Dodge/Plymouth/Chrysler Minivan Problems & Solutions

Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
This topic is for those who are experiencing
difficulties with their Dodge Caravan.

Here is a link to the prior discussion:

Dodge Caravan Problems

Vans host


  • etagetag Member Posts: 14

    I replaced two connectors that attach to
    the speed sensors on my 93 caravan tranny
    using the kit for that purpose from Chrysler.
    It appears to have helped the frequency
    that the limp mode occurs, but it still does occur.
    I might have another loose wire in the
    miles of wiring in the vehicle. oh well.
    It is odd but I noticed that going thru a
    turn at speed seems to cause the problem.

    any one have a solution?
    I don't want to sell or trade before I fix it.

  • noodle1noodle1 Member Posts: 2
    Hello, I have a 1994 Plymouth Voyager and I am having transmission problems. When I slip it into reverse, it goes forward, when I slip it into neutral, it also goes forward. Now does this sound like a problem with the linkage or do I need to purchase a new transmission? Could somebody help me with this please :)

  • expdriverexpdriver Member Posts: 1
    In the last 20 plus years we have owned a van/minivan and a station wagon/ sedan. The unfortunate tradeoff has been that the quality level of the station wagon sedan from Toyota and Honda do not compare with the quality level of Ford and Chrysler.

    After reading the Troubles with Grand Caravans / Voyagers, we have been quite fortunate. In 117,000 miles, one set of struts, warranty covered, one transmission at 75,000 warranty covered, one ABS pump warranty covered, one radiator, 3 sets of tires, 3 batteries, 1 set of rear shocks,cassette player plays only the right channel, rear window wiper does not work, 1 set of new wires plus routine maintenance.

    Nonetheless our 96 Honda Accord Wagon has 55,000 miles with only rountine maintenance. The 87 Toyota Corrola went 93,000 miles on routine maintenance with no brake problems as long as you used Toyota parts,a timing chain and a battery. The 79 Toyota Corrolla wagon went 119,000 miles on routine maintenance, 1 battery (at 110,000) and 1 starter replacement.

    Needless to say as we begin the search for a replacement for the 91 Caravan it warms my heart to see Toyota and Honda finally have viable alternatives to the Chrysler products.
  • hersbirdhersbird Member Posts: 323
    I have a 89 grand voyager with 4 speed automatic and 140,000 miles with no trouble. I drive very fast (80 mph), tow small trailers (not at the same time, the trailer couln't take it), go offroad hunting, and haul tons on kids and other crap. My family has had over 6 chrysler minivans and 1 has had the transmission problem. It was cured easily by changing the fluid to the correct Mopar type, NOT DEXTRON!!!, I don't know if this has been discussed here before but the Dextron will NOT work in the chrysler. Even the dipsitck and the Chilton's manual say Dextron, they are wrong. My van has started to smoke a little and now I am considering rebuilding the heads. I just can't bring myself to mess with a otherwise good thing. I always get over 20 mpg, I love my van, and I may own many other cars in my life but will always have a Chrysler minivan to cover all the other's shortcomings!
  • guitarzanguitarzan Member Posts: 873
    The dipstick dictates the wrong fluid? AMAZING.

    Community Leader/Vans Conference
  • dogtrainerdogtrainer Member Posts: 96
    DC Can't even manage to get the fluid recommendation right on their own dipstick. UNBELIEVABLE!!!

