If non synthetic transmission oil, look and sniff the transmission dip stick at around 30,000 intervals.* If the oil is Mercon V, semi synthetic, you can run it longer. When the car shudders on a slight acceleration up a slight grade, change it.
Remember to also change the oil in the torque converter and filter in the transmission.
*Discern the quality of the oil by detecting whether or not it is "burned" = Sniff test. The color should be close to when it was new. When it smells and looks bad, change it.
The car belongs to a friend of mine but I believe it's an '85. I don't know if he's changed the oil previous to this. It's still running good though. It is amazing to me that after so many miles - it should be over 100K - this Mustang has required minor repairs. It'll be nice to compare this tranny to the one with the electronic controls introduced in '91.
I just purchased a 2005 V6 Mustang coupe. 44k miles and in AAAAA1 condition. I spent $2000 changing this and that under the hood, plus new tires. Lots of things replaced that probably did NOT need to. However, I am 72 and try very hard to avoid highway breakdowns. There is NO dip-stick and I need to know when I should drain & refill new tranny oil. I gave some online service a $5 donation to answer that and never got a reply. Also, I find every aftermarket company that sells interior chrome trim to be total thieves as to what they charge. $70, $80 $90 for shinny covers to put on the radio buttons????? Nuts!!! If you know when I should change the tranny oil, I would greatly appreciate a reply on line. Thank you.
I have a 86 f150 4x4 with an aod trans I purchased a used trans and it wont shift into R or N only drive even in R ort N seems to be stuck in drive even thogh ithe shifter moves. any one out there that can help me?
Remember to also change the oil in the torque converter and filter in the transmission.
*Discern the quality of the oil by detecting whether or not it is "burned" = Sniff test.
The color should be close to when it was new. When it smells and looks bad, change it.
i still have the original fluid in my '91, although low mileage.
of course i never said i liked how it shifts.