2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee starter clicks but will not start
My 2005 JGC has 25K and when I turn the key it clicks but does nto start. I tried jumping but that does not work and it seem to have plenty of power. I f I sit and turn the key 10 times it might turn over and start. Runs fine but this is getting worse. Battery cables are not corroded at all. All looks good. Please help as it is out of warranty.
See Also
Edmunds Answers - No Start Problems
Why a car won't start - troublshooting tips
See Also
Edmunds Answers - No Start Problems
Why a car won't start - troublshooting tips
tidester, host
SUVs and Smart Shopper
if not could be the starter solonide
if that is ok then starter solonide is bad and need to replace starter
....anyways the first and second pic show where to look and the third is the bundle of wires that you wiggle. My advice is to have someone turn your key in the start position and while keeping your key turned as if you were trying to start it, wiggle that bundle of wires and if it starts than you know that this is your problem. If it still wont start, continue wiggling wires nearby until your jeep starts than you know which wire is at fault. Unfortunatly I cannot upload photos, so email me if you would like pics.
I want to solve this problem before i have to replace something major, I suspect it maybe the sparkplugs, if not the alternator or starter. Any ideas?
After several attempts, it started. However, the temperature read 77 degrees and it was clearly in the low 40's.
While the tow truck guy was filling out paperwork, I did not want to turn it back off and I left it on, so I could drive straight to my mechanic. I put it in reverse and I noticed the Jeep was getting harder to steer. I put it in drive and made my way down the driveway, but by that time the power steering went out and Jeep shut off entirely. I turned the key to the off position, then I noticed my lights shut off entirely, which is something that never happens when I turn off my Jeep.
I turned the Jeep back on and it cranked up like a charm. After it started, the engine sounded like it was going to die and the lights dimmed a little, then everything went back to normal. When I got to the stop sign, the RPM's dropped from 1,000 to 500 and the engine sounded like it wanted to turn off.
I drove down the highway at about 65-70 mph with no trouble. I got off on the exit ramp and came to a stop sign; the engine sounded weak as before. The same thing happened at the next stop sign. I got into the city limits and the engine sounded weak, as if I were stopped at the stop sign. I did not mash the gas pedal and I coasted into my mechanic's parking lot. The engine sounded weak the entire time--with lower RPM's.
When I came to a stop, the Jeep sounded fine. I turned the Jeep off and turned the key, but I did not turn it on and the check engine light was on. I eventually cranked it up and it was fine.
If you know what is wrong with it, then please tell me.
Of course, that sounds like merely a temporary fix, because the same problem is bound to come back.
Hello all, please check out the Facebook write up I did for my clients Jeep. I hope that helps people. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.642014742524007.1073741828.604788562913292&type=1