Toyota Corolla Electric-Assist Power Steering (EPS)



  • thegraduatethegraduate Member Posts: 9,731
    I've noticed that when occasionally applying the brakes, especially going down a steep hill, my car's engine will rev for a split second, and do this minor lunge forward before slowing down. Doesn't always happen though.

    Sounds like Toyota employs something similar to my Hondas' "Grade-Logic Control" which downshifts to employ engine braking when you apply the brakes while descending a hill. Usually just a drop into 3rd gear.
  • terceltomterceltom Member Posts: 1,024
    While I certainly wouldn't question that you might be having a particular problem with your Corolla and your EPS, I would however, question your challenge of all Corolla drivers,

    "Try to stay straight for more than a few miles on the highway you're in trouble. You are all over the road".

    I think it should be noted that while you and some others might be having a problem with their EPS the vast majority of new Corolla owners are not. Therefore, if there is a problem at all, I think it's fair to say that it's only affecting some Corollas but certainly not every one like your post tends to insinuate.
  • denvecsrdenvecsr Member Posts: 40
    Tom, you are a piece of work.

    We all know that your Corolla is perfect.

    I said "Make sure YOU file a complaint with the NHTSA"

    Tom, what is a complaint?

    If you don't have a complaint then why would you file one?


    Tom, you never give up, do you?
  • halwickhalwick Member Posts: 45
    "...The EPS is fine for very short distances. Try to stay straight for more than a few miles on the highway you're in trouble. You are all over the road..."

    Are you sure it's not the uneven road surfaces that's causing the car to wander all over the road? Are you sure your front suspension is aligned properly? Are you sure your tire pressure is correct? When the car hits a pothole, do you blame it on the steering design [for not avoiding the pothole]? I don't blame these on the car.

    I have a Toyota Venza that has electric-assist power steering and notice no difference between electric-assist power steering and hydraulic-assist power steering. Nor have I noticed any play or slack in the steering wheel like I do on cars with manual / non-power-assist steering.
  • steven39steven39 Member Posts: 636
    hello folks,last august i was looking for a new car in the compact class and it came down to either the 2010 corolla S or a 2010 kia forte EX..after reading about the problems with the steering in the corolla i took the corolla on a long test drive on the highway to see if all the negative posts were true regarding the steering was about a 5 mile test drive on the highway before returning back to the toyota first,the salesmen who was with me didn't want me to go on the highway with the corolla but i said that if i can't take it on the highway then iam not interested in purchasing the car.he gave in...well,all the negative posts about the steering were basically have to have both hands on the steering wheel or the car will drift into other lanes.another thing that i noticed about the corolla besides the steering issue was that this car gets blown around on the highway by even the slightest gust of wind which coupled with the steering issue is down right dangerous.this test drive was over for me within about 15 minutes.long story short,i purchased a 2010 kia forte EX model and have been very happy with it.the forte blew away the corolla as far as ride and standard features are concerned.
  • terceltomterceltom Member Posts: 1,024
    Well, yes I believe my car IS perfect and I don't doubt that yours isn't . But if you read posts like #116 there are many of us that are not having problems at all. It's okay if I make that clear, right?
  • terceltomterceltom Member Posts: 1,024
    edited February 2010
    Okay, you reprinted a six month old post but you don't want me to restate my opinion? LOL !
  • terceltomterceltom Member Posts: 1,024
    That's funny, until I read your last sentence I was gonna ask if you were accidently stepping on the gas when reaching for the brake. lol. . . Clicking noise in the cold sounds unusual. If it was the old hydraulic steering I would say a squeaking sound I could understand as the belts have a tendancy to slip when a little loose in the cold. But with the electronic steering I don't think that would apply. I would inform your dealer of your concerns to get his feedback. I think at this stage of the game they will take you seriously, blond or not, as their necks could be on the line. I'm not experiencing any of those issues on my 2009 Corolla so I can't be of any help to ya.
  • denvecsrdenvecsr Member Posts: 40
    Are you sure it's not the uneven road surfaces that's causing the car to wander all over the road?

    There must be alot of uneven highway road surfaces. I have traveled on Route 95 from NY to FL back and forth 6 times. Very tedious trying to hold the car straight with both hands on the wheel. You can't drive a minute with one hand.

    I have driven almost every car and truck out there since 1972. I have NEVER felt the steering this bad.

    Are you sure your front suspension is aligned properly?

    This has been happening since I drove off the lot. I have been back to the dealer 3 times. Every time they check the alignment its fine. They tell me there's nothing wrong.

    Are you sure your tire pressure is correct? I check this once a month.

