2009 Nissan Murano Problems

cobra14cobra14 Member Posts: 6
I bought a 2009 Murano over a year ago love the car over all but since day one have had numerous issues which i have documented : including a anti freeze smell that even the territory Nissan rep denied smelling each time. along with squeaking brakes.Just yesterday i bought it in for its 3000 mile oil change service. after leaving the dealership 3 hrs later the car broke down with 9500 miles on it.Finally my issue of antifreeze materialized when the gauge coolant went all the way upto high and stayed there and the engine lite went on as well and the car at each stop felt like it was going to just shut off..I had the car towed to the dealership and have left it there..Nissan will not admit or just simply swap me to a new car of the same SL model .I will be getting an attorney since these issues one by one have been going on for a year now..squeaky brakes, coolant smell after the car has been used for awhile ,rattling inside engine, hesitation on reverse and acceleration, these are some the issues Nissan will tell you are normal which as of yesterday they are not ..


  • kjsmittykjsmitty Member Posts: 25
    I would really love to know what they find in regards to the obvious coolant leak/antifreeze smell. My wife's 09LE has done the same since new yet I, as a seasoned mech, as well as the dealer could not find the source. I did however get it documented on a work order. It truly is concerning because I know it must have a very, very small leak that is creating the odor yet slow enough that it burns off thus undetectable by the eye. We even pressure tested the system and no leak down. I feel the leak is on the radiator right behind the fans on the drivers side. The coolant level itself has maybe gone down 3/4 of an inch in the reservoir in the last year...

    Very strange - but that is my wife's only complaint.

    Please let me know what they find/found.

    Many thanks - Best of luck however with your LE
  • cobra14cobra14 Member Posts: 6
    HI .I have the SL 09 model..From day one it smelled like anti freeze from the grill 5 xs bought in they said they could not find anything based on checking and along with the computer..any way last month after a year of complaining along wih some other issues..i took it in for a oil change that same day after i left the gauge went all the way up and the engine lite went on the car was over heating and was towed ..they claimed a bracket of one of the hoses wasnt good and was defective..well i left the car with the head of service and he took it home about 30 miles each way that morning he drove and left it in the service area and it happen again the car over heated and i guess the hose bracket broke ..it is not an issue with brackets or they should recall the car the car is simply a lemon i now have an attorney handling the case and waiting to hear back from Nissan .at one point i was open about just give me anew car but the way Nissan corporate has handled this has been extremal poor so keep your service reports and keep bringing it in if the issue is not resolved after 4 or 5xs go see a lemon law attorney cause corporate is horrible to deal with ..I have been told by this attorney that all the Japanese car comp nays corporately will all treat you this same way only BMW , Mercedes and believe it or not Ford will go out of there way and help asap ...Good luck
  • ron118ron118 Member Posts: 3
    I have a 09 Murano LE with a anti freeze smell, dealer says no problem found and it still smells. Due to the car not being aligned, the tires are bad at 15000 miles and Nissan could care less. The 20 inch tires $1200 for a set of four. Third and last Nissan.
  • cobra14cobra14 Member Posts: 6
    Good news I won my lemon law case on my 09 Murano SL.. and Nissan took my car today receiving full refund with help of an attorney they had to pay legal fees above what they owed me.I kept records about the smell and until the car broke down and had to be towed along with the service manager thinking it was bad hoses and replaced them and having the same thing happen to him. what i had been saying finally came to fruition and that was proof enough.They still don't know what is wrong with it.

    I have moved on and bought a New Toyota Venza very happy regular fuel 21 miles a gallon city with a V6 more power then the murano.no more brakes squeaking and no anti freeze smell .My advice if you bring it in more then 5xs for the same thing and they cant fix it get a good lemon law attorney and let him take care of your issue.
    I will never buy a nissan again .
  • frankenmfrankenm Member Posts: 1
    I bought a 2009 LE when they first came out a year and half or so ago. I have 32K miles on it now. Overall I love the car, but this past month I've started to have issues pop up. I first hear a slight whining noise from the engine - almost like a dull, quiet siren sound. As you drive and let your foot off the gas, you'll hear the noise and it will slowly decrease in picth as the car slows. When I brought my car in for 30k service I asked them to check it out. I also had squeeky brakes too.

