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Honda Odyssey Starting / Stalling Problems
I have a 2006 Odyssey that sometimes will not start. I will admit a few times an interior light was on, but many times there was nothing left on. It is really strange because it will happen three or four times and then will be fine for months. I have taken it to the dealer and they say the battery and ignition are fine. The warranty is going to be up rather soon so I don't know what to do. Is there anyone who has any idea of what this could be. I have thought maybe electrical or something. When I turn the key, it just ticks, the engine doesn't even turn over. I greatly appreciate any help anyone can give. I have an instant jump box that will start the car, but talk about inconvenient.
Battery had full charge, starter/ignition kill switch checked out fine. All cables leading to/from the battery to the starter were fine at the connectors. As a last resort the Technician cut through the MIDDLE of the cable leading from the Battery to the Starter.... MASSIVE CORROSION!!!! He claims to only have seen this in the Honda CRV's.
SInce the cable was replaced, I have never again experienced the intermittent starting problem.
I have had PLENTY of other problems with the ca as well, and I am very disappointed with it.
I have always owned Honda's and have always been very pleased - not so in this case.
My 2005 Honda Odyssey has 75,000 miles on it and has had, among other things, the following:
- the above mentioned intermittent starting problem lasted for 2 years until it was fixed.
- Air Condenser has been replaced TWICE. (have experience several problems with the A/C).
- BRAND NEW Transmission put in due to Transmission Failure at 70K.
I am looking at the Toyota Sienna for our next Minivan, my wallet can't handle another Honda like this one.
Sometimes the starter would not work and the engine would not turn. Almost like a dead battery. But all the lights come on and headlights also work. The tow truck guy came and checked the battery. Battery is fully charged.
the mechanic that looked at the Ody told me to tap the starter and it would start.
I take a 1/2" wood dovel and gently tap the starter. then the starter works and the engine starts.
has anybody experienced something similar?
what do I need to do? Do I need to get the starter replaced?
I have a 2001 Honda Odyssey with 239,000 miles on it. I replaced the engine a month ago and have had no problems except with the automatic sliding doors and the rear windshield wiper. Today however, when my wife drove it off to work she returned in 5 minutes because it had died 3 times on her at 20 - 25 mph! She took the car and I drove the van around the block. It died another 7 times on me on a 4 block trek. I am perplexed. The engine starts and runs perfectly but then has momentary, gentle hiccups before it dies. It will not start up again until the key is turned off and on again. Drove it fine 2 days ago with no problems and all the sudden this. I plan on looking into a fuel pump relay like the above post suggests...
I have a 2006 Honda Odyssey. Having the same issues with starting then about 4-6 more trys about five minutes of waiting, checking the connections, dusting off corrosion of the connectors etc.. then it finally starts. I just replaced the battery a month before and a month later and still did the same about 3 times in a day.
I have a 07' EX that have the same problem. every now and then when i start the car during Cold weather, its just quiet... no sound , no crank...... what i do is I turn the Ignition ON position, push the gear shifter from P to D and back to P ..& then Crank to start and it Works!! I must had change my Battery twice this year and still havent figured out whats the real problem.. any suggestions... feel free to share...thanks in advance