    When the car hits a pothole, do you blame it on the steering design [for not avoiding the pothole]? I don't blame these on the car.

    This one is a joke, right?

    This one maybe to a first year driver.

    What I don't get here is that you have people who insist owners like myself are either making this stuff up or we are idiots. Either way what are their motives to questioning our problems? You all sound like Toyota Reps.
  • terceltomterceltom Member Posts: 1,024
    Now see your just making that all up. If you read my very first line of post #114 it states:

    "I certainly wouldn't question that you might be having a particular problem with your Corolla".

    So who thinks your making it all up? The point is it's not all 1.3 million Corollas that are infected, actually there have been less than 100 complaints. Granted even 1 problem is too many if it causes inconvenience, injury or possibly even loss of life, but every model built, from every manufacturer, will have some problem cars coming off of the line. A small percentage of vehicles from every manufacturer might have some kind of defect. Even the robots or machines that build them aren't perfect.
  • zekeman1zekeman1 Member Posts: 422
    101 - I filed my complaint today. Had not said anything to the wife about this, but she drove it yesterday and afterwards complained that she had trouble keeping it (reasonably) straight on the road. Said it "was all over the place." No wind, 65 mph, flat as a pancake road. I confessed that I noticed the same thing, but hadn't said anything to her. It's my daily drive and she very rarely drives it, maybe 3X in the 6700 miles on the speedo. While I like it alot, in retrospect I think I would've been better off with something else. It's still economical, just somewhat plain vanilla.
  • johnfromwestjohnfromwest Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2010
    I am in the same boat. I have 2006 Corolla that I drive 80 miles a day on a highway without any issues and love its steering. A year ago, I have bought brand new 10th generation Corolla for my mother. She only drives perhaps 3000 miles a year. Last weekend we took a road trip in her Corolla and Oh Boy. I remember when the car was purchased last year that steering was a bit sloppy but I thought its the new EPC on the 10th generation. Now when we drove on a highway, Steering her 2009 corolla LE was worse then my 1980 Cadillac Coupe De Ville back in my HS days. I am glad people are speaking out about this problem because there is definitely something wrong with this new steering system. To be honest, I am glad my Mom doesn't have to drive Highway miles. NHTSA will hear from me as well. Sorry Toyota.
  • terceltomterceltom Member Posts: 1,024
    John, first off you don't need to apologize to Toyota , Toyota should be apologizing to you for your inconvenience and dissatisfaction with your purchase. The only other thing I would like to add again, is to remind all of you drivers that are experiencing this problem that this is a sporadic problem and does not pertain to all 2009/2010 Corollas equipped with EPS. When reading some of the post here, it sounds like some of you that are experiencing this problem think it's a problem with ALL 2009/2010 Corollas when that could not be further from the truth. Besides my own pleasant steering experience, I have heard from many others who have praised this new system. Now that is again, not saying you are not having a problem. Please keep in mind the steering complaints or problems, according to the NHTSA, have come from 200 or less vehicle owners experiencing this problem. And I agree that 200 is 200 too many. But when you state, "there is definitely something wrong with this new steering system". Perhaps it should accurately be re phrased that, there is definitely something wrong with YOUR new steering system.
  • denvecsrdenvecsr Member Posts: 40
    Another unpleasant Toyota owner who TercelTom thinks he has to put his 2 cents in. Tom, most 2009 Corolla owners are not happy with their ESP. There is a major problem when the steering is too sensitive that you end up in the next lane if you sneeze. Just because only 200 owners have made a complaint doesn't mean that there aren't many more out there. Most owners like myself have heard from Toyota service managers and techs that there is nothing wrong with your steering, its just something you have to get used to. That's BS and you know it. Toyota knows there is something wrong that's why they are going to have another recall for it. Remember recalls are only done when too many people die or too many lawsuits are causing the government to take notice. PS. I think the government should investigate you Tom. Why do you always have to say to every blogger here who has trouble with their Toyota, that there is nothing wrong with yours? I'm not just talking about Toyota Corolla Electric-Assist Power Steering (EPS) but every Toyota topic. I bet they find somewhere you are connected to Toyota. Why else would you waste your time praising Toyota?
  • terceltomterceltom Member Posts: 1,024
    I agree, if a Toyota dealer is telling you that "ALL" EPS steering complaints are just a matter of getting used to, then yes it's "B.S." as you put it. I didn't always feel that way, but I do now. I have come to the conclusion that some of these complaints might actually have some merit. But again, for the umpteenth time, there are thousands of us satisfied Corolla owners who like the EPS steering just as it is and was designed to be. I repeat, WE ARE NOT HAVING PROBLEMS like you might be. Now weather or not you want to acknowledge that or not, it's just a a fact. Just like I respect that your having difficulty with the EPS I think it's only fair that you admit some are definitely not having those same problems.
  • mnfmnf Member Posts: 405
    edited February 2010
    I have no issue with my (EPS) i love the way it handles and belive it or not i dont work for Toyota , Mazda, or Lexus all cars and trucks that i own. I also do not agree the way Toyota handled the recall issues either that does that make me a Toyota hater . Ten months ago when some were reporting issues i asked owners i ran across at gas stations,shopping malls and grocery stores not one had an issue at that time. They all did say it was differant as in more free and easy to drive. I have rented Corollas while out of town with no issues. Is there issues most likely in some but not all. Question have you driven a 2009/2010 Corolla before.
  • terceltomterceltom Member Posts: 1,024
    "most 2009 Corolla owners are not happy with their ESP"

