Ford Focus Sedan



  • fdthirdfdthird Member Posts: 352
    I bought a Ford extended warranty on my 97 Ford custom van. As bobby32 says above, that warranty must be used at a Ford dealer. Not sure I'd do that again. Have a 2000 Mustang convertible, a 2001 Taurus SEL and we're picking up our son's 2001 Focus today. Don't think I'll be buying that kind of warranty again because you are limited to a Ford dealer. Think I'd like to have the freedom to have the work done anywhere.

    Got info from Allstate when the 97 van was getting to the end of the factory warranty that looked interesting. Know you have to be careful with 3rd party warranty companies... anyone have any experience they can share???
  • bobby32bobby32 Member Posts: 3
    fdthird: with reference to a third party warranty, it is best to buy one when your auto is about 33 months old. to determine the best warranties, ask your repair shop(s)which warranties they honor with respect to timely approval of the repair, quick payment and least amount of lost time in completing the repair. My local mechanic does not recommend allstate or geico. Ford warranty is to restrictive and costly. I don't have any names for you as I will wait about 33 mos. before looking for an extended warranty for my 2001 focus. so far I have 5,000 trouble free miles on my 2001 focus, and I believe no recalls to present. Please let us hear from other 2001 focus ownwers and their experiences!
  • fdthirdfdthird Member Posts: 352
    Thanks Bobby... agree with you on the Ford warranty and think you are probably right regarding the right place to check on the warranty... how it pays off is really a better indicator than price!

    Can't really give you too much other than a big thumbs up! Our 2001 Focus SE Sport has about 70 miles on it and is less than 24 hours old!

    Hope to have lots of great years ahead!!!
  • rosteverosteve Member Posts: 4
    In response to the latest review - I also have a 2001 ZTS - and I've had no recalls whatsoever. Part of choosing the 2001 was that I thought there would be less chance of recalls. I wouldn't hesitate to reccomend this car to anyone.
  • fdthirdfdthird Member Posts: 352
    In 1979 I bought a new Mercury Capri (the Mustang's sister car) and the day I got the car there were 27 things wrong with it!

    In 1984 we bought a brand new Toyota van. The vehicle had so many things wrong with it that 3 years later I could no longer take it and traded it in for an 87 Ford van (so much for Toyotas are soooo reliable).

    The common thread in these two stories??? Both were first year vehicles. Now we all know that being the first kid on the block with the new toy is a great feeling but it sometimes comes with a price.

    We just picked up my son's 2001 SE sedan on Monday and I look forward to many years of great transportation. Hopefully you folks who bought 2000 models have done Ford's last research and development for us and we will enjoy trouble free driving.

    I do say though when you've got problems with a new car, the dealer is the one that either makes the situation pleasant or makes it a nightmare. I guess when you purchase a 1st year car it is even more important to shop dealers not only price!
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    Just out of curiousity, why did you take delivery of that car back in 1979 if all those things were wrong with it?
  • fdthirdfdthird Member Posts: 352
    I guess two reason....

    First, that was in the age when we as consumers took what we got. Believe me, I was looked at like I had two heads when I went back and complained while trying to get some of the problems corrected. That was the low of lows for Detroit (and the reason my next 3 cars were from Japan)and the feeling from the car companies were that we (as consumers) would take whatever they gave us.

    Second, I guess the same as when the sales manager pulls the bs "I need more money for this car" scam. Your new baby is sitting there all shiny and new and your vision is not always as clear as it is when the smoke clears.

    Some of the problems were corrected, but others took weeks to correct including a couple of trips to the body shop!

    The sad thing was that it was a great little car... just built very badly!
  • ideal50ideal50 Member Posts: 7
    Recently had to have brakes fixed and both front rotors replaced. Not because the brake pads were worn through but because the pads themselves created a trench on both sides (the size of the pads) from the inner to the outer edge of the rotors. This caused the sides of the pads to come in contact with the the outer edge of the rotors resulting in a grinding sound whenever the car came to stop. This could be considered normal wear after 25000 miles but usually it takes excessive wear (metal from the brake pad) and a few machining to have to replace a rotor.
    I haven't seen any recalls or posts on this site about rotors for the focus so maybe it's just me.

