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Honda Odyssey Radio Fuses

skindog73skindog73 Member Posts: 1
Battery recently died on 2002 Honda Odyssey so went to Auto Zone to get a replacement since there was still a little time left on the battery warranty. Installed the battery they pulled off the shelves, and went to connect it, and found out when I went to put the negative terminal on that they gave me the wrong battery (someone had put the wrong battery on the shelf where the correct battery was). As soon as I went to connect the negative terminal, the horn went off and ended up blowing a couple of fuses. After finding a blown battery 120 amp fuse in the engine compartment, the radio still did not work, even after I had checked the fuse box inside the van for the raido.

#1 - In hindsight, I should have double checked that the terminals were right, but I trusted that they gave me the correct battery. Won't EVER happen again :-)

#2 - Reversing the cables resulted in 2 blown fuses, the 120 AMP Battery fuse in the engine compartment passenger side (which I had to order and wait 4 days for becuase no local parts store or dealer had a fuse that big), and, after searching for other blown fuses, I located another 20 AMP fusible link blown in the engine compartment driver side that's mounted near the battery. It's easy to overlook the other fusebox mounted near the battery, hence why I spent many hours looking for any other blown fuses.

#3 - I had removed the console and radio looking for a fuse on the radio/CD/DVD player and found none, so do not waste your time thinking there may be one there, there isn't.

#4 - Two other fuses inside the van affect the radio/DVD/CD player. Fuses #9 (labled ACC) and #11 (Radio/Dome) on the passenger side should be checked if your radio is not working. What puzzled me and kept me searching was that they were fine, and #11 also controlled the dome lights, which were still working.

#5 - Basically there are 4 places that have fuses in a 2002 Honda Odyssey; Passenger side of the engine compartment, Driver side of the engine compartment, Driver side kick panel, and Passenger side kick panel.

#6 - Wish I hadn't wastes so much time removing the radio (wasn't really that hard, but still a pain), but lesson learned. 4(!) fuse boxes didn't help make troubleshooting easy. Don't make the mistake of hooking up the battery wrong to begin with, double and triple check before you connect the terminals :-)


  • Asham01Asham01 Member Posts: 2
    Thank you skindog73, my problem is that while I was driving, suddenly the radio turned off. Everything is working except the radio/DVD/CD player. I checked fuses #9 & #11, and they ate OK. Is that means the radio is dead and I need to replace it? PLEASE HELP!!!
  • Asham01Asham01 Member Posts: 2
    Guys, how can I tell if the radio is dead? I already took it out and found coins in the cassette opening. Now I need to test it before reinstall again. Please Help!!!!
  • markb7markb7 Member Posts: 1
    I'm looking to change out the OEM radio with a higher-end unit. Can anyone explain how to remove the radio without tearing up the dash? My wife would be extremely unhappy if I screwed up her car. I am planning on putting in a double DIN navi unit and I'm not finding much information about the procedure.
    Thanks for any help.
  • ryanbdryanbd Member Posts: 1
    I have an odd issue with my '02 EXL model - following a "pop" through the speakers, they all stopped working at once. There is still power to the console players and a picture coming through fine on the DVD player. However the speakers and the infrared headphones have no audio coming through. Has anyone come up against this? Thanks!
  • macdianmacdian Member Posts: 3
    Hi Ryan,

    Did you figure out your issue with the radio? My speakers are buzzing, only on the passenger side, but all the way down the passenger side in all three speakers - wondering if you had the same issue.

  • dawnheathdawnheath Member Posts: 1
    Was the radio saying code error or anything like that? After my battery died and I got a jump, my radio would not work it just says code error and the anti-theft light which is right by it, keeps blinking as well
  • tmterleckitmterlecki Member Posts: 3
    I have a cd that is stuck in my original factory radio and I am unable to load or eject any of the other cds in the six cd unit. Taking the car to the dealer will surely cost me $$$. I thought I would begin by removing the radio unit but that seems daunting too. Any ideas?
  • massisandagemassisandage Member Posts: 1
    The radio fuse on the 2003 was on the passenger's side. There's a cover that flips back towards the front.Also check the ACC SOCK (short for 'socket') fuse. The radio and 12V power outlets are on the same circuit.....

