2009 Maxima Problems

rkurlanderrkurlander Member Posts: 58
I have a beautiful shiny black $35,000 Maxima (800 miles) sitting in the garage that can't be driven with confidence due to "check engine" light. Three times in three weeks to dealer service with no resolution. Major buyers remorse here. On Monday I'm contacting Nissan to formally request a refund so I can purchase a reliable car. Yes, I know, good luck with that.


  • go_mdx1go_mdx1 Member Posts: 135
    did this problem ever get resolved? what was the outcome? Hope things turned out for the best.
  • tcoopdeville76tcoopdeville76 Member Posts: 6
    Very unfortunate that you have to go through this; but unfortunatly, all car manufacturers are prone to making a few lemons hence The Lemon Law. Maybe you may be an unfortunate recipient. I've have my 09 Max since 7/11 now with 3,800 miles on it I have nothing but great experiences with the car. I hope the dealer will make things right for you.
  • rkurlanderrkurlander Member Posts: 58
    The dealer kept the car for four days and did every test. It looks like it was a simple fix. The third gas cap seems to have done the trick. We just came back from a 1300 mile trip with no issues. A very respectable 27.7 mpg (90% highway).
  • go_mdx1go_mdx1 Member Posts: 135

    I have the technology package on my 2009 Maxima and have noticed a couple of minor problems.

    1) You have to hit the "Nearby Traffic Info" button multiple times to get into the traffic information view.
    2) Once you do get into viewing the traffic information, if there are more than 5 traffic entries (the number of entries you can see on 1 screen), you cannot scroll beyond the first 5 entries! Yet, the bottom of the screen will show something like 1/8 entries. You can never see items 6 thru 8!
    3) When you ask to view nearby places such as restaurants, gas stations, etc..., you never see more the 5 entries.

    Does anyone else with the Nav package on the 2009 Maxima see these problems??
  • goochgooch Member Posts: 13
    The fact that you cannot scroll beyond the first 5 entries (for any of the lists that have more than 5 entries) is a 'safety' function of the navigation system. If you want to scroll past the number of entries shown on the screen, the car cannot be moving. Inconvenient for sure if you have a passenger that can mess with the nav when you drive.
  • 6genmaxgee6genmaxgee Member Posts: 1
    I've know that with some Nissan vehicles, if the gas cap is not tight or left off by mistake, this could generate a check engine fault and takes a few days to reset itself.
  • vinnievinnie Member Posts: 10
    Glad to see you have the problemn fixed. As soon as I read your post I said to myself "I guarantee it's either a loose or faulty gas cap." Most manufacturers have this safety feature built in.