    Are rotors covered under the warranty if proof is provided that the pads were not worn through?

    Any suggestions?
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    All manufacturers cover brake parts like rotors (normal wear) for 12 months or 12,000 miles. And it's not normal for the rotors to wear out until the car has reached at least 40,000 miles. I have seen people on the Town Hall who haven't replaced rotors on a car with 160,000 miles before, so 25K is not normal for them to go.
  • cnollkampercnollkamper Member Posts: 43
    I had one rotor replaced at 10k miles because of vibration and the other was resurfaced. No probs now 2ooo miles later.Both covered under warranty. also have had 4 new brake pads installed.
  • randyt2randyt2 Member Posts: 81
    I just bought a Focus ZTS. My fuel gauge does not go all the way to the Full mark. When I tried to fill it the first time, I didn't want to overfill. But later, I did a fillip and tried to overfill the tank. It still does not go all the way to the Full mark, about 1/8 inch short. Has anyone else experienced this?
  • mervay2mervay2 Member Posts: 20
    I took the car to the Ford dealer and they said they had to reseal the Cowl. I was in and out in less than 2 hours. Its rained hard since then with no leaks. 8,000 miles and 1 problem fixed promptly. I still like the car. Milage wise the lowest was 25, The highest 30. I would buy another.
  • tomcat630tomcat630 Member Posts: 854
    For 2001, I have not seen any recalls for Foci. Correct me if I am wrong, please. The early 2000 models had 'teething' pains.

    Anyone looking at a used 2000 Focus should make sure all the recall repairs have been completed.
  • fdthirdfdthird Member Posts: 352
    FYI for anyone buying a used 2000 Focus who has concerns over the recalls.... Ford dealers can put the VIN in their computer and find out what recalls apply to the car and which ones have been done. My dealer did it a couple of years ago for me when I bought an 88 Mustang (this was in 1997) and it was a simple thing.
  • fdthirdfdthird Member Posts: 352
    Has there been any discussion on this site about Build Quality differences between the Mexico built hatch and the Michigan built sedan?
  • ideal50ideal50 Member Posts: 7
    Didn't know rotors were a covered part. I had mine replaced at a repair shop. Can I be reimbursed by Ford or am I out of luck? I still have the parts (rotors and pads).
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    are only covered for one year or 12,000 miles from the vehicle purchase date. They aren't covered for the full 3 years/36,000 miles like everything else on the car. Depending on mileage, they might give you a prorated refund. It's worth a shot to ask. What is there to lose?
  • ideal50ideal50 Member Posts: 7
    Ask who?

    The salesman at the dealership?
    The service manager?
    By the way, I can't find in my warranty information anything about the rotors being covered or anything about the coverage ending after 12 months or 12,000 miles.
    Is the some unwritten part everybody knows about but me?

    Thanks for your help
  • fdthirdfdthird Member Posts: 352
    Noticed when we picked up our new Focus SE Sedan last week that in New York State there is additional wheel balance and alignment coverage due to state regulations.

    Never even would have thought those were areas covered by warranty.
  • class3class3 Member Posts: 14
  • class3class3 Member Posts: 14
    hi there. My Wife purchased a 2000 Focus ZTS from a NH dealer in Nov 99. since then we have had the car back to the dealer on several occassions.for recalls. and other toruble.....we have had our Fire hawks wear out at 22K miles.. the rear brakes howl since 7K miles.. also. we have had a droning , pulsating sound that travels from the front of the car to the rear.... from 8 mph to 75 mph.. the noise is unbearable. I just took the car to the dealer where we bought it..he told us that ALL 4 wheel bearing need to be replaced!!! not to mention.we have complaine about the tires, brakes, and wheel bearings since 7K miles!! I also noticed that the car as had some repair to the trunk lid.. in the corners ..and Ford attemped to paint over them.. so much for quality.. I've talked to Ford directly,, and they have no answers!! anybody have similar troubles??
    I'm to the point of driving the car thru the showroom window.. but I know it's not the dealers fault.
  • fdthirdfdthird Member Posts: 352
    Why do you say that the problems with your Focus are not the dealer's problems when you say "we have complained about the tires, brakes, and wheel bearings since 7K miles".