    Totally untrue statement!

    Number of 2009/2010 Corollas sold to date - 419,116
    Number of EPS steering complaints - Less than 200
  • pekelvrpekelvr Member Posts: 61
    you mean Im not crazy?????? Thank you I bow to you!!! I took back my 2008 Corolla for this problem and would you believe in 1 week they put it out on the lot?for sale? Thye had me trade it in for 2010 Corolla...Im 1 week into the car and still hate it, the car blows all over the place!!! Corolla says they are within standards and that they dont think its a Engineering problem but that the car is light. Light my rear end! I have a right mind to go back to the dealer and say Really are you kidding me??? Get me a car that doesnt blow me into other lanes while Im on the highway now!!! Do I need a lawyer I wonder. :lemon:
  • pekelvrpekelvr Member Posts: 61
    Lets be clear the problem is with the Corollas not Venzas The car does blow all over the hwy and my husband who lifts 60 lbs in each arm as a pro lifter cant keep my car within straight a way lanes on flat tar hwy so no its not the road the potholes or anything other than the the design of the car and according to dealer my 2010 :lemon: is light its gonna blow me all over the place.
  • pekelvrpekelvr Member Posts: 61
    not anymore huh? the new technology is taking them down down down when I traded my troublsome 08 model for 2010 Toyota themselves coldnt give me the value it promised to me when i purchased in 2008. Their resale is dropping drastically in light of all the deaths happening in their cars.
  • terceltomterceltom Member Posts: 1,024
    Ya think the EPS is taking them down? See the sales figures and facts on post #131 ! Love the EPS !
  • thegraduatethegraduate Member Posts: 9,731
    EPS taking down Toyota? Nah. Not yet. New technology taking down Toyota? Well, I'd be interested in seeing how 'yota's sales turn out after the whole "pedal" mess. Personally, I think the media has made a bigger deal out of this than it really is, although when lives are at stake, who is to say how much coverage is too much?