    Even if they hadn't found it to be a gas cap, I don't think the Lemon Law would apply since there were no actual mechanical failures or extended loss of use due to the car being in the shop nor did you incur an out of pocket expense for repair.
  • smarty666smarty666 Member Posts: 1,503
    I'll be leasing a new car in a month or two and I'm giving serious consideration to the 09 Maxima SV without sports and premium packages; I have read conflicting review about the suspension on the base SV; some say the maxima without the sports package has a comfortable/controlled ride that gives the car a luxury feel yet I've read other critics say the ride is overly firm and stiff especially on rough pavement and causes some bumps and jarring into the steering wheel/seats/etc; I doubled checked to make sure they were talking about the SV without the sports package (which I know gives you a sports suspension); I was hoping if anyone with a 09 Maxima SV without the sports package has found the suspension/ride to be a major problem for them and that is is really uncomfortable/harsh over rough pavement?
  • strehlowstrehlow Member Posts: 15
    I have a small, stupid, yet irritating problem. At least twice a day when I have my keys and key fob in my pocket, I bend over or get into my 09 Maxima and accidently trigger the panic alarm. It's embarrassing and annoying. I tried to find a way to deactivate the alarm but Nissan says you can't. I love the keyless start and want to be able to carry my keys in my pocket without setting off the alarm every time I move. Any suggestions?
  • rsazmanrsazman Member Posts: 8
    Have had my Premium w/Tech for 2 1/2 months, no issues. The Sport has a very noticeable difference in ride. I came out of an Infiniti M35 w/o Sport, and the Maxima ride is comparable.
  • traderumorstraderumors Member Posts: 4
    I'm having the exact same issue, but the dealer can't seem to find a way to duplicate the problem with the car sitting in their garage, so they won't replace the gas cap. How did your dealer actual PROVE that the gas cap is faulty, which is what Nissan is requiring them to do for it to be covered under warranty?????
  • greenacuragreenacura Member Posts: 42
    Is there a way to over-ride the navigation on the 2009 Maxima so that you can select destination while the car is moving? My 2007 Acura TL allowed entries while under way but I can't seem to do this in the Maxima.
  • vananjvananj Member Posts: 7
    The same thing happen on my NEW 2009 Nissan Altima Nav. I haven't had time to read the huge manual to see if it is a setting. Keep me posted as I will do the same.
  • ksack1ksack1 Member Posts: 3
    I have a 2009 maxima S model with 2,000 miles on it and I noticed that if I go over a speed bump or a not so great road I can hear a loud poping noise coming from the right side. I got home and found that there is going to be a recall for 26,398 on 09-10 Altimas and Maximas for the strut rod coming out of its mounting position and increasing the risk of a crash. I took it to the dealer and sure enough the tech took the car for a ride and heard the noise as well. He said that this was the 4th car with the same problem. The servise advisor made a copy of the article and told me that they can't do anything until the recall comes out on Oct 5th. Has any one else had this problem?
  • redmazda3redmazda3 Member Posts: 28
    My wife's 2009 Maxima S had to have the front struts replaced due to popping noises. She had about 1800 miles on it when the noises started. They did fix it under warranty. Yesterday the car started what sounds like a spring scraping coming from the front somewhere along the steering column. We take it in Monday. I talked with a former service manager for the local Nissan dealer and he said that Altimas and Maximas have had a strut problem going back several year, but yet they still use the same struts from a parts manufacturer that apparantly are no good. Makes you wonder.
  • rousemanrouseman Member Posts: 5
    I used to experience this problem as well, but it rarely occurs now. If I'm wearing jeans, i put the key fob in the fob pocket (small pocket on right) of my jeans. The trick though is to have the buttons facing your leg and the back of the key fob facing outwards. This makes it a bit harded to accidentally hit one of the buttons. Give it a shot.
  • strehlowstrehlow Member Posts: 15
    Thanks for the idea. I bought a rubber cover for the fob that was designed for it and that seems to help a bit. I still set it off once in a while but it is probably half the amount it used to be. Maybe I am just being more careful too.......
  • marc63082marc63082 Member Posts: 18
    I have a 2009 Maxima SV (no sports, or premium). I would describe the ride as comfortable and controlled. Over uneven, rough, or bumpy roads I have not foudn the ride jarring. The CVT took some time to get used to, but now its a pleasure as it makes the ride smoother.

    My only compliant, is the Maxima does not appear to handle as well as many reviews state. I find, during hard driving or sharp turns, the ride to be "floaty" as if the car is not firmly planted to the road. I think this is because the steering is not as response nor as heavy as my Acura TSX.
  • averagecarguyaveragecarguy Member Posts: 11
    You can set a destination while driving. You just need to use the voice recognition system. Hit the voice recognition button - the system gives you the choices (if set in the standard mode). Say "Navigation". Then just follow the prompts. Here's an online link to the proper section of the nav owners manual.
  • smarty666smarty666 Member Posts: 1,503
    Hi, I have had a 2010 Max SV for about a month now and my family noticed when sitting in the back seat that the radio or music box when playing sounds distant and a little bit hard to hear; upon playing around with the balance and shifting to the rear setting only found that low volume muffled audio is coming out of the speakers on the two back door speakers near the floor and that the two big Bose speakers located in the rear window housing have no audio coming out of them at all, only bass; dealer said that all speakers are working properly and that the two in the rear window are only for bass and tone? never heard of such a thing before?; have had Infiniti before with Bose and audio sound came out of speakers in rear window; have never had a car that didn't have the audio coming out of the speakers in the back window since they are closer to a person's ears who is sitting in the back seat; wanted to find out from 2009 owners if this is the case in the Max and that no audio is suppose to becoming out of the speakers in the rear window? any info or help would be appreciated!!
  • go_mdx1go_mdx1 Member Posts: 135
    I've had my Maxima (w/Bose) for over 1 year now. My first few months, I was not happy with the Bose system - for the same issues you stated. Over time, I've now come to love the Bose system - those rear windows speakers really do add strong bass to the music which grows on you (at least me) over time!!