    On second thought, it is a Chrysler product. I believe it!
  • sharynt1sharynt1 Member Posts: 9
    It is a confusing, tough decision to make when deciding on purchasing a new minivan. Big money investment! I used to (until recently) sell GM products and after the bad comments from owners on the GM minivans, I wouldn't want one. The quality control is the pits and long term problem-free durability is looking very unlikely. I've always had good luck with the Chrysler products I've owned including a 1988 Voyager. The van finally was sold at around 158,000 miles when it started to "nickel and dime" me which may have been in part due to greedy and B.S. slinging mechanics... I don't know... I'm mechanically inept. So now I'm looking at a 2000 Dodge Caravan Sport. Checked out the Toyota Sienna and didn't like the blind spot on the C-pillar, and seating position wase not as comfortable as in the Dodge. Price on the Toyota is sticker or more. The Honda Odyssey is a nice van... love how the back seat folds down into the floor. But the radio is worse than my Metro's and the local Honda crook... I mean Dealer... is charging a whopping 10 grand over sticker! And that's on a used "demo" model! No way am I paying over MSRP. The Mazda is too small and too underpowered. The Nissan Quest is nice, but crash tests are horrid, back seat can't be taken out, and kinda expensive for an overall mediocre van. Ford Windstar was a nice ride, but for me personally, the seat cushion was too long and hit me in the back of my knee... very uncomfortable. And so I am back to the Dodge. Good discounts allow for me to dip into my pocket and purchase the extended warranty (a good bet with the reputation of these vans). Still don't think any van on the market is worth the price they are sold for, but what can the consumer do? Thought about a used van, but with the low interest rates on the new models, it's actually less costly per month to buy new. Also have the new car warranty so you're not paying car payments AND repairs. Anyone have any comments on the Caravan Sport with the heavy-duty suspension. Good, bad or ugly responses appreciated. I'm interested in the short-wheelbased model, not the grand, which according to Consumers Reports has a better repair record and is Recommended.
  • dogtrainerdogtrainer Member Posts: 96
    Personally, I wouldn't touch any DC product with an extremely long pole (even with a Hungarian). Experiences of friends, comments of mechanics whom I trust and reading here was more than enough for me! Remember, even if all of your problems are covered under the extended warranty. What is your time and aggrivation worth? Time spent at the service dept, time spent stranded on the road, etc.

    In most parts of the country, you can get an Odyssey for MSRP. Suggest you check out the "Honda Odyssey Prices Paid" topic for recommendations of dealers and stratigies for findig one.
  • gmiller518gmiller518 Member Posts: 1
    The only US vehicle I've ever owned is my current '93 Caravan 80,000 miles, most frustrating vehicle I've ever owned--typical trans. and a/c problems. I also own a 90 Nissan Maxima 152,000 miles routine maintenance and 1 rusted exhaust pipe at 135,000 miles.

    What is so interesting is how people accept their fate as a chrysler product owner saying things like "I've only had 1 transmission problem and it was fixed under extended warranty--I like my car". What? Folks, the transmission SHOULD NOT HAVE ANY PROBLEMS for at least 150K miles of driving! You SHOULD NOT HAVE TO BUY an extended warranty in order to be a happy customer.
  • sharynt1sharynt1 Member Posts: 9
    I understand where you're coming from concerning the problems that seem to occur on the Chrysler vans. I've talked to owners of these vans and, even with some repairs under their belts, are overall very pleased with the vans. Hmmm... maybe it's the syndrome of just liking the vehicle so much, you're willing to put up with the "quirks." I had an '88 Voyager. Loved the doggone thing! But, had replaced the a/c compressor, had engine work done to the tune of $900 to stop smoking and oil gulping, brake caliper fell apart (130,000 miles), steering rack needed work, then started encountering some computer and/or some other expensive repair at about 158,000 miles that caused the van to want to stall when stopped with the a/c running. So, I got rid of the ol' gal. But boy did I love that van. Why? I dunno... I guess like someone says they love their spouse even though they forced them into bankruptcy and cheated with the FedEx delivery guy/gal... still, you love 'em. I know, doesn't make sense when all those statistically reliable Toyotas and Hondas are cruisin' down the street. But I just LIKE the DC vans... the power seats fit me perfectly and after a rather nasty back injury, comfort is important. I like the Honda too, but refuse to pay sticker plus when the Dodge Caravan stickered at $26,715 is now on sale for $20,986. For a difference of about 6 or 7 thousand from the Honda, I'd rather put the savings in the bank and put that towards a new van when my old Dodge finally bites the dust. It's like anything else I guess, when emotions set in, reasoning goes out the window. And those dang Caravan Sports are just soooo cute! Also, I had purchased a brandy new Honda Civic wagon back in '84. My experience with the Honda was awful. It died in my garage and had to be towed. It rattled and clunked within a year's time like it was 10 years old. The The engine performance and power dropped dramatically after about a year old and the parts and repair bills were astronomical. I traded it in in '87 for a new Dodge Shadow ES turbo. Never had the Dodge back to the dealer for anything! Run like a dream until some moron rammed into the back of me and crushed the life outa the poor thing. But even then, I walked away from the accident angry, a sore neck, but without a scratch after being hit at 45 mph by a Pontiac 6000. So, even with Honda's good record and lots of personal testimonies as to the greatness of these cars... I still say it's a gamble. I had a '91 Metro... great little car... now I bought a '98 and am in the middle of Lemon Lawing it for ongoing brake problems that eat up rotors every two months. Go figure.
  • jcg3jcg3 Member Posts: 2
    I bought the Grand Caravan ES model in May of 1998. All the extras on it. Brand new. At 42,000 miles the transmission goes out on it as I am coming home from a business trip. Towed to the dealership - for a new transmission. Van was exactly 1 year old. I was told from the dealership that I should have taken out the extended warranty. Can you believe that a $30,000 + van has a transmission that goes out in exactly 1 year -with only 42,000 miles on it - and serviced exactly as recommended in the owners manuel. My feeling is that you shouldn't have to take out an extended warranty on a $30,000 van. A van of this type should last well over 100,000 miles if maintained correctly.