    I'm tired of Toyota in the news.
  • terceltomterceltom Member Posts: 1,024
    What I see is some people really having issues, whether they be steering, acceleration or braking. But what I also see is a lot of paranoid people just jumping on the bandwagon.
  • denvecsrdenvecsr Member Posts: 40
    Tom you would say that.
  • steven39steven39 Member Posts: 636
    has toyota been resting on their laurels for too long i ask?? i think toyota has fooled many people by building a much more inferior product knowing that people will still purchase the cars based on the toyota name and past reputations they used to have about their cars. they have gotten away with building cars with substandard quality knowing that the people will still come to toyota based on the past.the reality is that now the percentages have cought up with toyota and now they are in deep doo doo.i believe that hyundai will take advantage of toyota's problems and that their new 2011 sonata will sway people from toyota to the hyundai sonata but that's for another discussion..
  • terceltomterceltom Member Posts: 1,024
    Why wouldn't I, this is the place to express our oppinions, even if they differ from yours. This isn't just a Toyota bashing forum is it?
  • patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    edited February 2010
    No it's not just a Toyota bashing forum, of course, but it's not an other-poster bashing forum either, Let's be careful about such things as name-calling and labeling please.
  • steven39steven39 Member Posts: 636
    i wasn't aware that the steering issues were happening with the 08 corolla i thought it was just limited to the 09's and 10's.....
  • terceltomterceltom Member Posts: 1,024
    No, the 2008's didn't have EPS, the EPS was first introduced in 2009. Hence my post # 138
  • mnfmnf Member Posts: 405
    There must be a issue with your 08 i dont lift heavy weights but do work out weekly. I drive with a thumb and a finger on the freeway without a issue. Maybe tires or alignment ??.
  • jersey027jersey027 Member Posts: 7
    I have the same car 2010 toyota corolla s the car wanders on highway any speed over 40mph as you go faster it gets worse. My wife and child will not get in this car as it is unsafe for them to be in at all. I have been to the local dealer here in ocean county NJ toyota world in lakewood NJ they gave my gas pedal there bs fix for now but my main concern was my steering the eps system that toyota changed in this car starting in the 2009 corolla. It is very hard to drive as you are constantly fighting the steering wheel to keep it in your lane an god forbid you hit a bump it will send you off the road if your not paying attension with 2 hands on the steering wheel. Toyota service dept said that they see and fell what im saying but there is no open recall or bulletins to the fix. Toyota needs to recall these unsafe cars ASAP or give the customers who thought they were buying a quality toyota there money back. I should have bought the Nissan Sentra SR-R which has no open recalls. What pissed me off more is toyota now is giving 0% finance up to 60 mths free maintence and more and im stuck with a junk my wife will not drive with our son in this car. I have owned 5 other toyotas before and i drive 30,000 to 40,000 miles per year and never in the 23 years of driving have i ever drove a car that drove as bad as this car ever. My emial is :lemon:
  • terceltomterceltom Member Posts: 1,024
    Sorry to hear you got one of these supposed "wanderers". It's been mentioned here by others that some of the 2009/2010 Corollas are subject to this wandering phenominum. If I'm not mistaken, I believe Toyota and the NHTSA are currently investigating these complaints they received concerning the EPS on some cars. I hope your car gets straightened out (literally) ASAP for you. It really is a shame that your family won't drive in the new car you purchased. I can understand your frustration in this matter, but rest assured your new car is not "junk". Your much better off in your Toyota then you would have been in the Nissan.
  • pekelvrpekelvr Member Posts: 61
    It is the EPS! I have been to the dealership and the guy told me that "Toyota is working on a fix for this" yeah!!!!!

    ok in the mean time....the car has a sensor that while you drive it is reads the road. So if there's any type of grading or dips or ridges, it readjusts itself automatically. Like other posters I too would say this is something you have to get used to. It kind of feels like ice skating. When you drive you just need to pay attention to the road grading and any ruts. IF your in a lane the has any of the above then move to a better lane. Believe me it is weird and something to get used to but for now I pray for you and your family!
  • terceltomterceltom Member Posts: 1,024
    Well as much as I like Toyotas even they can't "read the road". It's funtionality is actually based on the speed your traveling and not the road characteristics.
  • jersey027jersey027 Member Posts: 7
    These toyotas have a black box in every car to record whatever the car does from how fast your driving to when you braked, rpm, temp, oil preasure and more. The funny thing is that toyota is the only one who can read these black boxes as they are they only one that can read what was recorded. It gets better they only have 1 laptop that has the software to read these black boxes. The Nhsta needs to look into this it will tell them everything they need to know. Toyota can't be trusted anymore there greed has taken over there quality as they pump out more and more cars that are unsafe with bad technology. The big three will profit more as our safety regulators let more of there bad quality pass through to more loved ones. Its a shame on Toyota they should be halting all sales of there cars and trucks ASAP.
  • terceltomterceltom Member Posts: 1,024
    Yea, I read that yesterday too. However, those black boxes were not mandated for or by the NHTSA, they were for Toyota's own research. If Toyota really wanted to show some concern for safety over profits they would fully cooperate with the ongoing recalls and reports of trouble with their cars by offering this information they have collected. Yes, it's been reported how already the sales figures for two of the big three automakers have ballooned over Toyotas decline due to recalls and reported problems.
  • jersey027jersey027 Member Posts: 7
    I also found that Toyota; Has frequently refused to provide key information sought by crash victims and survivors. Uses proprietary software in its EDRs. Until this week there was only a single lap-top in the U.S. containing the software needed to read the data following a crash. In some lawsuits , when pressed to provide recorder information, Toyota either settled or provided printouts with the key columns blank. This company will be investigated and no stones unturned to prove there hiding something.
  • spikejr1spikejr1 Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2010
    ***Update*** I just received a phone call yesterday from Toyota asking if I had filed a complaint with the NHTSA about this issue. "Why yes, I did file a complaint about 6 MONTHS AGO"...So now Toyota spent about 5 minutes asking various questions about the condition that we are experiencing. At the end of the phone call, the Toyota rep said that a Regional Toyota rep would be contacting me in "about a month" to schedule an appointment for me to bring the vehicle into the dealer for "inspection only". The rep emphasized the "inspection only" point several times...

