Toyota Highlander Dashboard Lights

rexhendersonrexhenderson Member Posts: 6
When I turn on my headlights my dashboard illumination and clock go out. Anyone have ideas?


  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Does your dashboard have some kind of dimmer switch? It may be set to "low" or "off" and triggered by turning on your headlights.

    tidester, host
    SUVs and Smart Shopper
  • rexhendersonrexhenderson Member Posts: 6
    I don't think so, but I'll another look around for any secreted knob I might have hit by accident. The clock does still keep correct time. So maybe it is just the display dimming.
  • jpettibonejpettibone Member Posts: 51
    There's a dimmer to the left of the steering wheel on the dash. That might be your problem.
  • rexhendersonrexhenderson Member Posts: 6
    Nope there is no dimmer switch on the dash or steering wheel.
    What I do have left of the steering wheel is three little black covers where it looks like switches would go if one had bought the options for whatever they are for.
  • jpettibonejpettibone Member Posts: 51
    What model and year do you have? We have a 2009 Base 4 cyl. and we have the dimmer wheel.
  • tedstevens21tedstevens21 Member Posts: 1
    I'm driving a 2005 Highlander and I started having the same problem a couple days nights ago. Were you ever able to resolve this - how ??

    Ted Stevens
  • footsbarefootsbare Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2011
    I have a 2008 Highlander with no dashboard lights. The clock and radio lights go out when the headlights turn on and the instrument panel stays dark. This was discussed several years ago with no resolution. It's not the dimmer. Any ideas?
  • rexhendersonrexhenderson Member Posts: 6
    Unfortunately, I never found the solution. I sold the vehicle.
  • sneremsnerem Member Posts: 5
    I have a 1993 Blazer where the dash lights have all gone out. They used to come back on every once in a while, but they're off all the time now. I've changed fuses. Wondering if it could be the dimmer switch/control??? What do I need to do to pull the dash off to get behind it? Anyone have any ideas?
  • cahighlandercahighlander Member Posts: 2
    Looking for an answer too. Seems like everything is falling apart at once. A few weeks ago most of my tail lights went out, my visor dropped down so we had to take it out for a while. My husband screwed some plastic back together and I put the visor back in. The vanity light worked, but about two days later the vanity light stopped working, the interior dome lights, remote control stopped working. When I turn the headlights on all the display lights go out. Oh, prior to all this the lights on the gear indicator went out. The #20 fuse was blown and I just replace it, but nothing has been fixed.
  • kymgkymg Member Posts: 1
    After cleaning my Highlander I had the same problem. The dimmer looks like the odometer switch. Its on the left of the speedometer turn that little knob to the right, and youll be good to go. Hope that helps.
  • cahighlandercahighlander Member Posts: 2
    I wish the fix was that easy. I did find the knob you are talking about, but everything is still as dark as can be. Thanks.
  • 421211421211 Member Posts: 1
    My mom says her console light, where you shift, used to work and now it doesn't. I went and bought the bulb, tiny sucker, but I can't figure out how to take it apart to change the bulb. There is a small panel on the drivers side of the shift that pops off to reveal a white button but that's about as far as I want to go without breaking something. Any help would be appreciated!
  • 2drivefree2drivefree Member Posts: 2

    I know this is an old thread but when I googled "Toyota Highlander headlights on makes dashboard lights go off" its the first item that pops up on Google. So I had this issue on my 2007 Toyota Highlander and I too could not find this dimmer switch. So after some more googling I found a board that helped me. It is the same toggle that you use for your odometer know like when you are taking a trip of want to know how many miles you are traveling. Just adjust that until your interior lights come back on lol.....

  • 2drivefree2drivefree Member Posts: 2

    I know this is an old thread but when I googled "Toyota Highlander headlights on makes dashboard lights go off" its the first item that pops up on Google. So I had this issue on my 2007 Toyota Highlander and I too could not find this dimmer switch. So after some more googling I found a board that helped me. It is the same toggle that you use for your odometer know like when you are taking a trip of want to know how many miles you are traveling. Just adjust that until your interior lights come back on lol.....

  • ebbbsebbbs Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2016

    if your dash lights are out above the radio on a 03 highlander you can either send the whole piece out for repair or try to do some soldering yourself. its the main connection inside the center dash control panel with the ribbon wire. ac switch light, rear defog switch light, and illumination for heater control dials wont light up. there are like 9 connections on each side of the piece that has to be resoldered need a straight tip solder iron, not instant on. and probly a magnifying glass!! ill try to attach a pic ed its the long black piece that has 9 soldering points. there are nine more on the other side! good luck. heat one at a time very quickly dont overheat it! just touch some fine solder when hot and keep going. once u get one soldered it seemed to stay in place pretty good i put the ribbon wire in while i soldered incase it would deform the ribbon connection point
  • championsenchampionsen Member Posts: 1
    There's a dimmer to the left of the steering wheel on the dash. That might be your problem.
    Thanks jpettibone. I had the same problem but found out my dinner was turned to lowest. 
  • HorseLover101HorseLover101 Member Posts: 1 ...found this easy fix. My dash light is going out on long drives. Hope it works, thought I would share.
  • staycurious2021staycurious2021 Member Posts: 1

    LOL folks, i had the same problem last few months and knob was turned to the lowest. almost went to the nearby shop.

    FYI, This is the variable switch that sits next to the mirror adjustment controls, closer to the door.
  • rickdonrickdon Member Posts: 123
    Had the same issue and that was because wifey accidentally hit the dim switch.
  • chadstepchadstep Member Posts: 1
    I had the problem and followed HorseLover101 (above) and cleaned the 10 amp fuse contacts (specifically the ECTS and EFI No.2 fuses) with steel wool, then reinserted them--voila! Bright lights again. This seems pretty obvious once you know it, considering the age of the car and oxidation on fuse contacts.
  • Caribbeandan35Caribbeandan35 Member Posts: 2
    Quick 30 second video to fix highlander maintenance light
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