    Didn't you complain to the dealer?? Did they blow you off or did Ford?
  • class3class3 Member Posts: 14
    OD now, as of 11:00AM SET I've just gotten off the phone from both my dealership and Ford, and Both told me the same thing. and yes, I believe I got "Blown off" again. The following is what was explained to me by the Service Manager. Bear in mind now, that my Wife bought the car brand new. We have been complaining about the rumbling sounds since 7k MILES and I now have 23625 miles on the vehicle. and mostly important, we have been making mention about the SAME THINGS every time we bring the car in for either a recall OR an oil change, or to just find out what the beck is going on with the noises.
    Buy the way, My kids have to PUT THEIR HANDS ON THEIR EARS while riding in the vehicle, because of the sounds emittined from the wheel bearings, SINCE 7K MILES!!

    First: I need to go thou "arbitration" which is just another type of stall tactic.
    Second: I need to fill out all the paper work, so they can make a decision. Obviously in THEIR favor.
    Third: My Wife will still need a vehicle to drive and somehow,I think I'm going to get the short end of the stick in this.
    One note to this.
    I spoke with the Finance Manager who originally sold me the car, and surprisingly,HE wants to see the vehicle brought back as a LEMON. The Finance manager wants to set up a meeting with the Owner of the dealership to address the issues with the vehicle.
    I find that FORD is the one that doesn't want to take responsibility for this. I also find that the Service Manager has told me that the vehicle has to be "brought in for 3 times for the SAME repair" to qualify for a lemon status. I think 14K miles of unreasonable noise, being told it was the tires, having spend 300 bucks for NEW tires, and STILL having the same trouble qualifies the vehicle for a lemon states doesn't it?
    Please don't get me wrong, I'm a Ford guy.. been that for a very long time but I also was a machinist by trade, now a Private Investigator. I think I'm onto something here, and big business, as usual, is trying to undermine the little guy
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    I took my car back for rotors twice (though it wasn't a Ford dealer), and was told by separate dealers they would not be covered because the adjustment period on the car is 12 months/12K miles from new.
  • fdthirdfdthird Member Posts: 352
    I think that the lemon laws are a lot harder to use than any of us who are casually involved in them think! If the car has to be brought in 3 times with the same problem just start making appointments, no? Lets face it, big business always seems to have the upper hand in these situations.

    Having the dealer finance guy on your side thou does seem like a bright spot. We bought our Focus from the owner so if we have problems I hope he'll be on my side.

    I'm afraid that business in the 21st Century is not going to be an easy time for most of us. With cutbacks, hiring freezes and the like, many companies just don't provide the service they once did. Not easy but I'm afraid a way of life.

    Too bad but it seems that some of you 2000 Focus buyers finished the research and development for Ford. Haven't heard these kinds of complaints from fellow 2001 owners.
  • pocahontaspocahontas Member Posts: 802
    This message had been re-edited for a link correction.

    If you're interested in discussing the upcoming 2002 Focus ZX5 5 door sedan, please join us in this new Hatchbacks Message Board discussion: Ford Focus ZX5 (2002).

    image Thanks for your participation! ;-)

