Pause Live Radio with 40 Gig HD upgrade?

petrozeropetrozero Member Posts: 4
edited June 2014 in Chevrolet
I've seen little mention of the upgraded audio system with 40 Gig HD. I do recall that there is an option to pause live music similar to a DVR.

Can someone who knows or has this system please comment on how it works?

Being a DVR "addict" myself, I've been waiting for this feature to hit car audio for some time.


  • brueggiebrueggie Member Posts: 46
    We don't have the Nav radio with the hard drive but we do have the ability to record whatever radio/xm channel we are on for I believe 20 minutes so if there is a phone call we can rewind and relisten. Plus there is a feature that knows where songs start and stop so you can relisten to your favorite song over and over again! Haven't used it too much though...
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