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Toyota Highlander Bluetooth

dakineguydakineguy Member Posts: 46
My Highlander does not allow you to dial calls from the car's bluetooth while you are driving. Does anyone know how to override this?


  • nimrod99nimrod99 Member Posts: 343
    yes, you have to go back to last years Nav or buy an override kit which disables the speed sensor input to the nav unit

    the lock out also affects the GPS functionality too.
    It's just a matter of time before someone finds the hack to restore the full function of the GPS / phone etc. My biggest complaint is the front seat passenger is barred from using the GPS when we are moving
    Toyota wants to be my mother.
  • mdhuttonmdhutton Member Posts: 195
    Or maybe, just maybe Toyota doesn't want to be named in the lawsuit when someone who was trying to type an address or phone number in while driving wrecks the car and injures him/her self and/or others?

    This is a necessary and appropriate safety feature. Set up voice tags and commands for your frequently-dialed numbers and you should be all set.
  • nimrod99nimrod99 Member Posts: 343
    why would toyota be named in a law suit?
    there are screens that have to be acknowledged warning the driver of the risks and to continue, must accept responsibility.

    It's not the typing or using nav that we have to worry about. It's the fact that people can get driving licenses who shouldn't be behind the wheel.
  • mdhuttonmdhutton Member Posts: 195
    You're absolutely correct when you say that people who shouldn't have driver's licenses are driving - we all see them every day.

    I assure you however, that as soon as someone is injured in an accident caused by being distracted because they were entering a phone number or address, that some ambitious attorney is going to include about a dozen people/entities in the lawsuit...one of them being the vehicle's manufacturer. Happens every day. Too many people don't want to be held accountable for their actions or stupidity and accept responsibility...they want to blame someone else.

    I'm not saying it's right, or that it won't later be adjudicated in the manufacturer's favor, but it will happen.
  • dakineguydakineguy Member Posts: 46
    My Acura allows me to enter destinations while I'm driving. I have my wife do it all the time.

    What are the workarounds to allow my wife to enter destinations and phone number entries while I'm driving the Highlander?
  • nimrod99nimrod99 Member Posts: 343
    My point exactly
    My wife has a 2008 CRV with Nav
    When it's my turn to drive, I use the Nav while driving
    I also drove 120,000 miles in 4 years in my old Highlander and I entered data into my Garmin Street pilot while on the move.
    To date, I have been killed 15 times in accidents while using my garmin.

    Just kidding.

    Actually, the closest I have come to being involved in an accident was in my new 2008 Highlander. Due to the rocket scientists at Toyota, I had to pull over on the shoulder of a remote freeway in Nevada to enter in some data. The scary part is - Semi trucks are roaring by at 80 mph, a few feet away.

    And before you ask, no there wasn't any exits nearby.
    The voice activation feature doesn't always recognize spoken names of places etc.
    By the time you have restarted the voice inputs 20 times, you are have traveled 25 miles on the freeway.

    I think that at least someone in the passenger seat (seat pressure sensors are already there) should be allowed to use the Nav while driving.
  • mtairyordgemtairyordge Member Posts: 144
    You can use the voice commands by saying "Dial by number"

    When you say the word for "0" say Oh not Zero, the voice recognition translate ZERO as "00"
  • jdavid4jdavid4 Member Posts: 1
    I've gotten my wife a 2008 highlander and we love it. The bluetooth volume seems ridiculously loud however. We've tried to figure this out but have been stumped. The owner's manual says it automatically adjusts the volume according to speed. when moving slow, it is ear-splitting. When driving over 30 mph, it is startling and painfully loud.