    Finally, if you look at all of the Owner Reviews, you will also see that one of the favorite features on the Maxima is the Bose Radio.
  • smarty666smarty666 Member Posts: 1,503
    yeah, I'm probably just not use to it; it will probably grow on me over time
  • kes0817kes0817 Member Posts: 4
    I am having the exact same problem. This has been going on in my car since June. I bought the car in June. They have replaced the Strut and Sway bar and it is still making the noise. I am not comfortable driving the car but Nissan North America says it is safe to drive so they are doing nothing about it. Also, apparently my car is not included with the recall so at this point there is no solution. I am very frustrated with this car.
  • smarty666smarty666 Member Posts: 1,503
    if Nissan isn't going to do anything about it I'd report it to your state's consumer affairs department or lemon department mentioned in the owners manual to try and get some kind of resolution; based on what I've read on this forum and the details of the recall it sounds like your problem is related to the recall Nissan put out on the front strut insulators; if Nissan replaced it with the same faulty insulators from that Chinese company that made it crappy in the first place you'd still have the same problem you did before; I'm not sure if you had it replaced before or after the recall was identified and issued by Nissan last month because Nissan has only stopped using those insulators since last month; but I'd get your states consumer's affair department involved
  • ksack1ksack1 Member Posts: 3
    After 2 weeks of calling nissan sometimes 3 times a day they called the dealer and they did the recall this past wed it took 4 hrs but so far its worked. I took the service mgr for a ride before I left because if the noise was still there I was going to leave the car and call my attonery. The recall is for cars that were made 3/09 to 8/09. If you need help just shoot me an e-mail ksack1@yahoo.com
  • mcr72584mcr72584 Member Posts: 4
    Hey guys,
    I just got a new 09 maxima and have heard a rubbing/creaking noise from somewhere around the back seat area. Has anyone else had this problem?? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  • pbabs1pbabs1 Member Posts: 2
    I just bought a 2009 Maxima a month ago. They had me test drive it on a smooth surface at the car dealership...I purchased the car (1st new car ever). Since then I have heard clanging, banging and odd noises when going over a bump or somettimes when making a turn and my foot is on the break, Yesterday something clunked from under the car and banged on the break pedal. There are times I hear clunking in the rearend of the car....and at times it seems ok. The noises are intermittant soft then loud...I am crazy. I had a 2000 maxima that drove better than this one....can anyone assist?
  • smarty666smarty666 Member Posts: 1,503
    I have a 2010 Maxima SV and have isolated a rattle/squeaky noise coming from somewhere in the back passenger side seat; I originally thought it was in the ceiling but when I put the 60 fold part of the passenger seat down and drive the car with the seat down I don't hear the noise at all; when I put the passenger side rear seat back up into its normal position I hear the noise when going over bumps and expansion joints; I guess there is something loose in the hinge area where the rear seat locks onto the back trunk wall and it vibrates or shakes when ever going over a bump; don't think the dealer can do anything about it without tearing the car apart and I don't think it is worth it; should have gotten the premium package with the fixed seat back so that I wouldn't have this problem at all; not sure if this is the same problem your having but this is what I'm dealing with; if you don't have the 60/40 split seats then this def is not your problem; very disappointed with the amount of squeaks and rattles an almost 38k car has! pathetic is the cheaply made front center console armrest and cheap plastic underneath; making squeaky sounds whenever my elbow rests on it!!
  • smarty666smarty666 Member Posts: 1,503
    sounds like you might be the recipient end of the strut insulator recall currently on 2009 Maxima's made between March 2009 and August 2009; will most likely have to take it into the dealer and have them take a look at it! other people on this forum have commented on similar problems with the suspension and having to have the struts replaced!
  • ksack1ksack1 Member Posts: 3
    The recall is not out as of yet.I have had the problem for a month 1/2 and finally nissan north america called the dealership to do the recall last week. I had to call nissan to get a file started and it took me calling them every day to get it taken care of. The service advisor told me the recall is not coming out until the 14th of this month.
  • pbabs1pbabs1 Member Posts: 2
    thank you for responding...they replaced the front struts this past MOnday and I didn't even make it out of the dealership parking lot before it made a "clanging Noise. Since Monday I have experienced same + other noises/issues. I need to call them again to let them know...cause yesterday is when something banged up against the break pedal....1st new car ever- I am very sad....
  • smarty666smarty666 Member Posts: 1,503
    well then Nissan postponed the recall because it was suppose to start on October 5th because that is what their website said; maybe it's going to affect more altima and maxima's then they originally thought so they postponed it; with Nissan who knows!
  • mcr72584mcr72584 Member Posts: 4
