BMW 318ti
Please Help!!!
I've been thinking about purchasing a '99 Ti, but
I don't know if that would be a wise investment. I
am aware that December '98 was the last month of
production (for the states). I have also heard that
BMW has plans to introduce a new line of cars,
similar to the current Ti. Is this true? And if so,
when? Should I buy, or should I wait for something
I've been thinking about purchasing a '99 Ti, but
I don't know if that would be a wise investment. I
am aware that December '98 was the last month of
production (for the states). I have also heard that
BMW has plans to introduce a new line of cars,
similar to the current Ti. Is this true? And if so,
when? Should I buy, or should I wait for something
This discussion has been closed.
I can buy a new golf/GTI, or for about the same
price (or even less) or buy a two year old BMW 318ti
or Saab 900. Obvious similarities are the
hatchback and European engineering. Has anyone
driven all three of these and therefore have
real-world driving experience? Thanks. There is an ad in my area for a '97 loaded ti for about $17,000.
Oh, BTW, I put a changer in mine for $250, bought used from someone upgrading their stereo, another benefit of the mail list!
To be honest, buying a used car makes me rather nervous. Does anyone have an update on a new ti coming out from BMW? Alternatively, I can just opt for the new turbo Golf or a Saab 9-3...gotta have a hatchback.
Thanks for any thoughts on this!!
1) Can poor gas really cause this much damage to a car with only 25,000 miles on it? Or could there be something wrong with the car that they are failing to tell me about?
(I use CITGO gas by the way, which the service manager claims is the worst out there. I previously owned a Honda Predlude SI and never had problems running CITGO gas in it!)
I was inspired to look into this after I witnesed a 4 dr accord V-6 destroy one form a red light, this occuring after the BMW driver was taunting the 4-dr with the whole rev my engine gig. I thought that this couldn't be, a sporty BMW beat by a family hauler...but after looking up the numbers, it appears that the BMW is powered by a derivative of my wife's hair dryer (0-60 in a week and a half).
It interests me how BMW avoided the lack of guts lable for this vehicle, a problem which has plagued the infiniti G20 (extremely capable in the twisities, but the 150 hp bogs hard). After looking at the numbers, I would be hard pressed to pick the Bimmer over the infiniti.
Everyone knows BMW makes the best sport sedans in the world, but how on earth did they let this one slip out of the stables. It almost seems like a ploy to encroach upon civic/corolla sales...slap that pretty blue & white label on the front of a euro-econo box and scoop up the money. Well, thats my 0.02$.....flame away!
Is the Ti a good buy for $17K? It is supposed to be a reliable car but now I am wondering because of some problems popping up with them recently.
So this extremely immaculate 97 sport for 17K is probably the best I will do in the SoCal market.
Thanks for all the info on websites and aftermarket stuff. Chuck
Oil Service(@9K miles):$50-$100 using synthetic.
Inspection I(@18K miles): $125-$300
Inspection II(@36K miles):$300-$700
Brake fluid needs to be changed every two years at a cost of @60 and coolant every three years- @100. Hope this helps.
Whatever you do, be sure and replace the gasket between the mount and the body- otherwise water may get in. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Re: New/used ti- The official word is that the E46 ti wii not be imported. Of course, that's what they said about the E36 Compact as well. My guess is that BMW NA will watch how the new M-B hatch sells and react accordingly. As for used tis, my wife traded her 46,000 mile 98 tiA on a 5er and the dealer wound up selling it as a BMW CPO for @$19,000. It was an Active with sunroof, heated seats, and CD changer. Go to and do a CPO search. That should give you an idea of what tis are going for.
Repleced front seat buckle - under warranty. New transmission on 77,000 miles - under warranty. Old one was fine - just thought would be nice to have a new one before warranty expires. Told dealer 1-st gear pops out(thanks to Town Hall posts, i think div2 mentioned once about some cars in 95 had defect in manual transmissions, and BMW aknowledged that).
Other then that - no other problems.
New Integra, I agree completely, would be a very good alternative. Plus, if you want to buy 2001 wait till 2002 (redesigned) come out in July/August, you will be looking at great savings. The new one is promised to be hot though. In terms of warranty: Integra comes with 4/50000 powertrain warranty, you'll be covered till 2005 / 50,000 miles. If you buy 99 ti as a CPO (certified pre-owned) it will have the same coverage till 2005 / but with 100,000 miles.
Integra is very nimble and handling is very good, built quality is impressive, just the wrong set of wheels pulls her. You don't have that precise steering feel in Integra as you have in BMW. It's also beleived by most that it's more reliable, but I think it just more abuse tolarable, as all Japanese cars. Take good care of BMW - it will run for 20 years, it's really built to last.
Drive both cars and decide what you like most. You can't go wrong either way.
I'm going to need new tires in about 5k miles. A former BOW service manager suggested Michelin's MXV4 205/60 R15 H. Anyone know these tires. I don't need to drive 120 any more! I know that there is some trade off of longevity for sticky high speed/performance tires. Still, I'd like some road hugging ability.