  • hblurhblur Member Posts: 5
    A guy I know who is in a wheelchair asked me a question about Bluetooth. He is getting a Toyota Sienna which is outfitted with a ramp and driving gear since he is in a wheelchair and has only partial use of his arms and of use to his legs.
    The Bluetooth in the Sienna is (I think) like that on my 2007 RAV4: not entirely hands free. You have to hit the “off hook” switch to answer a call and have to hit a button to say a name and hit another to make a call.
    The problem is that he cannot hit those switches. He needs it to be completely hands free.
    Would anyone know if this can be accomplished?
    Ear pieces are bad, too, since they usually have to be activated with a finger touch, so far as I know..
    Thank you in advance for any light you might shed on this.
  • eagle63eagle63 Member Posts: 599
    Does the Highlander alllow you to stream music via bluetooth to the stereo? Or does it only support hands-free calling? Thanks,
  • dakineguydakineguy Member Posts: 46
    The lawsuit argument is weak. What about Honda? What about cell phone providers? If you are using a cell phone and get in an accident, do you sue AT&T or Verizon Wireless? The reality is that I was sold the GPS/Bluetooth without mention of the disablement. I feel as though the dealer was not upfront. Kind of like when you buy a house and find out later that your neighbor is a creep...
  • mdhuttonmdhutton Member Posts: 195
    Honda has obviously chosen to offer different functionality than Toyota. To each their own.

    And no sir/madam, the lawsuit argument is NOT weak. I could bury you in case law to illustrate the point - let me know where FedEx can send a myriad of boxes of exhilarating reading. Happens any time product liability claims are filed anywhere. Rest assured that ANY entity with any relation to the product will be named in the complaint. I'm not saying that it is correct, or even justified, but I promise you they'll at least be sued.

    As an example - there is a young man in my area who was on his high school's swimming team. He suffered a neck injury diving in to begin a race. Thankfully, he's going to be OK, but named plaintiffs included, but were not limited to: The manufacturer of the starting platform, the pool's architecht, the contractor who built the pool and installed the equipment, the team's coach, the school district, the official who was refereeing the meet that day....you get the idea, hopefully.

    I'm sure your dealer didn't mention the disablement feature like you claim. You may well have been sold something without being fully-informed. Happens every day. I can understand your frustration and can even empathize with you, but don't put it back on Toyota for including what they believe to be a valuable safety feature. Your beef is with the dealer/salesperson.
  • car4us4car4us4 Member Posts: 7
    Can anyone tell me how to program the Speed Dial part on the Toyota Highlander? I've got the Bluetooth working and my Address Book transferred, but now I can't get the Speed Dial programmed. Help!!!!!
  • Keith3385Keith3385 Member Posts: 2
    There are 3 separate volume settings and you have to set each one separately. One is for the voice instructions, one for the ringer, and one for the phone volume. You adjust the phone and the ringer by pressing the volume buttons on the steering wheel to lower or (if you are deaf) raise. The only trick is that you have to do it while each is active: you have to adjust the ringer when it is ringing and adjust the phone while you are talking on the phone. There is a setting under the setup to change the volume for the commands.
  • caucoin1caucoin1 Member Posts: 1
  • mdhuttonmdhutton Member Posts: 195
    Does anyone have any experience with Verizon Wireless' Blackberry Storm smartphone and its compatibility to an '08 Highlander Limited w/nav? I've used Toyota's "let's talk" online compatibility application, but they haven't evaluated this phone yet.
  • ellij28ellij28 Member Posts: 1
    Thank you! Why don't they just tell you that in the owner's manual?? So simple!!
  • rl newbierl newbie Member Posts: 17
    The bluetooth phone capability of my 2009 Highlander is severly lacking in one critical area. I can hear the other person just fine, and I can upload my phone book as well, but when I speak, it sounds like I am far away. Other posters have mentioned this as well, but it does not to seem to be widely understood.

    I have had Toyota change the microphone in my vehicle. I have had the Toyota field inspector confirm that my car is performing to his spec. I have tried a half dozen different cell phones. Nothing seems to make a difference - the sound quality of the person speaking in the car is quite poor.

    Yesterday, I test drove the Lexus RX SUV for the sole purpose of testing their bluetooth phone. Exact same problem !

    I have a 2005 Acura RL with excellent sound quality on the bluetooth phone. Why is it that 4-5 years later, Toyota does not know how to solve this problem?