    I get a call back that the whining noise is actually from my transmission and not the engine. They didn't recommend driving at all and they would have to put in a brand new transmission. After about a week and half I finally got my car back. They said the brake noise is normal and I still had plenty of wear in the pads yet. This doesn't seem right to me but I haven't pushed back further yet. Unfortunately, after getting a new transmission the whining noise was still there. And now the power unlock button on the door handle doesn't work anymore either.

    I brought the car back again to have the whine fixed and get the unlock/lock button fixed. Next I'm told the problem comes from the transfer case and they would have to replace it. During the final stages of installing the transfer case they also determine my power steering pump needs replacement. After a little over a week I get my car back. Thankfully, the whine is gone. They forgot to fix the door lock so I need to go back again. Now there's a new sound to deal with... at low speeds you can here a somewhat high-pitched grinding sound. My engine light is also on now too. I'll be going back to the shop this week to diagnose this sound, find out why the engine light is on and hopefully get my door lock button fixed.

    I've never had a string of warranty issues like this before in a new car. I owned a G35 coupe before and a Dodge Durango. I'm wondering if I got a lemon here.
  • cobra14cobra14 Member Posts: 6
    sorry to hear this but i am out of it and fully refunded ..if you feel it is a lemon and have documented at least 5- 6xs the same issues and it has been not been fixed get a good lemon law attorney and see what happens..Good luck!.. I am happy with my new Toyota Venza !!
  • rdkingrdking Member Posts: 12
    I have a 2009 Murano LE. I have set the memory seat numerous times, each time following to the letter the instructions in the owner's manual for syncing the intelligent key to the memory I have set. After 3 or 4 times of entering the vehicle with the intelligent key, the steering wheel and seat start loosing the position I entered. The seat goes forward a little more and the steering wheel goes lower a little more each time I unlock the vehicle. I haven't taken it back to the dealership yet, but I was just curious to see if anyone else has this problem.
  • cobra14cobra14 Member Posts: 6
    Hi I am sorry I do not longer own a 2009 Murano lemon law ....have moved on and am very happy with my new Toyota Venza V6..Good luck
  • johnnyc2johnnyc2 Member Posts: 3
    I have 2004 murano sl, my experience is not bad as yours. I had problems with this from the beginning. Now i have 78k miles, i need close 5k to fix problems with this and i regret buying nissan. According to them 5k repair is cost is considered to be normal. Never buy murano
  • rooteesrootees Member Posts: 1
    I own a 2009 Nissan Murano, I left the car running at a valet infront of a hotel in philadelphia, I took the FOB in my hand, and was handing it off to the valet when someone jumped in and stole the car! Apparantly these cars with keyless systems will keep going as long as the engine is running, they do not shut off if they are not within range! NEVER LEAVE YOUR CHILD IN THE CAR AND THE CAR RUNNING! I was lucky, noone was in the car. Then the crackhead, went to a nissan dealer and had himself a new key programmed for my car. Most likely using the registration card in the glove box, and the nissan employee to stupid to realize a crackhead would not afford that car! no red flag there! Then worse than getting the car stolen, the car was recovered. Now its my problem again! Nightmare! I dont feel safe about these cars at all, and I want other people to be aware of these issues.
  • gooddeal2gooddeal2 Member Posts: 750
    Well, this can be still happened w/ a regular key. Most garages just tell me to leave the car running so that they don't have to waste time starting the car.