    This may sound like a dumb question, but since I just got mine how do I tell if I have the 60/40 seat in the back, I am hoping I do so that may be the culprit of the creaking noise problem. I am going to call my dealer tomorrow fairly angry though that this problem has just now developed after I bought it. Has anyone had luck with getting the dealer to completely fix the creaking noise from the back?
  • smarty666smarty666 Member Posts: 1,503
    if you have the 60/40 split seats there will be two white/gray trunk pulls in the back ceiling of the trunk that you pull down; the passenger side also has a release up above and behind the rear headrest in the car; if you have the premium package you won't have the 60/40 split seats!
  • kes0817kes0817 Member Posts: 4
    Nissan North America just called me back. I have had a claim open with them since August. When the first recall came out, October 5th for the strut insulator I thought my problems would go away. Well according to Nissan my car is not on that recall list. I have been pressing them to fix the grinding noise on my right front wheel. They have already replaced the strut and sway bar once but it didn't fix it. During the phone call today they told me that there will be ANOTHER recall posted on October 19th and hopfully my car will be part of that recall. They would not tell me the details of the future recall but instead told me to call my dealership. The car has been making this noise since June. I am not happy at all with my brand new Nissan Maxima.
  • mcr72584mcr72584 Member Posts: 4
    Just as an update to the creaking noise coming from my new 2009 maxima SV. I took it into the dealer a few days ago and they basically took apart everything from the back seat to the trunk to find it. Evidently, in the left rear in the trunk there was two pieces of metal that come together in the body and compensate for body roll. For some reason they were supposed to be welded together but were not, so hence every bump/turn/etc they were rubbing today and making the creaking noise. They put a spot weld on them and at least for a few days now I haven't heard anything. Needless to say I wasn't too happy to see my brand new car in complete pieces, but at least it is all back together now!
  • aishadaishad Member Posts: 2
    Can anyone tell me what the break in period for the Maxima 09 is? I've had my car for almost 3 months, since August 3. I currently have 1,510 miles on the car and I'm at 12.9 mpg... I called Nissan and they said it would fluctuate, but there's no fluctuation just a steady decline. I live in NYC... so I'm going off the 19 city miles. I know its a new car, but is it normal for the mpg to be soo low??
  • ahossa1ahossa1 Member Posts: 52
    You have 290HP so don't expect expect 19MPH in the city.U may get close to 16MPH. U bought performance over gas conservation.
  • aishadaishad Member Posts: 2
    but 12.9? I guess its my fault for not doing more research before I got the car. Not to mention my car was apart of the recall.. Starting to regret this purchase :-(
  • lsu50lsu50 Member Posts: 1
    I have a one month old 2009 Nissan Maxima with 1200 miles. Yesterday at a red light the service engine soon light, the slip indicator light and the vehicle dynamic control off light all came on. The car would not accelerate and would only idle at ten miles per hour. I checked all fluids levels and everything is Ok. This morning only the service engine light remained on and the car performed normally but after about five minutes the other two lights came on and the car again lost the ability to accelerate and would only idle. I am now trying to contact my dealer to get it towed in for service. Has anyone experienced this problem?
  • nomoredodge1nomoredodge1 Member Posts: 3
    I have heard nothing, but excellent reviews on the Nissan Maxima. I had a 2004 Nissan Altima and never had a problem with the Altima other than changing the fuses. I could not afford the newer model Maxima; However I was able to purchase a 2008 Altima at 23,000. The next day the transmission failed and the car was towed back to Nissan.
    Any suggestions? :(
  • nomoredodge1nomoredodge1 Member Posts: 3
    I was just writing about my 2008 Nissan Maximas transmission. The car would not accelerate after 60 mph. It did not change gears. Once I stopped the car it completely "went dead". I had bought the car used; However it was one day old for me. It has been towed back to Nissan. I am seriously considering a refund and purchasing for the same price an Altima. I had zero problems with my Altima that was a 2004.
  • greenacuragreenacura Member Posts: 42
    My 2009 maxima sv with 8,000 miles was recently in for service, the dealership rotated the tires and now I have a mild vibration at 75+mph. I emailed the dealership and they thought maybe a "wieght" fell off when rotating the tires. My guess is if I bring the car in they'll charge me $99 to rebalance. Do you think they would cover this for free/warranty? Should I just go to a local tire shop and have the tires rebalanced for much less $$$?
  • rousemanrouseman Member Posts: 5
    At 8000 miles, everything should be under warranty.
  • wwwebbswwwebbs Member Posts: 1
    I have an 09 Maxima and have been having issues with the clunking noise in the front end. The have already replaced the struts and strut bearings, but the noise is still there. The problem is, they can never reproduce the sound. I have taken the technician on a drive and showed him...he acknowledged hearing it, but when it got back to the shop they couldn't find the problem. I am taking it to another shop this week.