    Hatchbacks/Station Wagons Message Board

  • class3class3 Member Posts: 14
    Well guys and gals. I'm back here with more bad news. I was driving through NH this evening at about 7:30 PM, when my rear passenger side of the 200 Focus ZTS that we have started to shake and shudder. I immidiatly pulled over to the side of the road, and got out to see what was wrong.
    I noticed nothing with the tires, so I got back in and slowly drove off. I got about 50 feet away from where I stopped, and the front passenger wheel and the rear passenge wheel FELL OFF!!
    I called the dealer where I bought the car, told him that HIS service manager told me last monday April 9, 2001 that "the car is SAFE TO DRIVE" while awaiting for the replacement wheel bearings.
    I told the dealer that i was having the car sent to him, and that I was going to call Ford as soon as I got home.
    I called the 800 number and reported the problem and the dealer's service manager to the Ford rep, who told me they were going to follow up on the issue on Tuesday Morning. I'm going to be camped out at the dealer , so when my "Service Manager" comes in. I'll throw him the keys. and tell him to "kindly place them where he sits"
    As far as I can see it right now, we have a lemon, and the service manager can suck on the darn thing. I think Ford is going to have to go a long way to fix this "broken fence"
    Oh yes.. the rear brake pads were unevenly worn when they were exposed , due to the wheel bearing seizing up and breaking the rim from the hub. but I believe this is just the tip of the iceberg for some of us Focus owners. The "R&D" owners.
  • fdthirdfdthird Member Posts: 352
    Wow class3 that really does s**k! I would be crazy if I were you and would love to hear the service manager's reaction.

    More, I guess, to add to the "don't buy a car in it's first year" saga.

    Took our son's 2001 Focus SE Sport up to him at college this weekend. With just a bit more than 400 miles on the car, we traveled the 250 highway miles at varying speeds as per the breakin procedures. Filled it up with gas just before we got to him and got 29+ MPG.

    Good luck with your dealer.... hope you've got the kind that will be on your side as they can make all the difference in the world.
  • vocusvocus Member Posts: 7,777
    I think you should either make them replace your car, or cancel the loan on the car and pay it off for you so you can trade it if you want. I would definitely contact my legal representative if I were you.
  • phowell1phowell1 Member Posts: 35
    Well I waited like everyone said untill I had more miles on my 2001 Focus and Now it has 5100 and heres the story:

    Mileage is way less than advertised. as much as 10 mpg less

    over 70 mph and the noise comeing from the right rear is terrible

    every time I go over uneven pavement or hit a small bump at over 20 mph the tires rub the body and it bottoms out.

    Road noise at any speed is terrible.

    Spoke to service manager at dealership, he is clueless to begin with states if engine light isn't on he cant do anything, called Ford left numerous complaints and no one responds.

    NEVER buy Ford they could care less about their product and even less about their customers.

    Only good thing about the Focus is the amount of head room. No more Amercvan for me Toyota or Subaru or nothing
  • tomcat630tomcat630 Member Posts: 854
    The above post does not have enough factual data to make me not buy a Focus. What mileage are you getting and what are you comparing the figures to? What kind of noise do you expect from a four cylinder car?

    DO you drive over railroad tracks at 70?

    This sounds like the fanatics who think everyone must get an Asian car, or else. Go get a high quality Daewoo and shut up.
  • fdthirdfdthird Member Posts: 352
    Since you posted your message both here and at the hatchback board, I'll copy my post from there to here too. I have to agree with tomcat above and although we are new to the Focus fold (about 2 weeks and 700 miles) I have to say our family loves the car. Brought it up to my son at college over Easter and got 29+ MPG at all highway speeds with a bit more than 400 miles on the engine when we started the 250 mile trip.

    Here's my reply from the Hatchback tell us about your poor mileage but then don't tell us what you are getting?? Do you actually mean you are getting around 20 MPG??

    I'm sorry but I must say that I haven't had your experience with our 2001. Now, we have only had it for 2 weeks or so but I don't find it objectionable noisy nor does the suspension bottom.

    It is not a quiet as my wife's 2001 Taurus SEL but then it also cost close to $10,000 less! Lets remember to compare apples to apples not oranges. We had a guy a couple of weeks ago who complained that the Focus wasn't as good as a car (a Subaru) that cost about $8000 more than the Focus.
  • L8_ApexL8_Apex Member Posts: 187
    I'd hate to have to delete posts...


