Suzuki Swift GT Owners

kd4trgkd4trg Member Posts: 2
edited February 2014 in Suzuki
Just bought a '90 model for my son!
No owners manual and no first hand knowledge.
I fear the clutch is out after two days of owner-
ship. I hope this is not a weak link!

Someone tell me NO!!!!


  • wdrwdr Member Posts: 11
    Clutch is strong, will last 60 to 100,000 miles
    with moderate/no abuse.
    Some companies (autoparts) offer aftermarket
    clutch friction discs with LIFETIME warranty!
    These are "install-yourself" parts, but shows
    they expect no problems.
  • mznmzn Member Posts: 727
    Hello and yes, I've scribbled a post in this discussion. Calling a specific car dealer a crook by name is something to which most dealers (and their lawyers) don't take kindly! Please, share your information and experience but crook is sort of a fighting word, don't you think? Thanks!!
  • leifleif Member Posts: 41
    I am the one who used the crook word. Email me to find out who I said is a crook. The problem is this: I was struggling to keep my 1989 Suzuki on the road, as I had a five year loan on it and it was only 1990. The first series of problems were oil seals that blew--five times in a row. That was resolved by my original dealer (who quit selling Suzukis before my transmission problem developed. I had spent the dough on an extended warranty *75,000 miles* and my transmission was bad--whine noise, popped out of gear frequently. Found another Suzuki dealer. (the one I called a crook.) This was at 74,000 miles. The service manager said, bad transmission. Keep driving the car. I'll order parts and call you when they come in. I asked why not leave the car and give me a loaner car--my warranty covered a loaner car. Don't worry, said the service manager. We'll document the problem before the warrantyperiod has ended, and it will be covered no problem.
    Well it wasn't covered. I did exceed 75,000 miles, got worried, called the service manager. He said, bring the car in. (I don't think he ever ordered parts.) I was called the next day by his receptionist who said, Sorry, the warranty company will not honor the repair, because the service manager didn't request the necessary repair authorization at the proper time.
    I feel it is the dealers job to know the system. I made the mistake of trusting him to be competent. The dealer--I spoke personally to the owner, told me I was lying and refused to honor the repair. It cost me fifteen hundred bucks to get the transmission fixed,(and their work failed by the way just sixty thousand miles later and I had to have the transmission overhauled again! Ouch. This a dealer not to trust.
    Suzuki Factory was zero help. Bad bad experience for me, and I guess I learned to stick with Honda and Toyota and never trust farther than I can throw. Fighting words? Absolutely. Cost me a lot of money I couldn't afford as a young man with a young family. And it could have been prevented by the service manager just knowing how to fill out his paperwork.
  • mznmzn Member Posts: 727
    Ouch is right! I'm surprised and sorry to hear that Suzuki Factory was "zero help." Thanks for sharing your experience with us. IMHO, the words 'Buyer Beware' are never more important than when buying a car!
  • x97zfrx97zfr Member Posts: 1
    I bought a 1990 Suzuki brand new and had problems with it popping out of 5th gear.I had to put a board between the driver's seat to hold it in gear.The dealer had my car for an entire month (while I made payments and wasn't provided a loaner car)to fix it.It had only 60 000 Km on it.Then my tie rods , rubber bushings, and ball joints had to be replaced.The front ball joints were $300.00 each alone.I had to eventually sell the car for parts because the price of parts to repair it made it a "write-off".Suzuki buyers beware.
  • mznmzn Member Posts: 727
    Wow! Thanks for sharing your experience in the hope that it will help someone else. I'm just sorry you had to go to the school of hard knocks for us! Ouch!
  • dirkdigglerdirkdiggler Member Posts: 1
    Does anyone own a newer Suzuki?
    I am thinking about buying one.
    Im looking for a cheap economical car
    Please respond.
  • clintonjohnclintonjohn Member Posts: 99
    I thought Swifts were supposed to be decent cars. Several years back, I read an article(I forget which auto mag) on how to boost performance and handling on the Swifts. Anybody see that article? Probably Car&Driver from about '90. It's a shame you guys had problems. I thought they were neat cars.
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