    So, if you want action on your vehicle, I highly recommend that you file a complaint with the NHTSA. Seems that is the only way you will get their attention...Will let you know what they say after the appointment...

  • terceltomterceltom Member Posts: 1,024
    Well I guess that's a good starting point anyway, for those of you experiencing this problem. I'm comfortably sure Toyota will rectify your problems sooner or later. Hopefully sooner!
  • amg1099amg1099 Member Posts: 14
    I received a call too. And yes, the rep continually mentioned the "for inspection only" and that it could take up to 3 hours long for the inspection. HUH!!! I'm not sure really what they will do to rectify this problem..Yes, I said's a problem for us having to deal with bring our cars to the dealership for these types of recalls. Such a nuisance. It seems like there's a Toyota recall every month. If they took actions right away when customers complain about a certain issue, Toyota wouldn't have been in the hot seat, where they are right now. I hope that they fix this problem soon.
  • ovyboxovybox Member Posts: 21
    Interesting enough I have the same problem on a Nissan Sentra 2008: the car will just not drive straight. As I correct it, it keeps following in the last heading. Not too bad but annoying anyways. Seem to me like all car makers went down this road...
  • terceltomterceltom Member Posts: 1,024
    Actually, as I understand it, the Sentra's EPS has there own little quirk, it actually goes out and stops working. I've been told that there is a TSB out for this problem and Nissan is fixing it. The fix actually requires the steering box and column replaced at a part cost of $2800.00
  • zikzakzikzak Member Posts: 8
    My daughter took her Corolla S (2009) to the dealership yesterday for an appointment (Friday 3-12-10) in reference to her steering problems. When the service tech drove the car on interstate 95, he later said the front end was out of alignment. WRONG, my daughter showed him where we had the alignment completed twice in the last few try and fix the problem. The last alignment was completed at the same dealership and the spec were right there was no wear on the tires. After the tech learned of all we had done, he could only acknowledge the steering sucked on her car. We made sure all the information was properly documented too. Just wanted to keep everyone informed that Toyota has not yet acknowledged (officially) the 2009/2010 Corolla has an EPS problem. I suspect they will have no choice as the problems and complaints mount. Thanks
  • steven39steven39 Member Posts: 636
    edited March 2010
    zak,i test drove a 2010 corolla before decideing on the kia forte.all of the steering issues that people are complaining about were confirmed on my test drive with the corolla..first off,you basically have to have both hands on the steering wheel or else the car will drift into other lanes.another thing that i noticed was that on the highway the corolla got blown all over the place by even the slightest gust of wind or by even another car passing by.i found this issue coupled with the other steering issues down right dangerous and did not purchase the corolla.on the other hand,the kia forte that i purchased blew away the corolla as far as standard features and ride were concerned.on the highway,the kia forte was rock solid and stable and was uneffected by any winds unlike the corolla..thank god for test drives.
  • bimmer4mebimmer4me Member Posts: 266
    You've been playing this same song regarding the Corolla over and over. It's begining to sound like a broken record. I for one and many others haven't experienced any of your negative remarks. The Kia Forte appears to be a decent car. Would I buy one...NO.
  • mnfmnf Member Posts: 405
    edited March 2010
    2009 Corolla 27,000 miles no steering issues in fact i drive mine with one hand ( Thumb and finger) most of the time with no issues at all. Your Kia i test drove with a friend a month ago i thought was nice car. The only complaint i had was engine noise was a bit to loud for me. Kia has done a good job and came a long way but its still a KIA.
    My freind she purchased a Civic
  • terceltomterceltom Member Posts: 1,024
    "Toyota has not yet acknowledged (officially) the 2009/2010 Corolla has an EPS problem"

    Might be a small amount of Corollas with this problem, but definitely not an overall issue. Love my 2009 Corolla and yes, I love the feel and the ease of driving with the new EPS feature.
  • pekelvrpekelvr Member Posts: 61
    Please make sure you and anyone else with Toyota floods the NHTSA complain dept. I have sent thema complaint about my steering issues at least twice a week. I pray to GOD they finally start looking at this before one of blows off a cliff!!! :lemon:
  • pekelvrpekelvr Member Posts: 61
    Please make sure you and anyone else with Toyota floods the NHTSA complain dept. I have sent thema complaint about my steering issues at least twice a week. I pray to GOD they finally start looking at this before one of blows off a cliff!!! :lemon:
  • pekelvrpekelvr Member Posts: 61
    Toyota hasnt but the feds have.....go check out the feds NHTSA checking into and I quote steering issues. ITs not a handful either unless you think something 200 drivers have reported they have the problem a handful. :(
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