Mazda CX-5 Real World MPG

steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
Please report your gas mileage for your CX-5 here.

Feel free to add any details - city/highway, driving style, etc.



  • hornmakerhornmaker Member Posts: 4
    Thanks for creating this MPG thread for us.
  • urj2012urj2012 Member Posts: 2
    We just got the AWD sport model 6 speed auto, 2 weeks ago, We drove it from eastern ne to western sd and in the mountains for 2 days. We got just under 28 mpg, I thought it would be more since its rated for 31 hw , we drove it at about 80 mph for 600 miles maybe I should of drove it at 65 mph. It seems combo between city/hw is 27.5 thats what the car gauge say's, maybe it will go up more. I think in a year or so I will trade it for the diesel version if its out..
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Some people get the rated EPA mileage from the start but others (like me) report that it takes several thousand miles for their cars to "break in" and the mileage to go up. My last new car didn't really hit its stride until 10,000 miles.

    Thanks for the report; be curious to hear if your mpg improves over the next 10 tanks or so.

    Gauges are pretty accurate these days, but you may want to manually check a tank or two too.
  • urj2012urj2012 Member Posts: 2
    this tank of fuel we got 30.9 miles per gallon had 349.34 miles on trip and quarter tank fuel left, took 11.3 gallons to fuel up. driving was 50/50 city/highway. i drove it really easy and did not floor it much,,used cruise control a lot, maybe not a good idea in the city but im not worried about it, lol not to bad considering the highway epa is rated at 31 mpg. I will post again after the first oil change
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    edited July 2012
    I hope your first oil change isn't until 7,500 or 10,000 miles. Anything sooner is a waste of good oil. So please don't wait that long to report back on your mpg. :)

    When I lived in Boise the past decade, I used cruise in town a lot (my van will cruise at 35 mph). Otherwise I was always catching myself speeding without realizing it and cruise probably saved me from a ticket or two.
  • danangmedanangme Member Posts: 24
    I've been getting 30MPG with 80% highway driving and 28 with approx 50/50 driving.
    But I read that the trip odometer on CX-5
    is around 5% off, so instead of going by the ave mileage readout I did the math and while the readout said 29.5 the math said 27.5. I'll keep checking and using the same pump when I fill up.
  • danangmedanangme Member Posts: 24
    After a couple of fill ups the ave mileage indicator is consistently off by 2MPG.
    Last reading of 29.5MPG is really 27.5MPG when you do the math.
  • engineer16engineer16 Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2012
    My 2013 cx5 touring model with auto tran and 4700 miles has averaged 32.2 mpg on computer and 32.4 mpg by fillup method. This was about 70% highway and 30% city driving and trying hard to max mileage . I am delighted with this result.
  • glossgloss Member Posts: 150
    We've averaged 28.7mpg measured at the pump since we bought the car in March, with 58% city miles in the D.C. Metro area. On all-highway tanks we've measured as high as 35, 36mpg at the pump.
  • crystycrysty Member Posts: 3
    I have a Touring FWD and I constantly get 24 mpg combined. At least this is what the computer is showing. It is actually lower than rated . Even it might be off by 2mpg I'm still not very happy with my fuel economy.
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    "With the addition of 2,000 miles on its odometer this past month, our 2014 Mazda CX-5's lifetime average fuel economy has dipped from 24.4 to 22.1 mpg."

    2014 Mazda CX-5: Fuel Economy Update for April
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Up 2.4 mpg from April.

    2014 Long-Term Road Test
  • ottawacraigottawacraig Member Posts: 2
    I live in Ottawa, Canada. I have the 2013 topline Canadian CX5 - 2.0 liter engine with AWD.

    I took a road trip to Denver (Brighton, CO) and back this spring. On the segment from Des Moines to Brighton, I started with a completely full tank, having a total cargo weight of about 450 lbs, including occupants and luggage. Conditions were clear and dry and not particularly windy.

    At the start of the Des Moines segment I had just under 16000 km (10K miles) on the odometer.

    Started with a full tank and ran it to pretty much bone dry. For anyone that has driven I-80 through this part of the U.S., it is pretty much as flat and straight as you will find. I had noticed previously that pushing the vehicle north of 60 MPH has a dramatic affect on the MPG, so for this test I set the cruise at 60 MPH and left it there.


    Mileage: 735 km ==> 456.7 miles
    Tank refill: 13.2 gallons

    MPG: 34.5

    I was surprised, but pretty much exactly what the MPG claim of 35 MPG highway was.

  • ottawacraigottawacraig Member Posts: 2
    As a follow-up point, I should note that I was eager to see what the vehicle would do under absolutely ideal real world conditions - I do not know how it gets any better than what I described for maximizing fuel economy (crazy driving procedures aside). The reason I was curious is that I find that this vehicle is impacted dramatically with respect to fuel economy as you stray from ideal conditions. Because of the small engine, if you are an "enthusiastic" driver (historically that's me), you will demand performance levels that really bite into fuel economy. Even cruising steadily on the highway in Ontario, Canada at 120 kph (pretty common), you take a big hit in mpg.
  • goyoneuffgoyoneuff Member Posts: 7
    Thanks a lot for the good info.
    Have you done any more testing to know how much the actual impact is if you drive more "enthusiastically", say in the highway at 75 or 80 mph? Also, have you done any testing in city driving, both pampering the pedal and also aggressively?
    Cheers, :)
  • elbazelbaz Member Posts: 1
    I have the same experience as others, the better I behave the better my mileage. When I'm more aggressive with the gas petal my mileage drops down in the 24-25 MPG range. When I'm not in a hurry it's in the 29-31 MPG range. Unfortunately, I'm usually in a hurry so my average so far with 2,630 miles is 26.4 MPG

    Best regards,
  • goyoneuffgoyoneuff Member Posts: 7
    Yeah, I know and agree with you. Are your numbers highway miles or city driving?

    Since the calculations were done so meticulously and show the MPG at highway while being careful, I wanted to know how much the hit is for being above the 60mph range. For example, maybe 65mph is just 1MPG, but 75mph is 10MPG.

  • danangmedanangme Member Posts: 24
    On multiple 200 mile trips of 70% highway 30% city my 2013 AWD Touring I'm getting 28MPG.Now that's driving around 60-65 on state highways once I get on a Interstate driving 70-75MPH I'm looking at 26MPG.Still beats my 2.5 Hatch with more room and better ride
  • wade_kwade_k Member Posts: 1
    Only driven a few hundred miles in my 2014 AWD Touring, mix of city and highway, in relatively mild weather and averaging 22.5. That's what the meter said when I got the car from the dealer with a few hundred "test drive" miles on it. Not yet to 1,000 miles. Should I expect it to break in and get me better mileage, or is something wrong? I'm probably a little more aggressive than average accellerating since it's new, but not enough to factor in a ton.

    Love the car otherwise, but was definitely hoping to be in the 25-27 range with mixed city/highway driving.
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454

    A reporter is looking for shoppers who recently traded in a midsize sedan for an SUV because they think gas prices aren’t a big deal anymore or they were just blown away by the fuel-efficient crossover offerings now available. If you think you can help, please reach out to by no later than Wednesday, September 10, 2014.

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