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Suzuki Grand Vitara Snow Chain Clearance

pwebbsrpwebbsr Member Posts: 1
edited May 2014 in Suzuki
I have a 2006 Grand Vitara with the 225/65 17 tires. I find that I need chains for driving in snow on the steep streets in my neighborhood (NC mountains). Has anyone used the "Type S" clearance chains? Any clearance issues?


  • xostnotxostnot Member Posts: 232
    Type "S" chains are for minimal clearance vehicles, and give the worst grip of any snow chains. These are the basic cable-type chains with perhaps some bits of metal around the crosspieces.

    We use "Alpine Premier" chains with our 225/65 17 tires on our 2006 GV. We have no clearance problems. We use them on the back, and I've never tried them on the front.

    Similar ones are sold under the "Rudd" name, but with thicker links, the Rudds may not have enough clearance.

    If you're used to old-style chains, these new ones are so much better it's not funny!
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