    Another problem I have is the anchor for the drivers side front floor mat. It came loose and wouldn't hold the floor mat. They tried gluing it in place, but that didn't work. Then they replaced the carpet (scratched the paint in the process and had to have that fixed). It wasn't two weeks and the anchor came loose again. Any ideas? Anyone else having that problem?
  • nnvegasnnvegas Member Posts: 2
    I have had the same clunking noise since May. I have taken this to the dealership approx 7 times to try and get this issue resolved. Still not fixed.
    I have a case opened with Nissan Corporate and still no resolution. Maybe if enough people complain this will get resolved soon. Very disappointed!
  • quamaze1quamaze1 Member Posts: 2
    I am also a victim of this noise at the front end. I have taken the car to the dealership in Memphis Tn over 5+ times. They have replaced the struts and bearings and I hear the sound STILL!!! It seems to occur when I make left turns. I have taken the drive with the mechanic and ironically it does not make a sound!

    What should I do now? Who has the number to Nissan America?
  • kes0817kes0817 Member Posts: 4
    My car is in the shop right now. They made a pair of strut sleeves to try to minimize the noise. The number for Nissan North America is 1-866-799-1690. I would recommend calling daily. It has taken me since June. They replaced the struts once already and when that didn't work they built the sleeves for me. We will see if it works. Very dissapointed in this car and Nissan service.
  • kes0817kes0817 Member Posts: 4
    I am in the same boat. It is horrible.
  • quamaze1quamaze1 Member Posts: 2
    i am on the phone with they guy now at nissan america. He is telling me that my car, although an 09, is not under the recall VIN!!!??? I mean we got the car earlier in the year I cannot imagine why it would not be included. Regardless of the fact of if its in the recall, we are experiencing the noises and problems explained in the recall.

    This is ludicrous
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