    I can't wait for my Honda Odyssey to come in. I hope to have better luck with that van. I will pay more for a reliable product. I hope the Honda Odyssey is as reliable as has been written about . I will let you know within a year.

    I put over 40,000 miles on my vehicle each year. I won't be buying anymore Dodge / Chrysler products. They may look nice, but having a nice looking vehicle on the side of the road with the hood up - waiting for a tow truck is not my idea of fun.

    When you are at the gas station filling up next time, and you see someone with a dodge / chrysler van, ask them about their van. More than likely, they will tell you about their problems with them - especially the transmissions, and what number they are on . (in transmissions)
  • sharynt1sharynt1 Member Posts: 9
    I understand your aggrivation with the tranny on your DC van. I've read that around 40,000 miles the transmissions (4-spd) goes kapput. Not good, but it does point out that spending the extra couple bucks for an extended warranty is wise. As for Honda Odyssey... read some of the posts from owners in Town Hall. The Hondas ALSO have been having transmission problems! I've read a suprisingly substantial number of complaints on this van as well. The only van that seems to be very dependable is the Toyota Sienna. It is also very expensive with no discounts (at least at my local Toyota dealer) and I've seen some "off-lease" and used Sienna's that seem to be falling apart. Similar Chrysler vans seem to take the abuse in stride (except for that blasted transmission thing). Reading all this only confirms my opinion that probably the Caravan will be my next vehicle. But I will check out some Toyota dealers in "the big city" first just to see if there are any negotiations and try the van with the power seats.
  • dogtrainerdogtrainer Member Posts: 96
    Let me be certain I understand. You know the caravan transmission is junk, but you plan to buy one anyhow??? Complete failure is "that transmission thing"?
  • jcg3jcg3 Member Posts: 2
    You know that Dodge has a transmission problem, but you plan on buying one anyway. No wonder they haven't fixed the problem. You keep buying them, and pay for the new transmissions, or the extended warranty. Who are the idiots? Not Chrysler, if you keep letting them get away with this.
  • jhconcordjhconcord Member Posts: 1
    We are very worried about the fuel smell in our 93 Grand Caravan. At first, the dealer said it was due to cracks in the gas filler tube. That has been replaced, the gas cap has been replaced, the problem has returned, and the dealer has no idea as to the cause. Has anyone else had this problem?
  • sharynt1sharynt1 Member Posts: 9
    You've got to look at the whole equation before determining your decision. Yes, the transmissions have a reputation for problems (although I've read quite a few comments and spoke to people who've never had a problem). But it is still more cost effective to get the extended warranty and buy the DC van, than pay sticker plus for a Toyota or Honda and still run the risk for repairs that will, on average, cost more than the Chrysler. It's a risk. Yes, Chrysler should re-do those transmissions if the problems are this widespread. But for the six or seven grand difference between a Caravan and Oddey, that's gotta make you go "hmmmm."
  • dogtrainerdogtrainer Member Posts: 96
    The possibility of being stranded on the road make me go hmmmmm. You need to determine how much you're willing to pay for reliability over the time you intend to keep the van. For me, I'd pay more up front in order to get a van that will likely go 200,000 miles.
  • ferousferous Member Posts: 226
    I have one of the first new style DC minivans. My 1996 was first on the road in 9/95. Have I had problems?... yes. Has it been worth it?...yes. I bought a '96 SE Grand Caravan with the rear air/heat and BUILT in CHILD SEATS, the biggest plus in the minivan market. When I bought this van, NO ONE built anything like it. I had it in for service under the standard 36/36 warranty 8 times before it ran out. I got lucky on the tranny. I saw a oil leak at 32K, and they rebuilt the whole thing (I didn't know about the tranny history then).
    After the warranty ran out, I have replaced the A/C comp., the belt tensioner, Rad. Fan switch, rotors where defective (pitted/flaking), and a couple of other small things.
    I now have 72K on it, it's paid for, and I plan on keeping it till it dies for good. It still meets everyone of my families needs, which the other vans couldn't meet back when I needed to buy one. Would I buy another??? Yes! I might change my mind when someone else builds a minivan that will haul by family of four + friends with all the extras including pulling my pop-up camper at 75 mph on the highway.
  • dogtrainerdogtrainer Member Posts: 96
    Can you say "the Odyssey can!"?
  • guitarzanguitarzan Member Posts: 873
    Jhconcord, these problems can be difficult to pinpoint. I don't know how they can be diagnosed, but I know some common things to check.

