92 GMC Conversion Van please help

squonk240sxsquonk240sx Member Posts: 1
edited May 2014 in GMC
There is something causing the battery to drain. After 48 hours the battery will be dead but it can be recharged enough to drive. If I unhook the battery it seems to solve the issue because it will still have juice left to restart the vehicle.

Yesterday, while I was driving, the van just shut off. I noticed that the power antenna was on the fritz and kept going up and down.

Does anyone have any idea what this problem could be?


  • truerobotechtruerobotech Member Posts: 1
    A bit late on this one but, I have a 1990 GMC Conversion van with the 5.7l v8

    I also have the drain issue. Some other sites pointed to problem with GMC and the stock radio drawing more power. I dont have a radio installed but pulled my horn,cig lighter and accessories fuse which seems to slow the problem. In the end though I like you have been disconnecting the battery.

    Im going to have it looked at in the coming weeks and will reply with the found issue if any.
  • dimocksddimocksd Member Posts: 1
    I have a 1993 Starcraft Conversion Van, high top. The original TV does not work and would like to purchase a replacement, so I can use the sound system in the van. HELP
  • havoc72havoc72 Member Posts: 1
    bad news the wiring harness plug at the fire wall is melting, sadly you can take my word for this, the water off the roof gutter comes down under the hood and right around the plug. I was forced to replace it with individual connectors messy but its run fine for four years
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