Dodge/Plymouth/Chrysler Minivan Problems & Solutions
This topic is for those who are experiencing
difficulties with their Dodge Caravan.
Here is a link to the prior discussion:
Dodge Caravan Problems
Vans host
difficulties with their Dodge Caravan.
Here is a link to the prior discussion:
Dodge Caravan Problems
Vans host
I replaced two connectors that attach to
the speed sensors on my 93 caravan tranny
using the kit for that purpose from Chrysler.
It appears to have helped the frequency
that the limp mode occurs, but it still does occur.
I might have another loose wire in the
miles of wiring in the vehicle. oh well.
It is odd but I noticed that going thru a
turn at speed seems to cause the problem.
any one have a solution?
I don't want to sell or trade before I fix it.
After reading the Troubles with Grand Caravans / Voyagers, we have been quite fortunate. In 117,000 miles, one set of struts, warranty covered, one transmission at 75,000 warranty covered, one ABS pump warranty covered, one radiator, 3 sets of tires, 3 batteries, 1 set of rear shocks,cassette player plays only the right channel, rear window wiper does not work, 1 set of new wires plus routine maintenance.
Nonetheless our 96 Honda Accord Wagon has 55,000 miles with only rountine maintenance. The 87 Toyota Corrola went 93,000 miles on routine maintenance with no brake problems as long as you used Toyota parts,a timing chain and a battery. The 79 Toyota Corrolla wagon went 119,000 miles on routine maintenance, 1 battery (at 110,000) and 1 starter replacement.
Needless to say as we begin the search for a replacement for the 91 Caravan it warms my heart to see Toyota and Honda finally have viable alternatives to the Chrysler products.
Community Leader/Vans Conference
On second thought, it is a Chrysler product. I believe it!
In most parts of the country, you can get an Odyssey for MSRP. Suggest you check out the "Honda Odyssey Prices Paid" topic for recommendations of dealers and stratigies for findig one.
What is so interesting is how people accept their fate as a chrysler product owner saying things like "I've only had 1 transmission problem and it was fixed under extended warranty--I like my car". What? Folks, the transmission SHOULD NOT HAVE ANY PROBLEMS for at least 150K miles of driving! You SHOULD NOT HAVE TO BUY an extended warranty in order to be a happy customer.
I can't wait for my Honda Odyssey to come in. I hope to have better luck with that van. I will pay more for a reliable product. I hope the Honda Odyssey is as reliable as has been written about . I will let you know within a year.
I put over 40,000 miles on my vehicle each year. I won't be buying anymore Dodge / Chrysler products. They may look nice, but having a nice looking vehicle on the side of the road with the hood up - waiting for a tow truck is not my idea of fun.
When you are at the gas station filling up next time, and you see someone with a dodge / chrysler van, ask them about their van. More than likely, they will tell you about their problems with them - especially the transmissions, and what number they are on . (in transmissions)
After the warranty ran out, I have replaced the A/C comp., the belt tensioner, Rad. Fan switch, rotors where defective (pitted/flaking), and a couple of other small things.
I now have 72K on it, it's paid for, and I plan on keeping it till it dies for good. It still meets everyone of my families needs, which the other vans couldn't meet back when I needed to buy one. Would I buy another??? Yes! I might change my mind when someone else builds a minivan that will haul by family of four + friends with all the extras including pulling my pop-up camper at 75 mph on the highway.
1) fuel injectors for leaks
2) ENTIRE fuel line. If there is a pinhole leak, the gas evaporates before forming droplets which would be easier to find.
3) evaporation canister---can't think of proper name right absorbs fuel vapors
4) top of fuel tank (part that cannot be seen) for rust/cracks
Good luck.
Community Leader/Vans Conference
It doesn't have all the options that my family uses every day. Like the built in Child Seats (I have 2 kids under 4 and once you've tried DC built in child seats, nothing works as well) The Odyssey cost $6,000 dollars more for the same options. After 4 years, I have only paid for around $900 in repairs. I'm no math major, but when I factor my avg. miles per year (with repairs) and Michigan RUST, the Grand Caravan is a better deal. Looks better too. Oh, did I mention that the Odyssey would cost more for plates each year! MI bases plates on sticker price. When I lived in VA, I was paying 3.3% of blue book value (in personal property tax) every YEAR on my cars. What's 3.3% of $6,000? $$$$$
"Yes! I might change my mind when someone else builds a minivan that will haul by family of four + friends with all the extras including pulling my pop-up camper at 75 mph on the highway."