  • rdn7777rdn7777 Member Posts: 2
    We had the same exact thing happen, does anyone know the resolution or did you get a resolution to the speakers not working after a popping sound, all else appears to be working there is just not any sound?
  • cwt64cwt64 Member Posts: 1
    Same thing happened on my 2002 Odyssey with the factory installed radio. Radio display was on, but no sound from speakers. Fuses were okay. Finally installed a new radio, and everything works fine. So I believe the problem is with the radio itself, not speakers or car fuses.
  • rdn7777rdn7777 Member Posts: 2
    How much did it cost? did you do it at the dealer? That is what I planned on doing but then I was concerned that if I replaced the radio that the part that distrubutes the sound to the radio (I can't remember what this is called, Amp ?) would be the problem, unless this is part of the radio. The dealer acted like they had never heard of such a problem.
  • gburgess2gburgess2 Member Posts: 1
    Can you take the glove box off? mine was loose after we had ours replaced. There are 2 screws on either side when those are out. If you snap the 2 plastic pieces off the sides you can get the stopper off then it will come off and the side by the radio is open. If that helps. (screwing the glove box back in is best done radio side first - I did it the other way around and what a pain.)
  • ssroujissrouji Member Posts: 1
    The CD player on my 2005 Odyssey quit working and I'd like to try to change the fuse but am unable to locate which one goes to it in the manual. I've found the radio fuse but it's ok and the radio works. Tried the ACC SOCK fuse as another post suggested. Would love not to have to take to the dealer for repair. Thanks
  • pslopslo Member Posts: 1
    I am having the simular issue. The battery died then we jump started the van and replaced the battery. Now...the tuner head gets power and controls every accessory device. The wireless and wired headsets work fine but we get no sound out of speakers.

    I've checked the radio CB but I can't find one for the amplifier.

    Any suggestions?
  • jasweettjasweett Member Posts: 1
    Touring nav and cd unit: Cd in-op not lighting up on radio nav unit and not showing any power led's to it and unable to load or unload. (power) Usually on the Nav unit you can see radio/ xm/ dvd/ cd tabs that you can touch the screen to operate. The tab for Cd is not showing and while opening door to access CD changer no led's showing disc in or empty. I surmise that it is most likely a power problem (fuse) or a master head unit not communicating to Cd unit. Any help would be much appreciated. Location of fuse or diagnoses for problem.

    Thanks James
  • I just bought a used 2005 odyssey and my friend who I bought it from said that the radio, side doors, tailgate, and interior lights would all work with just replacing fuses. I have replaced all fuses on both passenger and driver side interior fuse boxes and found out that the 30A and 40A (square box looking fuse) in slots 14 and 15 in the passenger side engine compartment box are missing. I did not know about the other engine compartment fuse panel until reading this post but will check that asap and see if anything is missing. I also noticed that slot 19 (option 1) and slot 20 (option 2) in passenger side engine box do have a 30 and a 40A plugged in and was wondering if I could use those in slots 14 and 15 to at least test if that will help to replacing those. Are those 2 option fuses needed for anything? I may be able to fix all this stuff by checking the driver side fuse box in engine compartment so I will have to find and check that. Also i have the radio reset number but I do not have a screen anywhere in the van so I am pretty sure it is an EX model without RES (that is rear entertainment system correct?) but does not say anywhere on the van, how do I enter the reset code once I have power to the radio? and how do I get the power sliding doors working? Again i did not know about the 4th fuse box until just now so i am hoping all my problems will be solved by replacing bad or missing fuses, but with my luck it will not! haha

    ANY INFORMATION or TIPS would be greatly appreciated
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