04' LS V6 Not firing on 1 Cylinder

I've got a 2004 LS V6 with just over 40k miles. I swapped out half the plugs a week ago (did not have time to remove the intake) and the car ran great for about 5 days.
About 100 miles from home the engine began to run really bad. It shakes like a monster, and on the way home it would randomly go into safe mode and all I could do was shut it off and try again.
Anyway... I found it it's the middle cylinder on the drivers side. I swapped out coil packs, changed the plug again, and it still doesn't seem to be firing. The plug/coil both have spark. No oil is leaking at all.
Anyone have any ideas? I'm about to rent a scanner and hopefully a compression tester.
About 100 miles from home the engine began to run really bad. It shakes like a monster, and on the way home it would randomly go into safe mode and all I could do was shut it off and try again.
Anyway... I found it it's the middle cylinder on the drivers side. I swapped out coil packs, changed the plug again, and it still doesn't seem to be firing. The plug/coil both have spark. No oil is leaking at all.
Anyone have any ideas? I'm about to rent a scanner and hopefully a compression tester.
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The pack was swapped out with a different one and had the same results.
According to the scanner, Coils C, E, and F "Primary/Secondary Circuit Malfunction"
It also said something about the TAC system being on, and that it was "Stuck" or something. Unfortunately I erased the codes before writing them down heh. Then restarted the car and scanned it again.
A compression test showed 120 on the cylinder that doesn't fire, and 130-140 on the two next to it. My method of checking may not have been the best though. I just pulled the plug and screwed the hose on, then started the car lol. Let it go for a few seconds and turned it off and red the results.
Anyone have a clue?
* I have an LS V8 Sport.
* First I get misfire on #7 and #8.
* When I remove sparks on #7, and #8 I see lots of oil.
* So i changed both valve cover gaskets with ford parts ($$$)
* I also replaced all sparkplugs. And the COP at #7 and #8.
* ....Then i get misfire on #5.
* I decide to change COP on #5 and #6 (just to complete all COP on that side of engine)
* ... Now I get misfire on #4 and #5!!!!!!!!!
Now I'm thinking the issue are not the COPs. Need some suggestions fast.
My card is riding VERY rough.
Thanks in advance!
It will be costly to try, but
I'm willing to give it a shot.
I will update after I try it on the weekend.