    Sedans Message Board
  • fdthirdfdthird Member Posts: 352
    Did I miss something???
  • pigloverpiglover Member Posts: 25
    Picked up my new Focus on Mar. 27, and so far its gone about 450 miles. I'm carefully breaking it in by changing speeds. The fastest I had it was 65. From the stories I heard about American build quality, I expected to find some problems (leaking AC condenser, wheels falling off). But this car was built on Mar. 1, so I'm hoping all the bugs are gone. For a small car there is adequate interior room. The leg room in the back seat is more than in the Corolla, which is one reason why I bought it. Acceleration with the sohc is mediocre. But I love the way it handles. Its nimble and holds the road very well, the brakes are very good, and the CD player/radio has excellent sound. Already, I waxed it three times and it looks great.
  • class3class3 Member Posts: 14
    Hello again. It's your favorite complainer here. I talked to the Ford rep in Detroit, she told me she was sending a message to a Division manager in my region. I was told to expect a phone call from him or her, either Thursday or Friday this week. I was also told by the Coustomer care rep, that I have had about 10 calls posted to my file regarding my troubles, and it sent a red flag up to detriot. Hpefully, this will get resolved REAL quick. As of Wednesdy night at 10Pm I checked the dealers lot to see if the car was in the Bays.....but no way.. it was still sitting out on the rear lot. So much for my concerned Finance manager.. I'll wait until Friday night to see if the Division Mgr calls. If he doesn't.I'm on my way to the local papers and news media about this..So ig you see anything about this in the Boston NH area. you'll know it's me.. and yes, I had the car inspected by my mechanic before it was picked up by the towing service, and yes, my machanic performed a State Inspoection on it,, and as we all thought, it's NOT SAFE as defined by NH state inspection laws.. I'll keep you all posted.
  • phowell1phowell1 Member Posts: 35
    You are right I did make a mistake in the Focus 1. thinking Ford offered a good auto at a resonable price
    2. Believing that the mileage predictions on window stickers are anywhere near correct
    3. they were on my last few purchases wonder why not on a Focus
    4. will not complain much longer I spoke with a toyota dealer today I am tring out a Camry tomorrow and if it works out this sick Focus can be his. Yeah the camary is a few dollars more but it's worth it Toyota is quality and when and if there is ever a problem they stand behind it and fix it not laugh at you like FORD
  • netranger4netranger4 Member Posts: 149
    Oh golly goopers Pocohontas, guess what? That new?Focus 4-door hatchback is exactly what they have been selling overseas...surprise, surprise. From the problems revealed on this discussion I'm firmly convinced to buy Asian for my next new car. I've had British cars that didn't have 10% of the problems herein described. To those not getting satisfaction from the Dealer/Service Dept/Mfgr your best advice is to get the toughest and meanest lawyer in your area and let the locals try to blow them off. It is unfortunate that you have to resort to lawsuits to accomplish what should be provided as part of the purchase.
  • fordlemonfordlemon Member Posts: 1
    We have had our Focus for just over one year and so far we've had the rear brakes replaced, the front brakes, one front rotor, both front struts, the rear 2 seat belts, all 4 door stops, 2 burned out lights, the ignition switch, not to mention the countless recalls!!! This car is a LEMON and Ford has been no help to us at all. We sent a letter to Ford about our problems, got a reply that they regret any problems we were having and someone from ford (the local manager) would contact us within 3-4 days, well that was 4 weeks ago and of course not a word..... Don't ever buy a FORD product they don't care about consumers. We will be going back to the honda/toyota camp. They got our money this time, they won't get it again!!!!!!
  • music287music287 Member Posts: 116
    I have a 2000 Focus zts 5 sp and my experience has been more than satisfactory. My mileage is about 20K/year so, I can truthfully say, I consistently get about 33mpg in mostly highway driving at ~70mph. Considering what I paid for the machine, it is well built, fun to drive, with a quick heater, very good sound system, and very good quality materials. I smile everytime I walk up to the thing to drive it. I even have a unique, defunct color: autumn orange! LOL

    Which car, BTW, at any price, is guaranteed to be a wonderful experience? A Mercedes? A Toyota?

