Alternator changed but...
Hi, I have a 1993 Impreza which diagnosed as "dead alternator" by Fire stone. Actually it was working fine, but it was generating too much electricity, so my car couldn't take it well, and that was causing no-recharging battery situation. And today I changed the alternator to new one, but the battery lamp won't go out. It is not re-charging the battery.
I would like to get some suggestions for what is the problem with my car besides the one I got from Fire stone because it just doesn't sound right. (What are the chances to get bad alternator 2 times in a row). I need this car... Help me please.
I would like to get some suggestions for what is the problem with my car besides the one I got from Fire stone because it just doesn't sound right. (What are the chances to get bad alternator 2 times in a row). I need this car... Help me please.
Aside from that, the problem could be wiring.