how to "park" the airflow. Is this as simple as pushing the button with defroster icon, orange indicator light and the word 'FRONT' on it?
I also am not clear on this instruction, "and then turn the system off", is this as simple as pushing the button with the fan blade icon and the word 'OFF'?
Thanks in advance for clarification.
I believe it is the (vacume operated) servo that closes and opens the flow of coolant through the heater core in response to changes in the cabin temperature.
I had same situation on my car and problem was the air vantilation switch control with electric motor, which is can able to find under desh. When switching the air flow position electric motor control the vantilation valve inside the aircondition unit, which is inside the main unit. So, can able to find two switch close each other ( top and bottom ).
They also link together I think. For my car, inside the top switch electric motor gear tip was worn out. so, sometime not in the right position make can not contact with other control switch then try to get contact but slip the gear caused noise. So I remove top switch and open the cover then put some very thinn rubber ( about 1mm ) stick top of the electric motor gear tip to make sure gear not to loose or slip. If top switch is working ok the bottom switch no more making the noise.
My cas is right hand drive, so switch is on left hand side behind glove box. You can able to find very easy after turn the air condition on and try to change the vantilation position.
Turn the heater to MAX leave it on for 3-4 minutes and turn it off; that will take care of it for days or weeks, when it comes back do the same thing. I know it’s not a permanent fix, but it will take care of the annoying noise and keep you about 7 Benjamin in ur pockets.
Good Luck!