Taurus/Sable Engine Questions

doodles49855doodles49855 Member Posts: 1
Hi, I have a 2001 Mercury Sable; Vin code: S; 3.0; Duratec; DOHC; gas. I am trying to find out information about changing the engine; the one in the car is no good. I would like to know what type of engine and what years will go into this vehicle. And where is the best place to find a used engine.
Thank You,


  • lew23lew23 Member Posts: 2
    Can anyone maybe answer this question..96 ford Taurus, SOHC...Father in law ran hot..Blown headed gasket, do not know if heads are warped or not..Car has sit up in garage for 3 years..Decided to take a look at it..Engine is locked probably because of water rusted in cylinder block..Anyway to get unlock or get rust out of heads, or just dump and replace the engine? Body and interior is in top shape, hate to dispose of this clean vehicle......Any help is appreciated..

    Thanks Lew23
  • lew23lew23 Member Posts: 2
  • don197don197 Member Posts: 1
    My 2005 mercury sable has major engine problems.Three major repair shops have different answers how to repair it.Only has 70000 miles on it.Dealer said I need a new $5000 engine and all previous repairs were unnecessary and done wrong. I just spent $1800 at STS to repair half the engine and still have rough run,check engine light on and won't pass state emission.Current mechanic says all previous repairs were done wrong ,I don't need a new engine, but his $1500 repair will fix it. I already spent $4000 in repairs. Do I buy a new engine,get another expensive repair,or trash the car? All 3 mechanics and dealers disagree with each other. Who can I believe or trust. I filed a warranty dispute with Ford over engine, and a BBB claim against The $1800 repair done wrong. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.Thanks.
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