    However, you should just activate the "Panic" button and let the car keeps beeping while he's driving...but I'm not sure how long it will keep beeping.
  • tummmstummms Member Posts: 1
    Just got my 2009 Murano LE back from shop - been there 6 times past year with a non functioning passenger side airbag - the last time was in shop for a week trying to diagnose problem. Warranty doesnt cover a replacement car while vehicle out of service - just $35 towards the rental of a vehicle - $35/day doesn't get you anything close to a Murano LE.
  • johnupjohnup Member Posts: 1
    Hi there,
    I have the Murano since Jan. 2009 and since then I have a noise when steering to the left (not necessary to the maximum) and soon after that the sound is more intense and noticed when steering to the right, as wel as is produces vibrations to the steering wheel. This problem is more intense when is cold (I live in Edmonton, Canada) and the sound is intense when started at cold. I have taken the car to the dealer here and they changed (???) the steering pump, but the noise was back and even more intense seconds I have started the engine in their parking lot. They told me to drive it for 500km and if the noise is still there to bring it back. I will plan to bring the car back, but I am affaraid that they do not know what are they doing there. I am affraid that there might be some safety issues. Please advise. Thank you. John
  • sandy2872sandy2872 Member Posts: 1
    The 2010 Murano does not come with passanger side lumbar support.

    My dealer neglected to tell me that the use of a lumbar support pillow will disingage the front passenger airbag. This leaves anyone who needs passenger side lumbar support with one of three choices.
    1- Seat in the front passenger seat without your lumbar support.
    2- Seat in the front seat with lumbar support but with no airbag protection.
    3- Seat in the back seat.
  • lilklilk Member Posts: 1
    Please complete the form on the link below as it will prompt Transport Canada to do an investigation with Nissan Canada.


    (copy and paste the link in your browser if you cannot click on the link)

    Nissan is aware of the problem and has extended the warranty on the CVT transmission up to 200,000km or 10 years but still refuses to include the transfer case

    For those of you who were not made aware of the extended warranty it was only decided the 1st week in February 2010 and letters will be sent out

    If you are the second owner of the Murano you may need to contact Nissan Canada to inform them that you are the current owner so that they are able to forward the letter to you attention.

    Hope this helps

    As I myself is a frustrated 2004 Nissan Murano owner
  • chillincapecodchillincapecod Member Posts: 7
    Our 2004 Murano died today...they are claiming it is the transfer case and not the transmission and that they have to call corporate Monday to see if it is covered. Why do they refuse to cover the transfer case?
  • nm_murano_2nm_murano_2 Member Posts: 1
    Just saw your message--and have the same issue with my 2009 LE. Were you able to get a fix?
  • jakefl7jakefl7 Member Posts: 14
    I just traded in my 2009 Murano for a 2010 Lexus RX350. I was tired of dealing with all the problems with my Murano and the terrible service. I will never buy a Nissan again.
  • cobra14cobra14 Member Posts: 6
    Congrats good move!..I luv my venza 09 V6 ..got the recall on it big deal! they will have shave the pedal and put a over ride in it as a safety measure my car rides excellent peroid!!,,i am with ya i will never by a nissan again my 09 murano was garbage from day one the engine always jumping and the issues i had were finalized by an attorney under the lemon law..
  • lesnarbrocklesnarbrock Member Posts: 1
    lol man... i feel u... i currently own an 09 Murano myself... already had 2 accidents a new tranny and just now my transfer case went... 2 accidents w.e first was my fault couse i couldnt dodge and second was a rear collision... but when my tranny went bay ridge nissan (Brooklyn NY) went as far as hitting the bottom of my oil pan with a hammer and then saying taht all the oil leaked out and burned the tranny... but they couldnt even finish that... when we opened the tranny there was alot of oil not burned and alot of metal pieces from some sort of a factory defect... and just now my transfer case went so now nissan is trying 2 blame the rear end hit (which wasnt even hard at all... only the bumper cover and the bumper supports were changed) which was over 4 months ago... so as u can see i had by far the worst nissan experience and now would never get a nissan ever again... well unless its a skyline ofcourse XD
  • famx2kfamx2k Member Posts: 1

    I have also 2009 Nissan Murano SL AWD and recently noticed strange smell. Car has lost its power and at times does not move at all when I shift to drive or to reverse. Most recently when I was parked inclined and needed drive reverse car did not move at all yet throttle was at high rpm. I brought the car to the dealer they told me they could not find anything. I also told them that car sometimes speeds up and slows down on its own. They could tell me why..I am very upset because car has only 7000 miles on it. Can please tell how to handle this issue. Thank you.
  • wyanwoowyanwoo Member Posts: 1
    Hi friends -
    I was hoping somebody could help with my 2009 SL Nissan Murano not starting. We recently purchased this car with 12k miles.

