2011 Pilot clinking or ringing engine noise

brandspankinewbrandspankinew Member Posts: 3
edited September 2014 in Honda
I have a brand new 2011 Pilot EX-L, purchased it 2 weeks ago! I’ve noticed an unusual noise coming from the engine, and it’s got me a little concerned.

It’s a faint noise, and only noticeable when the radio is turned off, and is more noticeable upon acceleration. It’s somewhat of a clinking or ringing noise. At first I was thinking that perhaps my ear is more accustomed to the purr of a traditional engine, and these fancy long-lasting Honda engines just sound different. Or maybe it’s the VCM and/or ANC technology that I’m hearing. Nonetheless, it’s driving me crazy! only 500 miles!

So before I take it back to the dealer, thought I’d post on here to see if this is common, or if anyone has any suggestions.


  • bdymentbdyment Member Posts: 573
    It sounds like pinging. The clue is that it is worse on acceleration. Perhaps you are using a lower octane gas than usual. Try another brand, if that doesn't work take it back to the dealer. It is either spark or mixture related.
  • brandspankinewbrandspankinew Member Posts: 3
    octane level and/or brand of gasoline? seriously? okay, I thought all gas was created equal, is there really a difference between chevron, shell, or 7-11 gas?

    we’re only on the 2nd tank of the purchased gas, like I said only 500 miles on it, its brand new

    the dealer did mention using plain 87 octane, said Honda did a study on their engines and found there wasn’t a performance difference in higher octane levels
  • robr2robr2 Member Posts: 8,805
    octane level and/or brand of gasoline? seriously? okay, I thought all gas was created equal, is there really a difference between chevron, shell, or 7-11 gas?

    All gas is created equal - the difference is in the additives each brand uses.

    Octane level is standardized though - but I tend to avoid gas at places like 7-11.
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  • brandspankinewbrandspankinew Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for the list of TOP TIER Detergent Gasolines, I never knew of such a thing

    As I mentioned we've only purchased 2 tanks so far, as the Pilot is brand new, the first from Exxon and then the second from Shell, both of which are on the TOP TIER list

    So maybe this clinking or ringing engine noise isnt gasoline related?

    Any other ideas???
  • bdymentbdyment Member Posts: 573
    Take it to the dealer. If it is not gas it is probably ignition timing and will have to be adjusted by a technician.
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