  • fdthirdfdthird Member Posts: 352

    Again I ask, what kind of mileage are you getting?? You continue to complain but don't give us any insight on your actual mileage. I would have to take issue with you thou on the Camry when you say its a few dollars more. According to Priceline, a 2001 Camry CE Manual invoices for 15,908 and has an MSRP of 17,675. That same source lists the Focus LX sedan at 11,856 invoice and 12,480 as MSRP. I think the 4 to 6 thousand difference is again, like comparing apples to oranges. I say again, the Focus is not as nice as my wife's 2001 Taurus SEL but it costs close to 10 thousand less!

    Now, as to Toyotas... I've owned 2 and my Mom now has a 2000 Camry LE auto. It is a nice car but even thou it cost thousands more than my son's Focus it has a real low buck interior. Again thou as you did with the Subaru, you can't really compare cars in different classes unless you factor in the cost.

    Now you want to talk about quality, dealers and service?? My last Toyota was an 84 van that was a piece of garbage. The car cost me a mint and was in and out of Toyota dealers all over the area because they were all crooks who took mega bucks and never fixed the car. It died the 4th day we owned it and between that and the dealers sent me running back to Ford! The last blow it struck was when we found that in a bit more than 2 years it lost 3/4 of its value!!

    The dealer my Mom bought her Camry from was great in the purchase but then service??? Forget it!

    To all you people who bought the 2000 Focus and have problems, I feel for you. I've been there with first year cars (the Toyota Van and my '79 Capri) and learned my lesson. Ford has, however sold hundreds and thousands of them and I don't think the level of complaints reflect that everyone hates the car.

    Enjoy your Toyota or each his own. Thant Thank God is why they make cars in different colors!
  • phowell1phowell1 Member Posts: 35
    The average mileage is 21.2 mpg. I have gotten as bad as 18.4 the best 24.5 If you think that is good for this little car you need help. My Crown Vic that we keep at the office gets 29 to 30 on trips it has never gotten less than 22 in mived driving. We bought the Focus to use as an errand car and for trips up to 400 miles round trip , no more do to comfort. The messages on this board all seem to lead to the belief that the Focus is very prblematic and that FORD could care less.
  • stevem327stevem327 Member Posts: 98
    I just bought a ZTS last Saturday and am fairly happy with the car so far. No problems to report, but I only have 400 miles. The car handles well, gets good mileage, has a great stereo, and lots of nice options. My only worry about this car is the safety and resale value.

    Being a small car, it's not going to be able to take much of an impact over about 40 mph in my opinion. It scored well in crash tests, but I have my doubts about how well this car would hold up in a serious collision (as compared to a larger car, anyway).

    Anyway, regarding resale value, I've heard the Escorts would sell for pretty decent money if they weren't more than three years old, but after three years, their value dropped like a rock. I wonder if the same thing will be true for a Focus a few years from now. I hardly see any of them on the road where I live (Washington, DC), so it makes me think that everyone is choosing the Protege, Civic, Cavalier, etc. over the Focus.

    I would hate to make payments on this car for four years only to have it be worth nothing once it got paid off. I hope I didn't make a mistake by buying this thing. Anyone out there have any advice or insight to offer? Thanks...
  • riswamiriswami Member Posts: 192
    The last Toyota I owned was an 81 Starlet. Believe me when I tell you that Toyota wasn't a warm and fuzzy company to deal with. I realize that this car wasn't top of the line, but it had a problem that Toyota could not fix.

    Phowell1 - I can believe 29 to 30 with a Crown Vic on trips. But never less than 22 in mixed driving seems a little high. That's an 8. I wasn't under the impression that they do that good.

    Stevem327 - The Focus in all liklihood will not be worth as much as a Toyota or Civic at trade in time. Then again you pay more for a comparabliy equipped Toyota or Honda. So you have to weight the initial cost of purchase and either interest cost on the additional dollars spent or the return you'd get on your savings buying the Focus if you invest it. People don't seem to consider the additional cash outlay and what your options with that money would be when you purchase a car for less bucks.

    Just my two cents.
  • fdthirdfdthird Member Posts: 352
    You pays your money and you takes your chances.