The Odyssey will clearly do all of thet.
Everything else is anecdotal.
I would give my experiences with the Transmission on the Dodge Caravan. I own a 1996 Dodge Grand Caravan ES and it had 42000 miles on it and on my vacation it went into limp mode while I was passing going 75 mph. I limped into a Dodge dealer and it cost me $1800 to get it fixed. I immediately signed up for an extended warranty so that this would be covered for the rest of my vacation. I sent a letter to Dailmer-Chryler Customer Service complaining that a transmission should not go out once the warranty expires. They saw that I purchased the extended warranty after the fact and said that showed confidence in Chrylser products and that they would refund the transmission cost minus the deductible from the warranty. So I got a check for $1700, but had to buy the extended warranty, which I was going to buy but waited too long. So write your complaints down and send it to Daimler-C and see what they say. It saved me $1700. But I will not buy another DC when I exhaust this one!
"Government engineers analyze the problem. If warranted, the manufacturer is asked to conduct a recall. If the manufacturer does not initiate a recall, the government can order the manufacturer to do a recall.
We do not have to receive a set number of reports before we look into a problem. We gather all available information on a problem. Your report is important to us."
Can anyone offer any insight or guidance
While you may not notice the difference on a test drive, when you add passengers, cargo, and turn on the a/c you will really feel the difference.
The fuel mileage will not be much less with the 6
but the performance is night and day.
good luck
Community Leader/Vans Conference
Windstar. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Aerostar and opted for a 5 year lease on an upgraded '98 Grand Caravan SE with the 3.3L 4spd. We haven't had any serious problems (yet)and it currently has +/- 30,000 miles. Other than the
normal maintenance items we have returned the
vehicle to the Dealer for the following extraneous
- 376 Miles: One side of the metal strap that
holds the gas tank to frame re-bolted. Actually it was never originally bolted due to the bolt hole not being properly threaded. Found out the hard way when we heard strange metal scraping noises as if bottoming out through minor dips in the road.
- 4,805 Miles: Returned vehicle for Satisfaction
Notice # 771 - Radiator Fan Relay & Reprogram PCM
- 5,156 Miles: a) Dealer finally agreed to re-align front-end which had been pulling badly to
the left since shortly after taking it off the lot. The alignment did not fix it 100% - so they
rotated all of the tires which miraculously seemed
to cure the problem. I'm hoping it's not one of
those tire issues I read about in other posts.
b) Front windshield replaced due to 'bubbles' in
the upper left-hand corner lamination (tinted area
by visor) - I thought it only cosmetic, but they
initiated the replacement - thank you very much !
c) Finally got them to detail the vehicle to clean
up overspray from the Permaplate they applied at the time of purchase, and other interior grease/dirt left from their mechanic.
- 13,071 Miles: a)'Check Engine' Light came on -
some 'L/R Valve not latching' - Trans. pan removed
and inspected for metal - Valve Body Assembly
required replacement. Hope this isn't a prelude to the notorious Transmission problems I've read in this and similar Chrysler related posts. (I
thought it was just Ford Aerostars that had the
tranny problems !?!)
b) CD Player intermittently wasn't working - has
since 'corrected itself' no thanks to the Dealer.
- 16,427 Miles: Dealer installed CD Controller
coming off dash due to sloppy install - finally
- 17,213 Miles: 'Check Engine' Light on again !
This time for 'Evap Monitor Flow Failure' - found
that the 'Purge Solenoid Connctor' was not making
good contact - the pink/black wire crimp at the
'Evap. Solenoid' repaired
The only other intermittent issues we have noticed
- Kind of a shimmy at various speeds.
- Strange 'squelching' noise when cranking the
wheel out of a drive-way. Tends to be the
combination of turning the wheel when the front-end is descending down a surface like the sidewalk
portion of a driveway.
- Right sliding door doesn't always slide as
smoothly as it should - most likely just needs some lubrication.
Other than that we have been very happy with all
aspects of this vehicle - power, comfort,
roominess, etc. I do have to admit I'm impressed
with the new Honda Odyssey and actually tried to
trade-in the GC for one in a package deal with our
CR-V purchase, but we were still 'upside-down' on
it's lease. Oh well, we'll enjoy for a while
longer - not sure if we'll opt to buy at the end of it's lease in 2/2003. Depends on what's on the
Mark H.
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