1995 Chevy Suburban Sputters

I own a 1995 Chevy Suburban with a 7.4L V8 (454). We have had it for well over ten years now and have not had any serious problems with the truck. It runs great drives smooth for being a 8600 GVW 3/4ton. But recently it has been having an issue when the throttle is being pressed harder due to towing/hauling. What it does is if I get on the accelerator hard enough it will pick up whatever it is carrying and move! But after a few moments it will begin to sputter rather badly. Especially while it is idling. And due to the aftermarket exhaust I can hear it almost missing while driving down the highway and this occurs. After I shut the engine off and prime the fuel pump several times it usually goes away. Now ive had the fuel pump replaced and no change. The Ignition Controll Module went bed and that didnt fix it. I tried swapping out the MSD coil pack for the stock one and that didnt fix it either. Sometimes a code will pop up and I cannot remember the exact number but what the definition of the code was something along the lines of "Less than 2v at fuel pump". Now could this all be caused by a old and corroded wire or is there something else that i am missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Again thank you in advance
Fred S.
Again thank you in advance
Fred S.
This discussion has been closed.
Fred S.
Within a relay, the points of the secondaries can electrically arc and pit, in which case they cause a resistance effectively dropping the voltage supplied out to the pump.
Your symptoms sound like fuel starvation, which would normally suggest a fuel pump, but you've already replaced that. Is there a fuel filter on that model which might be clogged?
Fred S.