91' town car fuse diagram

illalillal Member Posts: 5
edited April 2014 in Lincoln
just bought a 91 town car and its missing a bunch of fuses.... was just wondering if anybody with the same car or if someone possibly has access to the owners manual can get me a picture of the fuse diagram so i know which fuse goes where... please and thank you!


  • euphoniumeuphonium Member Posts: 3,425
    With a pair of reading glasses and a bright light you will be able to see the fuse size etched by each slot.
  • illalillal Member Posts: 5
    well i took a closer look in the day light today (no glasses or flash light) and i didnt see anything... i have good eyes but i couold be wrong! ill check again tommorow with a fash light.... still looking for the diagram!
  • euphoniumeuphonium Member Posts: 3,425
    Perhaps there is a diagram of fuse placement on the inside of the fuse box cover.
  • illalillal Member Posts: 5
    yea thats usually where it is but the cover is missing.... on another note i found the diagram :D

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