Chrysler 2.4l 4 cyl engine

rweganrwegan Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Chrysler
The 2.4l engine has been known for problems into the mid 90's. Question becomes; is it still??. I am concerned because I am looking at the PT Cruiser which uses a fairly modified 2.4l as the standard power plant. I have seen problems up till about 96 but it has always been in the mini van.


  • SPYDER98SPYDER98 Member Posts: 239
    The 2.4L I think your refferring to is actually a mitsubishi engine, not chrysler.

    It's beeen used in plenty of galants and spyder gs cars the last 5 yrs and I have'nt heard of any serious problems with them.
  • enetheneth Member Posts: 285
    The 2.4L engine in the PT Cruiser is a Chrysler designed and built model. It had a reputation for blowing head gaskets, now presumably a thing of the past.
  • tason67tason67 Member Posts: 36
    I have a 1996 Dodge Stratus with the 2.4 motor. This one was built at DCX's engine plant in Satillo or Tuluca, Mexico. In any case, I had a leaky head gasket at 28,000 miles and again at 48,000 miles. The first repair was covered under warranty and the second was paid for by DCX after I complained to customer service. Now at 55,000 miles, I have another oil leak, source unknown. I know the 2.4's in the PT Cruiser come from Mexico; I believe the mini-van motors come from Wisconsin. If you buy a new Chrysler with a 2.4, you'd better be a mechanic or buy the extended warranty; chances are you'll need it.
  • mwaddomwaddo Member Posts: 30
    Does anyone know anything about getting Chrysler to pay for all/part of a head gasket replacement? I had the head gasket replaced on my 1996 Stratus at ~52K by a Dodge dealership. An independent mechanic later told me that Chrysler would pay for at least part of the expense, but you had to call and complain.

    Has anyone done this successfully? If so, any tips? Also, are there any other web sites where this kind of information is available? That's what the internet is all about, right?

    Thanks in advance.

  • captainkennycaptainkenny Member Posts: 3
    I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem. I too had a 96 Stratus that just had the head gasket done. I first noticed the leak at about 63,000 km (after warranty of course). It kind of choked me cause I took great care of that car and felt kind of let down. Seven hundred dollars later it's all done. Other than that I loved the car.
  • tason67tason67 Member Posts: 36
    I'm on my third gasket reapiar at 55,000 miles and Chrysler has paid for all three, although the first was under the 3/36,000. Call customer service and write them a ltter with all your receits. They will proabaly give you your money back. And get a new dealer; he should have told you this before the work was done.
  • chrydodjeep1chrydodjeep1 Member Posts: 13
    Yeah ! Congratulations Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth
    You did it, U Won ! Worldwide consumers have paid there hard earned money and you provided worldwide consumers with the worst Engineered vehicles on Earth...

    Got to hand it to Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth you have Won beaten all your consumers.

    Wise old saying you can't read a book by its cover :O)
    Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth great looking vehicle unfortunately for the unsuspecting consumer even to date Transmission failure, head gasket failure , too many more serious problems Etc...
    Just read this Newsgroup 2% Satisfied , 98% Unsatisfied . Surf the internet U will find 100s of thousands of Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth vehicle owners that are Big Losers. Telling there Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth vehicle Horror stories.

    Now that Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth consumers have read the book by owning one of the worst Engineered vehicles on Earth. Consumers worldwide learned a costly but valuable lesson.

    Now we have come to realize. Yes Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth they are the Winners.

    Yep we the "Consumers of Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth vehicles are the BIG LOSERS" !

    Were losing vehicle trade in, Value its Awful.
    Quality Automobile Dealers don't want your Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth vehicle offering 50% of Galves Trade in if in Mint Condition.
    Even Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth Dealers are offering 50% of Galves. Now we are driving around in a nearly worthless Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth vehicle and paying for Major repairs :O(
    Its not going to get any better cause Smart Consumers are not Buying a New or even thinking of buying a used Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth vehicle.

    We sure learned a Valuable Lesson > Never again buy Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth vehicles. For those few Die Hards remember( Only a Fool Loses Twice )

    Rejoice fellow Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth vehicle consumers now it is our turn to Win.

    Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth your profits are gone, Stocks are dropping to an all time low Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth is just hanging on by a thread bankruptcy is near Hooray - Yeah !
    Now how does it feel to be a LOSER ! Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth :O)

    Worldwide automotive consumers buy smart be a Winner don't become a Loser like the rest of us who owned or still own the worst engineered vehicles on Earth.
    Let Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth become the final Loser.
  • alcanalcan Member Posts: 2,550
    Speaking of losers Jack, or is that Mr.Azz? (I wouldn't reveal my real name if I were you either) have you considered having someone with at least a grade 3 reading and grammar skill level proof read your posts for you? Trying to slog through your drivel and verbal diarrhea was absolutely painful.
  • tason67tason67 Member Posts: 36
    While the executuion was poor, I have to agree that DaimlierChrysler products on the whole aren't even close to Toyota and Honda. DCX does make some reliable ones and Honda and Toyota do make some lemons, but statistically speaking, you are much more likely to end up with junk buying a DCX car than the other two. I ought to know; have a Stratus in the shop right now.
  • biglebowskibiglebowski Member Posts: 3
    I know this is a stratus post, but since the breeze is esentially the same thing I thought I'd post it here. I have a 1998 Breeze w/ approx. 53,000 miles on it. It is the 2.4 liter engine and recently I've noticed an oil leak. I've taken it to a mechanic and it wasn't discenable to him what the cause was (I'm assuming the head gasket) There is no coolant in the oil and the leak has coveread a large portion of the underside of the car in oil. The leak is about a quart per 1.5 weeks. It is not the drain plug, oil sensor, or anyhting else immediately visible. Has anyone had an oil leak on a 2.4 that wasn't the head gasket? Also, if it is indeed the head gasket, will Chrysler pony up the $600 or so to have it replaced? Should I just contact them directly by phone? I like the car, no problems ever until this, and I'm glad i caught it in time as my oil was way low when I noticed it. One more thing, does the tie rod problem affect the 98's as well? I'd like to know so i can keep an eye on it. Thanks
  • dunejumperdunejumper Member Posts: 2
    my wifes 96 dodge stratus has the 2.4l. we had the leaking head gasket fixed. Chrysler paid for all but parts. then the next day the o2 censor goes out. well about 1 month later a horrible noise starts comming from the front end. i find out yesterday that the front right bearing has gone out. so i got that fixed, now the steering makes a horrible poping noise when you turn the wheels. nothing but problems! the wife wants to sell it and buy an accord or camry!
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