Lexus Headlight Replacement

ragland1ragland1 Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Lexus
I have a 97 Lexus ES300. Both of the low beams
are burned out and I can not see how to replace
them without going to the dealer. Can anyone help
me with this repair?


  • lancerfixerlancerfixer Member Posts: 1,284
    Yeah, it's a pretty easy procedure...although, oddly, it requires opening the glove compartment. In there, you should find an owner's manual. Flip to the page marked "Headlight Replacement" or similar. Follow the procedure listed. Voila.
  • pat455pat455 Member Posts: 603
    Ahhh, c'mon lancerfixer! Maybe ragland1 doesn't HAVE the owner's manual. :-)

    Community Leader/Maintenance & Repair Conference
  • lancerfixerlancerfixer Member Posts: 1,284
    Sorry, don't mean to sound flippant, again, but too many questions around here could be solved if people would just read their owner's manuals, which were NOT put there for ballast.
  • ragland1ragland1 Member Posts: 2
    Thank you so much for your observation regarding owner's manuals. What I would like to know is who appointed you the arbiter of what questions should or should not be asked in this forum. A simple answer was all I requested, not a lecture regarding manuals and their being treated as ballast. As an aside, the first place I looked for this info were the manual's in my glove compartment. For some reason, Lexus only provides headlight replacement part numbers, not instructions. Thank you so very much for your assistance!
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