2000 Beetle GLX Turbo Locations?

zderfzderf Member Posts: 44
edited March 2014 in Volkswagen
VW is trying to locate a replacement for my 1999
GLX Turbo disaster. It looks to be 90 days out from
the assembly line. Does anyone know of dealerships
that have any 2000 GLX automatics on the lot?
Please advise and provide Web Page link if

Thanks in advance to all who reply.


  • govugovu Member Posts: 62

    About a week ago I talked with a salesman at a place in Georgia--I got the name of the place from the open New Beetle topics list. It's within the last 30 postings or so (I think all of my info is at work, else I'd give you the name right now). If memory serves me, he had two GLX autos.
  • bug4pegbug4peg Member Posts: 15
    zderf - best of luck to you, I will receive my GLS turbo auto this week....
    This dealership in Manassas VA has a GLX auto in black:

    Let us know how it goes!
  • zyberzyber Member Posts: 5
    It seems most people out here are from the East coast. Has anybody had any luck shopping on the West side. I'm thinking like New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington?

    I'm currently researching this now and will let others now what I find but would be interested to see what anybody else might have run across?
  • zderfzderf Member Posts: 44
    I'm in Washington State. As for 1.8T's or GLX's '99's or "00's in this area: NADA, ZIP, ZERO. (Per VW America).

    The production started last week for the next run on '00 GLX's. 1st car due out in early December at the earliest.

    Maybe there are some from the 1st run in CA due to allocations, or hidden away in Idaho where nobody is thinking Turbo.

    Good Luck
  • zyberzyber Member Posts: 5
    Believe it or not, I finally found some 2000 Beetle GLX 1.8T locations who were selling at MSRP prices. :) See post #8 in the New Beetle Prices Paid discussion group!
  • raretobeathomeraretobeathome Member Posts: 1
    My wife and I walked into a VW dealership on
    Saturday to test drive a Bug. We wanted the
    GLX dark blue and they happened to just get
    one in on the previous day. We bought it on
    the spot and will pick it up today. Guess there
    was no waiting list here in Central Nebraska.
    Had to pay sticker price as the dealer would
    not negotiate on price. 21,600
  • kjaureliokjaurelio Member Posts: 33
    Dwight Harrison in Georgia shows two GLX (Dark Blue and Yellow) on their web site. http://www.dwight-harrison.vwdealer.com/. I don't know if they are still on the lot though.
  • wleongwleong Member Posts: 6
    Have you tried checking www.dealernet.com? I checked today within 200 miles of Portland, there are at least 4 GLX's in various locations. Some red, yellow, and silver. Just don't know if the inventory is current or if these are Automatic transmission.
  • horton174horton174 Member Posts: 3
    I'm getting the idea that the car we want is either in high demand or is a rarity. We will be looking for a 2000 New Beetle GLX (automatic) to buy in the next 4 to 8 weeks, our first choice of colors is Bright Blue/Cream Leather. We're interested in conducting as much of the negotiations as possible over the internet. Sounds like we won't be cutting a really great deal under the MSRP though. Where can we learn more about it, and keep track of the NB locations?
  • zderfzderf Member Posts: 44
    Horton174... you'll have trouble with the cream leather.... no such animal. Its all black.

    Most dealers are now at MSRP, and the GLX with auto is becomming more available. Color choices could be tough.. the bright blue is one of the rarest.

    Good luck...
  • bamadntbamadnt Member Posts: 2
    I'm looking for someone who is using less than premium gas in the turbo. what are the negatives for using 89 or 87 octane?
  • chrismarchrismar Member Posts: 18
    Hi I got my 2001 CyberGreen GLX Turbo at Heritage VW! They were wonderful!! I would recommend anyone to them. They made the car buying process very easy for me :) Heritage VW is in Morrow Georgia. I am very happy with my purchase! I haven't had so much fun :P
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