    The key fob successfully unlocks the car and the monitor on the dash says that the battery is appox 75% full. When I keep the key fob in my pocket and press the start button the car starts up right away even in the very cold weather we have been experiencing. When I enter my key fob into the slot and press the start key, all the electronics turn on, but then if I try to start the car the motor just turns over and over - all of the dash illuminating warning lights flicker very rapidly - the car will start if I pump the gas pedal.

    The difference is that when the key fob is in my pocket I simply hit the start button and it starts right up - no need to pump gas, etc. When I enter the key fob into the slot the car first turns on the electronics. When I hit the start button again to start the car it just turns over and over... Any help???

    Thanks in advance.
  • omniohlomniohl Member Posts: 2
    We own a 2009 Nissan Murano SL bought new and the head gasket cracked leaking fluids and emitting a strong smell of coolant. We have had a few unpleasant repairs, new brakes at 30,000, new tires at 32,000 and now at only 57,000 miles cracked head gaskets. We have had all the recommend services performed. Had we waited we just would need to get use to the smell of coolant. It was covered under the warranty. Both the Nissan dealer and an independent shop confirmed the need to replace both head gaskets. The engine needs to be dropped in order to complete the repair. We have been waiting a week for the completion of the repairs. Many reports show that their Murano just was not the same after the head gasket issue and we don't want to have another failure and find out what will happen when it our Nissan turns 60,001....Our concern is the number of Murano’s that this known defect affects. Nissan has yet to release this proprietary information.
  • nbowlingnbowling Member Posts: 1
    My 2009 Murano gave up the ghost today on the CVT. Dealer is covering under the extended warranty since it only has 74K miles. Will not cover the leaking transfer case. Cut me a break since transmission is already out so they are only charging me $426 to replace the seal. Nissan should be extremely ashamed. I will never buy another Nissan product. They have known about this problem for too long. I can't wait for the class action suit.
  • oldmrtoldmrt Member Posts: 1
    Having had my Murano for 4 years I have had most of the problems most people are reporting. The transfer case leaked at 50,000 miles and again at 70,000. Nissan supplied the new transfer case, but not the labour. The engine mounts failed and the head gaskets leaked. The power seat settings do not hold. They have to be re-set after two or three changes from seat settings 1 to 2. The repairs for the Transfer case, the motor mounts and the leaking head gaskets cost us $4,700. Nissan Customer Care said they could do nothing to help. Customer Care isn't. They just don't want to admit they have some serious product issues and yet they do nothing to help the customers. This is my last Nissan product. 4 cars and 2 SUV's later and this is how they treat a loyal customer
  • cott415cott415 Member Posts: 2
    Just took my birth - 45K mi. dealer maintained '09 Murano to my private mechanic for 60K service and he informed me of a transmission leak. He provided me w/ a technical bulletin and it appears they "listened to their customers" and extended the power-train on the CVT's for precisely the reason so many consumers were concerned - the cost of repairs after warranty expires (more likely refused to purchase overly complicated new technology that Authorized dealerships aren't even authorized to repair). I'm disgusted w/ this car maker and wouldn't consider buying another - not because of the problems but because of the lack of accountability in providing a solution. They run out the clock on warranty work - I've owned a Honda and Mitsubishi @ 10 years each that cost me 1/2 as much and never experienced such deplorable customer service. Purchase Nissan products at your own risk.
  • stacie90stacie90 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2009 Nissan Murano & i just had some body work done on it. They had to disconnect the battery. I just got it back and it is showing the CHECK ENGINE SOON light. I went up to AutoZone and they ran a code check on it and it showed the code P306, something to do with the control pannel. He said my car is too new to have this problem. Is anyone else having this problem?
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