Prizm High Mileage Club

chiponiumchiponium Member Posts: 1
edited December 2010 in Chevrolet
Single owner of a 2002 Prizm - a most reliable car over the years. Currently just rolled over 260K and looking to take it on yet another road trip across the states.

I've been reading posts on replacing the fuel filter on a Prizm. What is recommended for this high mileage vehicle? I haven't had to change it in the past, and now doing the final checklist, radiator flush, transmission, flush, tune up items before the road trip.

Any suggestions? I'd like to be well informed when dealing with my mechanic.

I am also interested to see the other High Mileage testimonials.


  • jamminlongtimejamminlongtime Member Posts: 2
    I am 24 and drive a 2001 Chevy Prizm. First and only car I've ever owned. I love it! It's a tank, and even living in the Berkshires in MA in winter time is nothing for this beast of a car. Just hit 180,000 miles tonight on the way home from work. Have not replaced anything except the serpentine belt twice and tires/rotors. No big issues so far! Hope to have this for another 10 years!
  • jamminlongtimejamminlongtime Member Posts: 2
    First told you about Pre the Prizm last year about this time. It now has has 195,600 miles on it and is still my daily driver. Hoping to hold on to him for as long as possible. Even with gas near $4.00 a gallon, I rarely have to top 40.00 for a fill up! My favorite car to drive ever!
  • capang9555capang9555 Member Posts: 4
    just make sure that everything is in good working order. i have a prizm. im 17. currently its my dads car and i share it with him. i will hopefully buy it or get it from him. car just hit 140000 miles. only major thing needed was the clutch. but besides that it has been working fine. one thing to watch out for however. depending on your year. (mine is 2002) the all aluminium i4 tends to start burning oil a little bit over time. ours isnt doing it much. but we do have to check the oil level.. it does loose oil but not to the point of needing to be worried about it. its a great car. great sound system, peepy for the size and engine, and gets great mpg, with my 5 speed manual we get 35 combined and 41 in the freeway. instead of the timing belt it has a timing chain which has a longer life span. so that should be good too.
  • lairexlairex Member Posts: 1

    I currently own a 1994 geo prizm base 1.6L, I bought this car from my room mate that had168,000; its been in his family since they bought it. It is my first car that I have really ever bought and still own.  I love this little guy, he has currently has 218000+ and many more I have replaced a lot of the front end but that was my own accord because ithe just needed a little love.  I never really ran in to a problem  even to on it on a 1200 mIle trip never had a problem.  I wish they would make more of the old 94 models, best car ever, it fits my wallet and easy to fix.

  • prizmgurlprizmgurl Member Posts: 21
    Our '93 Geo Prizm was at 178615 miles, when we sold it for salvage. Our '02 Chevy Prizm we still have's almost 129,000 and not dead yet. We can get at least 1 more year out of the little car.
  • Chris_SanDiegoChris_SanDiego Member Posts: 1
    I think I have you all beat.... We have a 1997 Prizm that my restaurant uses as a delivery vehicle. Never had a single problem with her and she just passed 376,000! That has to be some sort of record somewhere shouldn't it?
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