    1) fuel injectors for leaks
    2) ENTIRE fuel line. If there is a pinhole leak, the gas evaporates before forming droplets which would be easier to find.
    3) evaporation canister---can't think of proper name right absorbs fuel vapors
    4) top of fuel tank (part that cannot be seen) for rust/cracks

    Good luck.

    Community Leader/Vans Conference
  • ferousferous Member Posts: 226
    It doesn't have all the options that my family uses every day. Like the built in Child Seats (I have 2 kids under 4 and once you've tried DC built in child seats, nothing works as well) The Odyssey cost $6,000 dollars more for the same options. After 4 years, I have only paid for around $900 in repairs. I'm no math major, but when I factor my avg. miles per year (with repairs) and Michigan RUST, the Grand Caravan is a better deal. Looks better too. Oh, did I mention that the Odyssey would cost more for plates each year! MI bases plates on sticker price. When I lived in VA, I was paying 3.3% of blue book value (in personal property tax) every YEAR on my cars. What's 3.3% of $6,000? $$$$$
  • dave594dave594 Member Posts: 218
    VA is eliminating its personal property tax for vehicles over 20k.
  • dave594dave594 Member Posts: 218
    OOPS - that's UNDER 20k. Big difference!
  • truffles1truffles1 Member Posts: 20
    To post no 6: I have a 99 Chrysler T&C which came with the firm ride suspension. I tested the normal and firm ride suspensions and for the nominal additional cost, the firm ride suspension gives much better handling, a smooth ride and minimal lean on corners. This option is one of the lowest cost ones you can purchase and will be felt each time you drive. By the way, I have 7,000 miles and the van is perfect so far.
  • brianinohbrianinoh Member Posts: 20
    My brother-in-law had to go out and buy a regular child car seat because his 2 year old son kept getting out of his integrated Chrylser car seat. Hasn't had that problem with the new child seat.
  • ferousferous Member Posts: 226
    Each of my kids climbed out ONCE, only ONCE.
  • dogtrainerdogtrainer Member Posts: 96
    My comment about the Odyssey had nothing to do with price or features. I was responding to the following comment from you:
    "Yes! I might change my mind when someone else builds a minivan that will haul by family of four + friends with all the extras including pulling my pop-up camper at 75 mph on the highway."

    The Odyssey will clearly do all of thet.
  • postyposty Member Posts: 1
    With all the problem I hear about DC transmissions, isn't there someplace where objective data can be found? I tried to find it but came up empty. There is a big difference between 1 in 10 and 1 in 1000 DC's having transmission problems (no consolation if you're the lucky 1). If 1 in 10, no way. 1 in 1000 and I would take my chances.
  • dogtrainerdogtrainer Member Posts: 96
    The problem is that the one who has the most accurate data is Daimler Chrysler. Good luck on getting it from them!