    In general I like the Highlander, but this is an important feature for me. Any ideas on how to remedy this frustrating situation?

    Thanks in advance.
  • sameewessameewes Member Posts: 1
    I'm so happy that I'm not crazy! I have the same, an '09 Hybrid Ltd Highlander.. love the car, love that the bluetooth "synced" so easily and that I hear the other party so clearly while driving... But, it has driven me nuts that they can't hear me. I'm told that every other word gets lost, and that I'm "far away" sounding. Kinda defeats the purpose, doesn't it..

    I've messed with the internal diagnostic sensors (change the mic volume that it "is supposed' to pick up the speaker in the car's voice) to make it less metallic/far away sounding. Yet, it's not really better...

    Please post back if you find any fix to help with the other end of the line! My dealership has also said the same thing, "everything is running like it should." So I had thought it was over.. maybe not, eh?
  • doeddedoedde Member Posts: 1
    For the last year we have had a 2009 Highlander Hybrid. While we love the bluetooth our problem has been when leaving messages on someones voicemail. When actually speaking to someone there are no problems but when people try to listen to voicemail messages I have left they tell me that it is so garbled they can't understand it. Kind of like a radio cutting in and out. Only one time has it happened while I was speaking to someone. I have had it to the dealership and they "fine tuned" it and told me it was ok but the problem has continued. On that same visit the salesman told me that it was because my airconditioning was on! I guess that means in the summer I have to turn off my airconditioner! By the way, it happens all winter too. Has anyone else had a problem like this? Love the vehicle otherwise.
  • hawrehawre Member Posts: 4
    We bought a 2010 Highlander Limited with nav to replace my wife's RAV4. It has only been 4 days since we've had the vehicle and I am already disappointed in the navigation unit. My $250 Garmin nav is more capable than this unit. The voice command is terrible. By the time we enter a destination or do a POI search we are far from where we need to be. The whole point of getting a navigation unit like this is for convenience. It is not convenient and it is far from safe. As another post mentioned, if you have to pull over on the freeway to enter data into the system, it is far more dangerous than operating the unit while driving. The safety concern argument is very weak. I see at least 50 people a day driving while texting, shaving, putting on make up, eating, reading or worst; dozing off. Give us a break toyota.

    I read instruction in another post on how to adjust the bluetooth microphone volume. That did not work for me. I will contact my toyota dealer and keep you posted.
  • mdhuttonmdhutton Member Posts: 195
    I guess the logical thing to do would be to enter data for your destination BEFORE beginning your trip, so that entering it while driving doesn't become necessary. Just sayin'...
    While I'm a big believer in "stupid is as stupid does," you know some knucklehead is going to sue (and win) when he/she is injured in an accident casued, in part, because they were distracted by entering data into the system while driving. The safety argument is far from weak. If you don't feel the same way, just have Toyota change the functionality to allow data entry while driving and leave your bank account # from which they'll pay claims...
  • hawrehawre Member Posts: 4
    Of course I always enter the destination before leaving. The issue is when I am driving and I need to find a POI. The system takes so long to recognize what I am looking for. For example, last night we were out of town and wanted to stop at a walmart. The voice command could not understand walmart, it was giving me golf courses and many other unwanted location. If we had access to the system while we were driving, my wife who was a passenger, would have been the one using it. Also, last night when we were driving, we saw a teenager tailgating everyone and came close to hitting many cars while she was passing everyone in a hurry. When she finally passed us, she was texting on her cell phone. Is that logical? When you turn on garmin or any other gps navigation system, there is a disclaimer and you have to agree to it, which leaves the manufacturer protected. I don't see too many people suing garmin or tomtom.
  • backpakbackpak Member Posts: 3
    I can't answer your question but I have one for you..
    I have a 2009 Highlander and have got the BT to receive incoming calls if I want to call out I have to initiate the call with with my Blackberry curve then the BT takes over. I have read the BOOK on installing the phone book but no luck!! Can you help?
  • merhaganmerhagan Member Posts: 1
    any ideas about how to delete old bluetooth phones from the 2008 highlander? is there a way to reset bluetooth connections back to factory defaults? i'm having trouble connecting a new blackberry torch and i think the old phones might be the problem. thanks!
  • pcalde1pcalde1 Member Posts: 1
    Have you heard of Coastaltech's Lockpick?? It instals by plugging in between the original wiring and the Nav dvd player and allows you to enter destinations while the car is moving. Don't think twice, get it, it works. I had it on my 2005 Lexus RX330, and just bought a 2011 Highlander Hybrid LTD and plan to put one in.
    No more blockage and hassles from the "lawyers" at Toyota who don't want you to enter destinations while moving for fear of getting sued. Preposterous when other mfg's have it. Good luck.
  • carteachcarteach Member Posts: 179
    I was wondering if anyone was able to pair their iPhone 4 with the bluetooth. I noticed that only the 3g version was listed on the Toyota website.

