Cooling Fan Out of Balance

in Chevrolet
05 TBZ 49K Milles
The cooling fan spins out of balance when idling. When you press on the gas it spins even more out of whack and hits the plastic protection covering the fan. What causes this out of balance spinning and what would the fix cost me?
The cooling fan spins out of balance when idling. When you press on the gas it spins even more out of whack and hits the plastic protection covering the fan. What causes this out of balance spinning and what would the fix cost me?
tidester, host
SUVs and Smart Shopper
I recently replaced the water pump as it had quite a bit of play in the bearings (but didnt leak) I have replaced waterpumps before & was quite surprised at this one. It was no bigger than a soup can. It was a chore removing all the crap to get to it. I thoght I could sneek it out with out pulling the radiator but it was too close a fit. I thought that after replacing it it would eliminate my whirring/fluttering sound from the engine after hitting hard bumps.. No still makes the sound. I tried shutting the engine off while in Neutral and it still is a pronounced noise but stops at around 10 mi an hour.
I am suspecting the fan clutch. I have looked online for one and found that they vary greatly in price. One was $168.00-$178.00. They have a plug on them that plugs into a sensor. My original does not have that.I have found other replacements for $60 & $80 that match mine more than these others with the electronic add-on. Anyone know why this one would be cheap?(er) when everyone else was charged $6-$800.00 for replacement????
Thanks to everyone for the discussion.