    Everything else is anecdotal.
  • dhaxtondhaxton Member Posts: 16
    How did you come up with this $6000 difference between the Odyssey and the Caravan?
  • huskermarkhuskermark Member Posts: 3
    Sorry for discussing a old topic, but I thought
    I would give my experiences with the Transmission on the Dodge Caravan. I own a 1996 Dodge Grand Caravan ES and it had 42000 miles on it and on my vacation it went into limp mode while I was passing going 75 mph. I limped into a Dodge dealer and it cost me $1800 to get it fixed. I immediately signed up for an extended warranty so that this would be covered for the rest of my vacation. I sent a letter to Dailmer-Chryler Customer Service complaining that a transmission should not go out once the warranty expires. They saw that I purchased the extended warranty after the fact and said that showed confidence in Chrylser products and that they would refund the transmission cost minus the deductible from the warranty. So I got a check for $1700, but had to buy the extended warranty, which I was going to buy but waited too long. So write your complaints down and send it to Daimler-C and see what they say. It saved me $1700. But I will not buy another DC when I exhaust this one!
  • gcwatersgcwaters Member Posts: 1
    New car edition of consumer reports is out...Dodge Grand Caravan is now on the "recommended" list--CR says the reliability has improved...
  • r10r10 Member Posts: 6
    Oddly enough the title does not read "Would Odyssey owners please come here to bash Dodge Caravans?"
  • brownsbrowns Member Posts: 8
    i have noticed that going up a grade the speed will begin to fall back. i just noticed a new technical service bulliten on the national highway institute about this problem. has any body had the same problem or has had it fixed. also does anybody know anything more about the service bulliten on that problem.
  • TorgoTorgo Member Posts: 1
    I have a 98 GC ES that loses speed going up hill. Mine seems to work fine on the first hill, but somehow can't handle going down a hill and then back up. Complained about it when I first noticed it, but figured that dealership wouldn't find anything wrong. Now I try to use the cruise control only when on relatively flat road. Lowers frustration level. I would love to see a technical service bulletin on the subject.
  • brownsbrowns Member Posts: 8
  • swampcollieswampcollie Member Posts: 87
    I have a 93 with cruise. 3.3 engine. it works fine but has to shift on steep hills. I recently bought a 99 with the 3.8 engine... more torque... it now climbs the hills easily and doesnt have to shift. The 3.3 has performed flawlessly for 100k miles, but the 3.8 really does have a lot more torque and handles hills better. I did notice that I could usually hold speed without it shifting down by taking it out of cruise and running the gas myself. Maybe I saw the hills coming and anticipated. cruise cant do that.
  • jespinojespino Member Posts: 7
    Edmunds has the most car problems I have seen. If enough people post their problem on this site. They will surely do something about your problem.

    "Government engineers analyze the problem. If warranted, the manufacturer is asked to conduct a recall. If the manufacturer does not initiate a recall, the government can order the manufacturer to do a recall.

    We do not have to receive a set number of reports before we look into a problem. We gather all available information on a problem. Your report is important to us."
  • cfaulkcfaulk Member Posts: 1
    We are in the market for a 2000 Caravan and we can't decide on the 4 or 6 cylinder engine. We test drove both and didn't notice much of a difference except the 4 cyl. didn't have the same oomph when passing compared to the 6 cyl.

    Can anyone offer any insight or guidance
  • dhaxtondhaxton Member Posts: 16
    I always regretted not getting a V6 in my Camry for two reasons. First is that the cruise control lags a bit then has to down shift at the slightest up grade. Second is a little extra power is just what's needed to get you out of trouble some times.
  • dogtrainerdogtrainer Member Posts: 96
    A friend owns a 4 cylinder Voyager. He describes it as a dog, that is, seriously underpowered.
  • dogtrainerdogtrainer Member Posts: 96
    Another point about buying the 4 cylinder...most people whgo buy a minivan want at least 6 cylinders. This may lower the resale value of the 4 cyl.
  • mrbizness1mrbizness1 Member Posts: 93
    Go with the 6 cyl. A 4 Cyl is to small for a van.
    While you may not notice the difference on a test drive, when you add passengers, cargo, and turn on the a/c you will really feel the difference.
    The fuel mileage will not be much less with the 6
    but the performance is night and day.
    good luck
  • guitarzanguitarzan Member Posts: 873
    A classmate of mine works for a company that tests vans for Chrysler. Apparently, for the test facility, there is a failure rate of over 50% for the front end assembly (struts, support). I don't know if other makes have similar problems. These guys must catch most problems, because I don't see people here posting about front end problems in general with their vans.

    Community Leader/Vans Conference
  • walterchanwalterchan Member Posts: 61
    We are going to purchase a 2000 minivan. Can someone tell me which is the most reliable american make van. Is it Chrysler Town & Country, Dodge Caravan, Plymouth Voyager, Chevrolet Venture, Oldsmobile Silhouette, Pontiac Montana, Chevrolet Astro, GMC Safari, or Ford
    Windstar. Any feedback would be appreciated.
  • reiner4reiner4 Member Posts: 24
    In March '98 we dumped a very tranny-troubled '93
    Aerostar and opted for a 5 year lease on an upgraded '98 Grand Caravan SE with the 3.3L 4spd. We haven't had any serious problems (yet)and it currently has +/- 30,000 miles. Other than the
    normal maintenance items we have returned the
    vehicle to the Dealer for the following extraneous

    - 376 Miles: One side of the metal strap that
    holds the gas tank to frame re-bolted. Actually it was never originally bolted due to the bolt hole not being properly threaded. Found out the hard way when we heard strange metal scraping noises as if bottoming out through minor dips in the road.