    I'm, in fact, planing to get a Verizon iPhone 4 and thinking of getting the Highlander. I have hearing issues and need to use the car's bluetooth. I'm assuming (maybe wrongly) that the At&T version might be similar enough to the Verizon that I can get some idea about compatibility.
  • slh54slh54 Member Posts: 6
    I have an 08 Highlander and got an iPhone 4 in August. Had absolutely no problem with pairing. iPhone just seems to do everything right:-)
  • anthony921anthony921 Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2011
    Hello all...is anyone else having this similar problem ? While driving I attempt to make a phone call via the Bluetooth voice system. As soon as I hit 'send' the screen shows that a call is already in progress and that I can't place the call I'm attempting. The duration of the call is the same as the time of the trip I'm on. When I look at my LG Dare cell, it doesn't show a call is in progress.

    I'm unable to disconnect the call in progress. I have to either use the cell to call another number or I have to shut the phone off. There's no record of any call in the call history of my cell or in the Bluetooth. I would say this happens 9 out of ten times after I pull out of the garage and start a trip somewhere.

    There's only one cell, the LG Dare, assigned to the Bluetooth system. Is this weird or what ?
  • jack1942jack1942 Member Posts: 1
    I own a 2008 Totota Highlander (without Navigation system). I currently pair a cell phone with the bluetooth system but now I want to buy an Iphone 3GS and pair it also? Is the Iphone 3GS compatible?

    Also how can I adjust the volume on calls I receive using the bluetooth system. I can barely hear the person I'm talking to. The manual only tells you how to adjust the volume for the sytem set-up lady.
  • lonnie_toyotalonnie_toyota Member Posts: 2
    Toyota has just set up a new site that will help people hook there phone up and it will tell you what your phone will do.
    I am finding that some of the new phones are not working well with the Toyota Bluetooth system.
    Go to : Toyota.com/connect
  • lonnie_toyotalonnie_toyota Member Posts: 2
    iPhone's work great with Toyota.
    To change the volume use the plus and minus button on the steering wheel.
  • hondaowner56hondaowner56 Member Posts: 8
    Did you experience any problems going over your songs in your iPhone?

    Pls see this video:


  • raromr32raromr32 Member Posts: 1
    I am now having the same problem with my Iphone. Were you ever able to solve this problem?
  • kblgykblgy Member Posts: 2

    I have an issue with my Bluetooth in my 2012 Toyota Highlander. it started when I got the jelly bean update on my Motorola razr maxx. before the update everything worked fine, after the update I could use the phone fine, but could only play mp3s using the play music app, I could no longer stream using slacker radio , pandore , or songza just to name a few, thought it maybe the phone at first so I had it replaced with a razr maxx hd and the same problem occurs, now I figured out a way to fake it by pausing the play music rebooting the phone and it seems to work , but it's stuck saying the last song from play music on the display..

    I really just want to fix this if possible.
  • kblgykblgy Member Posts: 2
    not yet, but i'll try to keep you updated.
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