Hyundai Entourage Center Seat Tumbling Problem
Does anyone else have problems "tumbling" the middle seats on the Entourage? I can yank the strap all day long and they will not release. The only way I can tumble them is to start with the back upright and then pull the strap. The momentum of the back flying forward seems to allow the back latch to disengage. Nothing else works for me. What is the secret? Also, has anyone EVER used the plastic handle to tumble the seats? As far as I can tell, it will break off before those seats ever release. Please help with whatever hints you might have! Thanks!
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Using the suggestion above to single fold the back of the seat and using that momentum to double fold (tumble) worked perfectly. Now I know.
Thanks very much for the posts.
In looking closely at the process this AM I notice that when the back folds to just below vertical there is also a link that unlatches the rear of the seat so it starts to tumble as the seat back is being lowered. In other words the process of folding the seat back unlatches the rear attachment. So what I have to do if I just want to fold the seat back down is to relatch the seat to the floor after the seat is folded.
Hope this helps.
P.S. In previewing this post, I see a photo attached and I have no idea where that came from. It is not related to me.