2010 Outback - transmission vibration?

unsworthunsworth Member Posts: 2
edited September 2014 in Subaru
I just bought a 2010 V6 Outback. At 700 miles, it started to have a vibration at 40-50mph, now it does it at 20-30mph. It sounds and feels like you are driving over rumble strips or a cattle crossing guard. Sometimes it is soft, sometimes it's enough to vibrate the entire car. Right now it is back at the dealer. When it is making this sound and you toss into N, it stops immediately. Has anybody else had this happen?


  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Sounds like a wheel balance issue, but talk to your dealer about it. A few others have complained as well.
  • kims_carkims_car Member Posts: 5
    I bought a 2011 Outback in late July. Since day one it has had a vibration at 65 mph. I brought it into the dealer to have tires balanced. they balanced tires to "zero" and said that I was feeling the road through the tires, and recommended that I replace the Continental tires with Michelins. Not exactly the advice I wanted to hear after spending 30K on the car. I have done some research with local tire retailers and recently had the tires balanced with a "Road Force Balancer". I have noticed a slight improvement in the vibration since then but still not completely happy. My next step is to ask the dealership to refund me for the Continental tires which I will use towards new Michelins which they suggested. I am wondering if the tires are really the issue, or if there is just too many moving parts and not enough dampening so I feel everything through the steering wheel. Is anyone else having this problem?
  • tigermautigermau Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2010 outback and had the same vibration which is felt through the steering wheel. if you are cruising at anything over 50 mph you can see the steering wheel shimmy side to side. Other forums have posted a solution which is exactly what you have done....road force balancing. Unfortunately OEM tires can get a bad rap. However, in my case....the problem has fixed itself over time as the tires have worn out a little.
  • kims_carkims_car Member Posts: 5
    Just picked up my 2011 Outback tonight at dealership after having the technical service bulletin performed which addresses the vibration/steering shimmy. I had my husband drive home on the highway because he is going out of town tomorrow, and I wanted his opinion of the fix. He declares it's 80-90% better. I drove it on local streets only up to 55mph. Steering was more stable and the "play" I felt at lower speeds seems better if not resolved. I will be driving it at highway speeds tomorrow and hope I can live with the results. Road force balancing did not help my problem.
  • discobisondiscobison Member Posts: 2
    I am a Car Salesman, just a disclaimer. I have the privilege of selling subaru I did have one customer complain of a vibration in the rear of the vehicle I listened to it with him and then had my Service manager listen to it, I took the customer to lunch while my service manager put the car up on the racks.

    He concluded that it was just a slight vibration that would not affect performance, the customer took the vehicle on a trip and returned after the problem persisted. I met with my service manager about how to fix it, and he let me know he started a file with Subaru.

    About a week later I see my customer driving at the dealership and somehow the service department was able to minimize the effect. Sorry I don't know how he did it, but good news is there is a fix.
  • dogdoc1997dogdoc1997 Member Posts: 32
    what did they do? dogdoc
  • kims_carkims_car Member Posts: 5
    As a follow up to my earlier post...after testing on the highway (after the dealership performed the TSB), there was an improvement between 65 and 70mph. After 70, the problem persists. I called SOA and have an open service claim with them now. They said another TSB had just come out that is supposed to take care of the vibration completely and it's due out mid to late November. I'm sceptical, but am holding on until then. If you are having this problem, I recommend you call SOA directly and get a claim started. They seem willing to work with the customer.
  • kurtamaxxxguykurtamaxxxguy Member Posts: 1,798
    Was this problem ever resolved? Was the fix spelled out?

    I am contemplating an '11 - 12 Outback 3.6R but without the fix, I'm loathe to acquire one given this problem has popped on other Subaru forums.

    Unlike the Forester, the Outback seems to produce more front end "grumbling" that a driver can feel through its steering wheel.
  • almattialmatti Member Posts: 164
    Iam picking up a CPO - 2010 Legacy 2.5i Premium today. While doing some homework on the Subbi Legacy Owners forum, there are thousands of complaints about this Shimmy/Vibration at 60/70 mph. I experienced same on my test drive,lower than 60 feels fine, above 60 I felt the vibration - which feels like Wheel Balancing. Anyway, on the Forum, it was announced that a TSB issued by SOA on 2/3/11 addresses this persistent issue. It's 32 Pages long !! Many steering components - idel arms,bushings, etc are Replaced. from my understaning this is the second or third major TSB issued by Subaru to "fix" this problem. Initial reports on the forum - feed back looks godd, vibrations gone. keep in mind, the previous fixes offered: involved new wheels, new tires, balancing and re-balancing of the wheels, and many members cited that the problem persisted. I mentioned this my auto dealer- they balaanced and rotated the wheels for delivery, and claim the shimmy is gone. I told them about the TSB and they acknowledged it, if my shimmy continues then they will apply same. But he told me it was primarily a problem with the 3.6 R. I'll post after driving a couple of days. dealer is Westchetsre Subaru in Wite Plains, NY...
  • kims_carkims_car Member Posts: 5
    After the TSB was performed, the vibration was better in my normal driving speeds 65-70mph, but persisted at 70+. I also found that the TSB changed the steering to be "floaty" which I found distracting and somewhat unsafe. Keep in mind the TSB's only "mask" the problem, they do not fix the underlying issue. If you can live with the vibration, my recommendation would to not have the TSB performed.
  • ptk70ptk70 Member Posts: 2
    Did you have done the latest TSB that came out 2/3/11?
  • kims_carkims_car Member Posts: 5
    My TSB was done in late Fall. It involved changes to the steering wheel, steering column and engine bushings.
  • clarkkentclarkkent Member Posts: 154
    Must be something wrong with your "one of a kind" V6. You do know that you have the only Subaru that ever came with a V6, don't you?

    I'd be intereted in buying it, as a collectors item. ;)
  • rich154rich154 Member Posts: 2
    After reading about the vibration problems I need advice, should I purchase the 2011 Legacy which my local dealer is awaiting arrival on or what should I do, I really want the 4 wheel drive and with the snow of the last two years thats what I'm looking for the dealers states the car is coming in by the end of March it's a Premium with CVT, AWP and Sunroof, I'm looking for you advice. Thanks
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    My brother just had his 04 Legacy totalled, so we test drove a new Legacy 2.5i manual on Saturday.

    No problems with that one, in fact that car is still on his short list. If we can find a manual trans Forester we'll test drive that, too, and he's likely to pick between those two.

    His 04 crumpled up big-time, but it absorbed the full impact and he walked away from a huge wreck with a bruised shin. Great protection.

    Can't blame him for wanting another.
  • rich154rich154 Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2011
    Is the vibration problem on just a couple of Legacy's or is a problem on all 2011 legacy's
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    If you ask around, most aren't affected, but there are many that are.
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