    Life is like that sometimes and hey all you can do is hope for better days. I sincerely hope that you folks who hate your Focus will be very happy with your Toyota, Honda, Subaru or whatever.

    I also hope that those of us who like our Focus will continue to.

    I like red cars and respect your right to like blue ones. Camaros are nice but I'd rather be driving my Mustang.

    My last wish is that you find a car dealer who meets your every expectation and who is kind and patient and really understands your pain.

    Good luck to all...I wish you nothing but good mileage and smooth riding.
  • schmide10schmide10 Member Posts: 17
    Funny how when there aren't any problems, this board is quiet as all hell. Once people start complaining, I can't keep up with the posts! :)

    Just an update, 22k miles in 13 months (2000 ZTS), which is ridiculous, but I'm the one always offering to drive (trips to Atlantic City are a killer on the wallet and the mileage!!). But overall, I have to say, that as my first car purchase ever, I couldn't have asked for anything more. I'm averaging about 310 miles per 10-11 gallons of gas (you do the math), and that's mostly highway driving with some stop-and-go city miles... The ONLY problem I've had is that the guys that do my oil dented my hood when they closed it... ever notice that the hood has to be slammed to shut? Well, evidently when he tried to slam it shut, and it didn't close, he pushed on the corner of the hood with the palm of his hand... that's a no-no, and now I have a nice $250 dent/cracked paint on my hood that he has to fix...

    But other than that, the car drives like a dream, and hasn't given me one problem. I sympathize w/ the people who've had legit problems, but I don't think it's just a "ford thing"... buying a car is a gamble, that's why they have warranties and lemon laws... I'm just thankful that I haven't had any problems.

    So good luck to everyone, I live in SE PA near philly and drive into Jersey/NYC area often, and there are TONS of Foci on the road. I don't feel so special anymore, but oh well, as long as we don't get as played out as the Civics. ;)
  • stevem327stevem327 Member Posts: 98
    I've filled up my new ZTS twice since buying it, and I've noticed that it only takes 10.7 gallons each time. The fuel gauge needle has been exactly at the "E" mark (not slightly above it) when I've filled up.

    The manual says I have a 13.2 gallon tank, so this would mean I've got 2.5 gallons in reserve. That amount seems way high to me. Most reserves are no more than one gallon.

    Is it possible that I have something other than a 13.2 gallon tank in my ZTS?
  • patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    Pardon the interruption - I want to explain the name change of this discussion.

    Since we have moved to our new platform, we no longer have the requirement to stop and restart discussions after the numbers of posts exceed a certain limit. Since this discussion can continue as long as anyone has anything to say about the Focus, there is no longer a need for the "Part 4" that has been included in the discussion name. Down the road, that could confuse our newer members so I have removed it.

    I've altered the name slightly of the original Focus discussion in the Archives to differentiate it from this active one.

    Please continue...

    Sedans and Women's Auto Center Message Boards
  • fdthirdfdthird Member Posts: 352
    If like me, you've ever had a car that you would classify as a lemon do you sit in wonder at the avenues open today that weren't available in years past? I know that there are a lot of people who complain about recalls and hidden warranties and the like but please understand how much better you are off today then in years past.

    I've had two cars in my life that I would classify as lemons, a '79 Mercury Capri and an '84 Toyota Van. Both of them were first year cars (no more of them for me either)and in neither case was there any program to fix the cars nor any where to go to get financial relief for the problems that I paid out of my pocket for.

    Of the two of them, the Toyota was by far the worst and sent me running back to American cars. Unfortuneatly not before it cost me lots of repair money, wasted time, and ultimately trade in value.
  • schmide10schmide10 Member Posts: 17
    Anyone have any suggestions for removing brake dust from the rims? I wasn't able to wash my car all winter, and there are now actual deposits on my front rims from the brake dust... Hopefully when I get my brakes replaced I'll be able to get a brand less dustworthy, but till then, anyone have any suggestions to (hopefully) easily clean up the rims? Thanks!
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