    - 4,805 Miles: Returned vehicle for Satisfaction
    Notice # 771 - Radiator Fan Relay & Reprogram PCM

    - 5,156 Miles: a) Dealer finally agreed to re-align front-end which had been pulling badly to
    the left since shortly after taking it off the lot. The alignment did not fix it 100% - so they
    rotated all of the tires which miraculously seemed
    to cure the problem. I'm hoping it's not one of
    those tire issues I read about in other posts.
    b) Front windshield replaced due to 'bubbles' in
    the upper left-hand corner lamination (tinted area
    by visor) - I thought it only cosmetic, but they
    initiated the replacement - thank you very much !
    c) Finally got them to detail the vehicle to clean
    up overspray from the Permaplate they applied at the time of purchase, and other interior grease/dirt left from their mechanic.

    - 13,071 Miles: a)'Check Engine' Light came on -
    some 'L/R Valve not latching' - Trans. pan removed
    and inspected for metal - Valve Body Assembly
    required replacement. Hope this isn't a prelude to the notorious Transmission problems I've read in this and similar Chrysler related posts. (I
    thought it was just Ford Aerostars that had the
    tranny problems !?!)
    b) CD Player intermittently wasn't working - has
    since 'corrected itself' no thanks to the Dealer.

    - 16,427 Miles: Dealer installed CD Controller
    coming off dash due to sloppy install - finally

    - 17,213 Miles: 'Check Engine' Light on again !
    This time for 'Evap Monitor Flow Failure' - found
    that the 'Purge Solenoid Connctor' was not making
    good contact - the pink/black wire crimp at the
    'Evap. Solenoid' repaired

    The only other intermittent issues we have noticed

    - Kind of a shimmy at various speeds.
    - Strange 'squelching' noise when cranking the
    wheel out of a drive-way. Tends to be the
    combination of turning the wheel when the front-end is descending down a surface like the sidewalk
    portion of a driveway.
    - Right sliding door doesn't always slide as
    smoothly as it should - most likely just needs some lubrication.

    Other than that we have been very happy with all
    aspects of this vehicle - power, comfort,
    roominess, etc. I do have to admit I'm impressed
    with the new Honda Odyssey and actually tried to
    trade-in the GC for one in a package deal with our
    CR-V purchase, but we were still 'upside-down' on
    it's lease. Oh well, we'll enjoy for a while
    longer - not sure if we'll opt to buy at the end of it's lease in 2/2003. Depends on what's on the
  • jpwisemanjpwiseman Member Posts: 11
    I'm on my 3rd DC minivan ('88 Caravan, '90 Grand Voyager SE and '94 Grand Caravan ES). The ex got the '88 which ran great. I kept the '90 until about 185k miles when I decided I wasn't going to fix the A/C again. BTW, it got a new tranny at 90k and the paint was beginning to peel. Now the tranny on my '94 is going out. It's at the ford dealer right now while I'm test driving a '98 Windstar but the problems posted about Windstar's on the Ford Town Hall seem to outnumber the DC problems many times over. I read an article on-line about an attorney that's going to file a class action lawsuit against DC for the trans problem. He's sending me the info but I can't wait for the help, if it ever comes, from a lawsuit. This Windstar seemed like a good deal but now I'm not so sure I shouldn't just replace the tranny on the GC and go on.
  • dhaxtondhaxton Member Posts: 16
    Why are you limiting the field to American vans?
  • mphatmphat Member Posts: 1
    I've got a 1996 DC Sport 3.3L that occasionally acts up. My wife will back it out of the garage onto the driveway and then shift to D to pull out our circular driveway. The van will just rev, then she will try reverse again (again it still revs)she will then coast backward into the street and shift to D again and really rev it up and then it will finally engage. Our driveway is on a slight incline 2 foot rise over 35-40 feet so its not steep. If anyone has experienced this and knows which Technical Service Bulletin to suggest I would appreciate some help. It goes in to the shop next Monday for a recall and I want them to see what they can do for the intermittent problem. I still love the rig I just wish a diagnostic code would accompany the problem tranny.
    Mark H.
    send me an email at
  • xingze_caixingze_cai Member Posts: 47
    I'm currently considering the warranty from WarrantyGold (the one from internet) for my 98 Dodge Caravan. It seemed that they offer cheaper price than the Chrysler. Does anybody has experience on this? How good it is? And is it worth to buy? Many thanks!
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